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How about a forum night?

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I can make the sunday games but i am usually knee-deep in the editor and by the time i remember that it's forum game night it's too late. This sunday i will set my alarm to go off at the usual start time so i can get more trigger time with you guys.

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I hope I'll have more time on sunday too, I've got a shitload of work ATM and could only join for one game yesterday, unfortunately sad_o.gif

Sunday will be better I hope smile_o.gif

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CiA server is up with password...

Read the server rules

You will need all FDF releases:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

FDF Winter Maldevic

And a few of Kegetys addons..

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

Winter Nogojev 1.1

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

Password: ciafdf

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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hell, lots of players connected yesterday. I had a few sad accidents (bals shot me in the but, Alphabet naded my reproduction organs) but all in all I think we had our fun, even with buggy missions. So CIA, your service is still very much appreciated.

Oh and funny to hear TS yesterday. That was like after collapse of the tower of Babel.. lots of strange accents.! biggrin_o.gif

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... hi guyz, finally got an wireless. smile_o.gif !

but, is the 64kbps acceptable for you, ? rock.gif

If yes, i will join next game ... if not #%^&*

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but, is the 64kbps acceptable for you, ? rock.gif

Just try and join on wednesday. If it's not laggy for you, it won't be for us either. smile_o.gif

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Balschoiw is playing on 64kbps (ISDN), too - seems to be fine for him. Mission downloads will take you a while, tho.

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Problem with wireless as far as I'm aware is the latency, my wireless is pretty fast once it gets going but it can be erratic at times, can only imagine how that's work with online gaming smile_o.gif

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Well.. since OFP requires precise aiming I hope it works fine. Otherwise your ingame character will wake up with a bullet in his head after a lag. wink_o.gif

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... and what can i say?, nothing! sad_o.gif

maybe it`s bad ping cose it`s rainy here ... #$%^

or is it the price i pay for wireless (11 euro p/m = 64 kbps)

p.s. or cose i`m connected to AP with `80m of cable (ap is on my buildings roof)

P.p.S. ... ok, my first immpresion: after installing OpF again today, after more then a year an a half, it was good for me... witch i can `t say for the others smile_o.gif.

once i was an idiot (at the very begining), then i was shot by friendly fire for not folowing Balschoiws orders, and again i was an idiot responding to AI orders biggrin_o.gif, and not to forget those 5 key, 0 key for radio chat, witch i all so forgot.

i hope you will allow me to play next time tounge_o.gif with you, and i will try to get mic.

nice night, thx

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I would be very happy to have more OFP-sessions with you. First of all you made it possible that we continued with the mission. Secondly you couldnt hear what our strategies were because you didnt have Teamspeak. And thirdly OFP is a lot of luck. Bals was leader, he had no chance to see that sniper and consequently he was being shot, if I would have been on that location the sniper would have shot me!

Teamspeak is very very important (I think) you dont only hear Bals shouting "get back to the beach" but you can also participate in the discussion about what should be done, from which angle to attack and where to meet up. And you can shout "stop shooting, thats me you idiot". tounge_o.gif

On Sunday come back and I am sure you will have a lot more fun than you had yesterday. I was kind of concerned that after the 2 missions you would say "screw online gaming, I return to singleplayer".

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Sorry about yesterday, I don't know why but my internet provider goofed up again when I was playing, it did that same thing couple of weeks ago. If this will not be the last time it's getting really annoying. rock.gif

The cia night left a little short for me yesterday but it was quite fun anyway. Was the last mission good where I was in, did you finish it? I hope we could redo that one some time.

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Bals was unlucky and stepped on a sniper.. Hardrock, Radnik and me had the second camp cleared and then a tank plus infantry moved in too quickly. We should have just left.. but stupid we stayed and got knocked out.. But all in all it was a successful mission!

You got to do something about your connection. That must be damn anoying!

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Couldn't be there wednesday. It appears I went to a big party, but after PSV reached the semis of the CL I can't remember much of it anyway wink_o.gif. But after more than a week without a game my hands start to shake badly. It's killing me, why don't we play on fridaynights more often?

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CiA server is up with password...

Read the server rules

You will need all FDF releases:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

FDF Winter Maldevic

And a few of Kegetys addons..

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

Winter Nogojev 1.1

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

Password: ciafdf

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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I had a good time smile_o.gif Until next night smile_o.gif

Sorry everyone, but I lost the screenshot what I took at the glade sad_o.gif

I got a screenshot of the outro though, both Llauma and Hardrock on it. I will post it in the combat photography thread smile_o.gif

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Yes, was funny tonight.

Death came to town biggrin_o.gif


And someone desperately needed a bath:


Thx for the participation.

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Thanx for the games.. we did pretty good too bad we lost a few one on the hill.

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I would love to play, but can only make it on a Sunday as I am on EST (East coast USA).

I am a noob when it comes to online but have completed allthe OFP official campaigns and play ofp almost everyday!

If you could give me a couple of days notice with the addons needed so that I can dl them I will definetly play.

I have tried playing other online games ( mostly Americas Army) but they don't have the feel of Flashpoint and no game EVER has held my interest like Flashpoint has.

Multiplayer will be my next evolution in my enjoyment of Flashpoint.

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Llauma's post above notes all the required addons and where to get them. Don't forget to get teamspeak; even if you don't have a mic like me it's still very useful because the strategy conversations and some orders are brought out via TS.

About playing online, for starters just do what the leader says and never try going Rambo-style, you'll only screw up for the rest. If you manage to hold to that, everything will be fine and you'll figure out the way to play along the game.

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