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Silent N Deadly

Net send

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How is it possible to send a message using Net send to a ip out of Lan? Send to Ip of another conection? I tried multiple methods but it won't work. Any tips?

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net send "ip adress/computername" "message"

Thought you have to have Net installed ,mostly only included with WinNT i think.

if you want usage of informatio about dos commands and theyr parameters ,use the /? parameter ,like net /? and net send "/?" will explain what you can do with it.

If you want to know the ip adress of an other computer on youre lan withought sitting on that computer then you can se the ping command to retrieve the ip adress. (you can use Host names/DNS names with ping)

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One of the first things i disable on xp....

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Quote[/b] ]Thought you have to have Net installed ,mostly only included with WinNT i think.

"net send" works with Winnt, Win2k, and Winxp, and even Windows server 2003. It's the source of those pop-up spam messages like this:


Most people nowadays turn off their messenger service which is required to receive messages using the net command.

The syntax is jsut as apollo described it...<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">net send "Hello"...where "" would be the ip address of the machine your sending the message too.

Both the sending and reciveing machines must have the messegner services enabled for the message to be transmitted/received, and the receiving machine needs to have the proper port open (or not have a firewall), which I think is either 135, or 137.

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Use this all th time on my local network. It's great fun announcing a server shutdown in 10 minutes, and then doing it in 8! smile_o.gif

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It's pretty dumb settle for just turning off the messenger service since netbios is still open and its a big gaping security hole. Using a proper firewall is much more safer.

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I am not sure if this is directed in my direction, but if it is be assured that i do have i firewall too tounge_o.gif

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I am not sure if this is directed in my direction, but if it is be assured that i do have i firewall too tounge_o.gif

Nah, not aimed at anyone. Just reminding lazy people around the world. wink_o.gif

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You can use an Ip adress for net send but you can also use a hostname (computername) or DNS name (url) .

you can use for ex.

-net send "..."

-net send server "..."

-net send server.domain.com "..."

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Thank god my computers are behind a router, so they all won't be stalked with those fancy "messages" from the internet. crazy_o.gif

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If you start turning off services, it saves tons of ram for OFP too. I ran XP down to 81mb two days ago, and I think I could have tweaked it down to 75mb if I tried.

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Another easily method to foil hacks is to disable "CLient For Microsoft Networks" and "file and printer sharing" in your internet connection properties. Despite how Microsoft would like it to be, the internet should NOT be a Microsoft Network. crazy_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Today I checked several dll's in my system32 folder and many of them were actually related to worms or adware, my full Norton version didnt detect anything. And often Norton cant delete them because you cannot delete a file connected with a running programm (I usually rename their extension instead and after restart I can delete them without having to find screen through the entire "process running" list). CWshredder can wipe the internet exploerer but cant clean the system. I bet our computers are already so full of them. One or the other security gap doesnt change anything anymore.

My best trick is to simply delete all internet files at the end of the day (cookies, temp, prefetch)and check all remaining installed files of that day. Usually I find about 6 or 7 that have no good purpose!

You would be surprised how fast your HD capacity goes down even though you didnt install anything!

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Yes that's the right syntax but for some reason it gives me errors when sending it through the internet like directly to another IP, and not on my own network. (Alias not found or such) Any reason for that?

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Hey Toadlife,

In respone to your file sharing and printer post, and the want to be as secure as possible, is their an alternative to using windows for such options? i.e. the connections advanced- file/printer share?

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Quote[/b] ]In respone to your file sharing and printer post, and the want to be as secure as possible, is their an alternative to using windows for such options? i.e. the connections advanced- file/printer share?

Pull out youre connection tounge_o.gif ,best security ever!

Though i didn't get youre question directly , iguess you use an other platform than windows?

Thing's like File sharing for windows etc are called services ,usually they are only installed on youre own incentive or in windows when you configurate youre windows.If youre using Linux ,then you shouldn't worry much about this stuff because Linux protection is that much better and such service's are usually only installed when having multiple platform's in a network.

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