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sputnik monroe

The sputnik challenge

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I was going to post the following image I made in the Combat photography thread, but then I got an idea. Instead I'll post it in this thread with a challenge. All you need to do is identify the circled "objects" in the satellite photo.

   Think of it as being a Intelligence analyst. Preferably you should post the reply with an edited copy of the picture with your writing and arrows on the pic pointing out the objects as you IDed them. You don't have to though, if your 56k or don't have a good image editing program simply describe the circled objects as best you can.



Example Reply with analysis:


    Give all details on the objects as you want. The more the better. For example if you id a circled object as a RHS T62 Naval version no skirts and are correct then thats extra credit. The first person to post the correct analysyst (no misidentifications or errors) wins... Absolutely nothing! Thats right its all for fun no prizes no frills.

So  with out any further ado the Challenge picture


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Sputnik? Surely you meant Kosmos. rock.gif

Nice idea but it seems too simple so far. We need pics from camoflaged objectives to make this a bit more competitive.

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What avon lady said.

Also, try using addons to mix things up. I'm sure that anyone can indentify BIS units right away.

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Galbaldy close but not %100. The T55 and Hind are wrong they are different actually.

I figure this one is probably a little easy, but a good one for starting out. I'll make them more difficult with with each passing one.

Also all the units in this satellite image are addons (except for most of the cars on the street but they don't count heh heh).

Any how I gotta hit the hay is 4am here right now. I'll make another one (or two) tommorow since it looks like you'll all have this one solved by the time I wake up.

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Good ideas, but some suggestions.

Don't mark the interresting areas. If at all, just tell the number of relevant objects.

Use a overlay grid to identify regions - I don't like the idea to load the same pick dozens of times for every try someone makes. Alternatively, we could use prominent map objects, e.g. 3 trucks, 1 UAZ and prob. 1 BRDM at the NW corner of buiding B.

Prob. add a bonus point for someone that is able to identify the map and region were the scene is set. wink_o.gif

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Galbaldy close but not %100. The T55 and Hind are wrong they are different actually.

Helo is an MI17, correct?

As for the tank, I can't match it from the photo. It's small but the turret seems too round for a Shilka and too big for a T80. My guess is a T72. rock.gif

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i guess its a ZSU 23, no T72, cuz of the missing 125mm cannon  crazy_o.gif

I seem to see a cannon barrel but it's tilted to the right and not centered.

I don't see the Shilka's radar disk behind the turret hatches.

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Here is the solution picture. Its kind of bad quality, how big can images be?


I'll give credit for the Helo to Avon. Technically it's supposed to be a Mi 8, though the model is just the BIS Mi17 without wings or armament. Besides the Mi8 and Mi17 in real life are just variants of one another right?Credit for the Shilka goes to King Homer. I will give 1,000 bonus points to any one who can give the gird co ordinates of the map location.

Mr. Who Cares, good suggestion on the Grid overlay. I'm going to get working on a new satellite image I'll try to implement the overlay. I can't guarantee it though I'm sort of an amateur at this.

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Here is the new challenge pick. The next one will be a different island and circumstances.


     The challenge this time is a little different.

1. What appears to be happening different since the satellite's last pass?

2. What are the where abouts of the Mi 8, UAZ, BRDM, Shilka, and BMP?

3. What is the cause of each plume of smoke?

4. Are there any new objects of interest on the scene? If so What are they and where?

    Some submited answers to this puzzle may bring up further questions to be answered. Think of it like a crime scene mystery.

     Here is a link to a 500k version with more detail (meaning you can zoom in and see better)


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the smoke is masking 3 trucks at D6

they've set up barricades of tipped over trucks at E8

tho the tanks at the top left could've blown em up


On closer inspection looks like guys are running towards the bottom of the screen from the big building (hangar) in the middle

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Raptorace you are correct about the Tipped over trucks at E8 they are infact barricades.

Just a little more information, The Two big buildings are supposed to represent the parliment buildings of the Tonalese government. For more information on what each building is read the notes on the first challenge pick. They are Ministry of Defense, government assembly building, archives, servants quarters, and Security barracks. Just thought that might help a little on figuring out some of whats going on.

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1. It looks like the Government attacked some rebels

2. Mi-8: no idea, maybe it flew away?

UAZ: on the right line in I6

BRDM: Blown up at K1/L1

Shilka and BMP I'm not too sure about, maybe the shilka is blown up at K1 and the BMP is upside down at O9

3. K1: Blown up vehicle

D3/D6: blown up buildings

E8/D9: truck barricade

J8: burning tires

4. Government T-55 at B0, C1, D1, and E1, there are six Trabants, one at N3, O5, D9, E9, D7, and I8. And there are a lot, and I mean a lot of dead people all over the streets

EDIT: the three urals seem ok though tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]1. It looks like the Government attacked some rebels

Close, very close. Try rearanging the words in your sentence.

Quote[/b] ]2. Mi-8: no idea, maybe it flew away?

Yup, simple enough. Though you get extra credit if you can say why and what for.

Quote[/b] ]UAZ: on the right line in I6


Quote[/b] ]BRDM: Blown up at K1/L1

Nope, keep looking

Quote[/b] ]Shilka and BMP I'm not too sure about, maybe the shilka is blown up at K1 and the BMP is upside down at O9

Yes that is indeed the charred upside down BMP at O9. As for the Shilka, keep looking.

Quote[/b] ]3. K1: Blown up vehicle

Fair enough, but where did the vehicle end up? I'll forgive every one if they can't find it heh heh.

Quote[/b] ]

D3/D6: blown up buildings

Close enough. They are just burning.

Quote[/b] ]E8/D9: truck barricade


Quote[/b] ]J8: burning tires

Yup it's tires, amongst other things.

Quote[/b] ]4. Government T-55 at B0, C1, D1, and E1,

Absolutely. you listed the correct side also good job. I figured the one in the smoke might be hard to spot.

Quote[/b] ]there are six Trabants, one at N3, O5, D9, E9, D7, and I8. And there are a lot, and I mean a lot of dead people all over the streets

Heh heh your way more perceptive than I was prepared for. I'm not sure what all the cars are with out opening up the editor. Some of them are trabants but not all of em. As for the bodies all over the street, very perceptive indeed (you must of looked at the high resolution pic) though not all of them may be dead.

Quote[/b] ]EDIT: the three urals seem ok though

Yeah they are ok. I wont even have you give the grid co-ordinates since they are the only 3 objects not to move at all.

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Yes and Yes. Good job Homer.

Since this one looks pretty much solved I guess I should stark work on making the next one.

If any one else wants to post some of these sat pic where's waldos feel free to post on in this thread. I'd loveto try some sleuthing also. The only thing I ask is lets try to have only one pic going at a time until its completely solved.

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Spot the fuel trucks and two AFVs. blues.gif

Yes, this is from an actual mission made by me. tounge_o.gif

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