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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

Preventing respawn.

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Hi. I'm making a coop mission for WGL. I don't usually put respawn into my missions, but this one could be a bit too hard, so I've given the option of 0,1,2 or 3 respawns by teammates reviving others.

I'm using doolittle's revive respawn script for this... but the thing is, once the respawn amount is reached, the player still respawns, they just don't get moved from the respawn marker to where they died. (revive script requires respawn set to marker)

Apparently there is no way to 'stop' respawning once it's in the description.ext, although feel free to contradict me.

The other idea I'm playing with is having the player go into Kegetys spectator script once they have used up their total amount of respawns... but I don't know how. Anyone know how to lock them into it without them actually being dead?

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If the player was killed and no respawns are available create a cameramode which will block user input...

no way to block respawns in a real sense, but you can create a camera at the battle scene and leave it there, or black the screen out.

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Right, or you can just create a controllable camera with a line or two of scripting, it's quite easy as it's implemented by BIS.

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The user can then press V and run around where he spawned...Hmm..

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I cannot get it to work satisfactorily. I don't want unlimited respawn, but I don't really want the players who are dead(out of respawns) to be stuck on some island. It was almost working then I found the AI were messing it up... I decided to give it up and just have no respawn and use kegetys spectator.

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i saw a mission once where it give you 3 lives only once you got killed 3 times it spawned u in a locked Truck on a remote island. (NO WAY OFF) game over ;)

its a loop script that count how many time u die.

This is just off the top of my head

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_man = _this select 0

_death = 3



?(Not(Alive _man)) : goto "count"

goto "start"


_death = _death - 1


?_death =< 0: goto "Transport"

goto "start"


_man moveincargo Truck1



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I have the script I'm using leaving people on an empty island once they've used all their respawns.... but I don't want them just sitting there twiddling their thumbs. I want them to at the least be able to use Kegetys spectator script.

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It is possible to put a computer on this empty island where the "dead" players can activate the camera.sqs script with the action menu.

In the mission I've seen it, the camera is limited to only lock on the east or west players still playing. Maybe you can use this way of activation with Kegetys spectator script instead to achieve what you want.

This mission also makes use of limited respawn, but the respawn limit counts for the whole east/west team not single players.

download the mission

(you have to play it with at least one more player or activated AI in your team to be able to see the camera script working after respawnlimit is reached, but I think you will just unpbo it smile_o.gif  )

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A good respawn to use is Doolittle's revive respawn. I think that you are able to change the number of times you can respawn just before you play the missions in the multiplayer screen.

All the instructions are in the readme.... i think.

If you have any queries just ask at the forum or email me at [email protected]

Revive Respawn: Download

Aook smile_o.gif

Edit: If the link doesn't work...drag the download link to the address bar of your browser. (Freewebs is crap..goddamnit  crazy_o.gif )

Ps: Sorry admins if this post seems to be popping up all over the place.....i answered 3 questions with it - all about respawning  tounge_o.gif

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A good think to do, aook, is to read the first post fully.

Quote[/b] ]I'm using doolittle's revive respawn script for this... but the thing is, once the respawn amount is reached, the player still respawns, they just don't get moved from the respawn marker to where they died. (revive script requires respawn set to marker)

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If I remember correctly, the BAS Tonal mission "Internal Conflict" has limited respawn. You respawn into an unused AI player, then when all AI players are dead on your side it goes to Kegety's spectator script.

I suggest unpbo'ing it and seeing what you can learn. smile_o.gif


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