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miles teg

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Nagmashot Looks's nice, hopefully he will get good textures. What about Nagmahon ? are u making one ?

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I need to get Diversant to set the board settings so that anyone can view any topic without registering. Otherwise few people will bother to look at our forum. The only restriction should be to register in ordre to post stuff.

I hate forums that require me to register and login just to look at forum topics cuz I always misplace passwords.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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On the URL link below is a new video I made last night of our new Hezbollah infantry units.  I tried to make it creepy and atmospheric to give a sense that these guys are bad-ass mofos who will give you a run for your money in one of the IDF missions included in Addon Pack #3.

Tired of plinking Egyptian conscripts?  Try your skills against Hezbollah.

Download Hezbollah Video HERE!



Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Two new pics of our Egyptian Osa fast attack craft. They feature:

1. Rotating radar

2. Working SS-N-2 Styx anti-ship missiles

3. Two working 30mm auto-cannon turrets



Also we have an IAF video showcasing our Israeli aircraft (and showing some of the Egyptian aircraft as well).

The video can be found here:

Israeli Airforce Demo movie-Click Here to Download!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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wow, we will have first in the world combat used ship-to-ship missile and The Boat wow_o.gif

as seen in the video, i'm guesing that you used FK's CH-53 pack and OPGWC S-125 rockets with radar, am I right?

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Actually no, we used Capt. Adammo and Scorpio's old CH-53 and modified it. I'm not sure what the S-125 is, but we did use alot of the OPGWC stuff such as for map objects, radars, and parts of the SA-2 missile and launcher. Most of it has been heavily modified (to fit Egyptian specs) and made to be fully functional. If I remember correctly there were some scripts in OPGWC to make the SAM systems realistic so that when the radar was destroyed, the SA-2's didn't fire. But I don't think they were working in-game. Now they function in a realistic manner so that if your Wild Weasel planes take out the radar, the SA-2's don't fire. We also gave the SA-2's a very large proximity FX so that even near misses will cause it to explode and do dammage to your aircraft. Also Calm Terror in addition to those mods, made it so the missiles no longer turned at right angles or flew in circles. Now they fly in a realistic manner and also have big smoke trails that look very cool.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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whoops, i meant S-75 missiles smile_o.gif (nato codename SA-2)

camo schemes

P.S. S-75,125,200 missiles looks almost the same to me...

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  (Gedis @ Jan. 03 2007,23:20) said:
P.S. S-75,125,200 missiles looks almost the same to me...

These are totally different systems! It's like if you would say that Mercedes C, Porshe 911 and Bentley looks almost the same smile_o.gif. Sure, they drive, they have 4 wheels but they surely look totally different smile_o.gif

Take a look

S-75 Dvina/Volkhov (SA-2 NATO)


S-125 Neva/Pechora (SA-3 NATO)


S-200 Angara/Vega (SA-5 NATO)


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They all look like big nasty missiles to me. smile_o.gif

At any rate, the only big SAMs we have right now are the SA-2 and SA-6. We then just have the SA-7's and Stingers on the Egyptian side with the Israelis using the HAWK missiles and Stingers. AA guns for Egyptians include the ZSU-23-2, ZSU-23-4, ZSU-57, and that other one that I forget the designation for....ZPU? its that quad 14 mm AA gun system... at any rate...all are nasty. But the Israeli's Machbet and Hovet versions of the Vulcan AA system are even nastier. The HAWK is also very accurate unless its PIP-3 radar systems are knocked out. Sorry no Patriot missile batteries yet. Maybe later on if we get some good models for them we'll add those.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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If I remember correctly, those old Syrian units were missing textures on their boots and were overall very low quality (although about average during that period of OFP 3rd party addon standards). I suppose they're fine as a stop-gap until our new Syrian addons are made. But yeah it is funny going to that old site....definitely a blast from the past. Vipersheart and NoOne were the makers of most of those old LoBo addons. Vipersheart was the father of the LoBo mod and is still active in the Star Wars Galaxy at Wars mod. He was one of the first to make a totally new addon in OFP (the FAMAS rifle) and overall a great pioneer for the OFP community. I'm not sure if NoOne is still around. If he is, it would be cool if he could rejoin LoBo again.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yeah, I believe you need those old IDF weapon packs that you can download on that same website where the Syrians are. The missing weapons are likely the reason for the bug.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Well got me here another question

diggen the long lost bro past

i unpacked the nomans israeli soldiers addon which contained a single pbo that i placed in my main addon directory

nothing happend what why and how do i kick their butt into action

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I have no idea about that. You might check the West/men directory in your editor menu to see if you see them listed there. Also check under Resistance. Aside from that, the only other thing I can think of is that perhaps they were made for OFP ver 1.45 (pre-Resistance) and are not compatible for some reason. But other then that I have no idea.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hey people a question about the SAM systems. Are you going to have some script, that will make the SAM site shot down once the main radar has been destroyed?

I mean that in real life you only need to launch a HARM missile against the radar station, NOT to deal with every launcher individually.

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