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Crazy men throughout our history

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Q:I have to ask...why did stalin kill so many people?

A:My answer. Part of it was rational, and part of it was wild paranoia. When he saw a threat, he dealt with it decisively. But he tended to see threats that weren't there or weren't serious enough to merit deadly force. Stalin lived on the borderline between madness and normality, and he crossed back and forth like a guy on a bridge who couldn't make up his mind about where he lived. In international affairs, he supposed to be just as rational as everybody else, but he had a ruthless streak and nobody ever said 'no' to him.

Some may see this as chemical imbalances in the brain that cause mental illness, not whether your dad slapped you around too much or you saw your mom in bed with a goat.

What do you think? About stalin and in general mad men around the world. Take Adolf Hitler for example...Stalin's crazy twin brother biggrin_o.gif


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Not everything is related to a chemical imbalance.

He was just ruthless and unforgiving.

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I agree with IceFire. I think Stalin was probably just a ruthless killer. He took the expression "my way or the highway" and changed it to "my way or the cemetry." IUf they even had cemetries in the USSR back then wink_o.gif

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There have been many crazy men in history and there are many today but only a few of them gets the power. Without all the people allowing them to do what they want they wouldn't had accomplished much.

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Take Saddam Hussien for example. America thought he was a great way to get rid of Iran. We knew he was crazy. Sadly he trusted us enough and he went to power, ruthless little bastard he became, and now look. We betray and throw him out of power, all of course in righteous doing ;) ( also I am a US Citizen fools )

The leader of North Vietnam during the war with South Vietnam. He was a little out of his mind.

Leader of north Korea was and still is out of his mind.

Leader of South Korea during the Korean war was a little out of his mind...jesus I mean seriously, in the past 100 years, how many have really made it to power, been ruthless bastards and done all that shit??

I have another....Brehznev


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Also take Bush for example.

He values economical affairs way higher than international safety, and think alot more on his own personell position than on thousands of people.

A killer in a pink rabbit suit...

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Quote[/b] ]The leader of North Vietnam during the war with South Vietnam.  He was a little out of his mind.

You mean Ho che ming or his succesor? Definatly Ho che Ming (sp?) was a very respected (and intelligent) leader.

There were crazier leaders in that region that time ,take Pol Pot leader of the red Khmer.

It's a shame for my country but i gonna mention him anyway: King Leopold II was responsible for the death of million's of Congoloze by forced labour and pillaging of tribal towns and agricultural lands. (starvation) This all promoted by a set policy comming directly from the desk of Leopold  II as Congo was his personal possesion.Statistics of the Belgium institute for Statistic's show that before the reign of Leopold II there were aproximatly 25.000.000 Congoleze ,after Leopold II that number was thrown back to 10.000.000 ,a decrease of 15.000.000 ,even Hitler didn't exterminate that many jews ,While Stalin was responsible AFAIK for the deportation and death of 17.000.000 people of various ethnicity's.

The reason why so many died due to Leopold II was because he wanted to get as much profit and wealth as possible from that colony to be able to hold lavish party's and initiate "monumental" construction so to increase the prestige of Belgium and it's King.

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Crazy men in history? One name: Hitler. crazy_o.gif

You cannot beat this... sad_o.gif

Insane austrian leading Germany in a war with overall 60 million dead. 1945 Germany looked like this:


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Der Bastler ,while i obviously agree that Hitler was a madman because of the Holocoast ,i wouldn't put the sole responsibilety of WW2 on Hitler.WW2 was a product of way more factor's ,the ramification's of the treaty of versaille for ex. wich tottaly devestated Germany's economy due to war reperations ,made them loose important traditionally German hartlands to other country's. (Danzig for ex ,or the occupied rhineland wich was economicly so important) ,...

I would say that if Germany hadn't been made that unstable after WWI Hitler wouldn't have got to power that easily in the first place.

And know that when Hitler declared war ,he was by far not the only German that wanted war ,probably the majority of German's wanted revenge for the bitter peace at Versaille.No wonder that the German's symbolicly let the French sign their surrender in 1940 in the same train at Versaille where the German's signed their surrender in 1918.

Hitler fought WWI at one of the most active parts of the front (Passendaele) ,saw many of his good friends die and rot on the front before his eyes.In many way's much of his insanity was a product of that greusome war.

Im not saying in any way that what he did was justified ,but when it came to war most Germans wanted revenge for 1918.

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Stalin was definatley a ruthless and unforgiving person. And as you said he does come off as being a tad bit paranoid, my fathers uncle who was a Russian Ingrian has told me many times about the horrible things Stalin commanded, and his brother (my fathers second uncle) was also sent to a gulag where he later died. But one of them managed to escape the clutches of the Soviet union and flee to Finland.

And alot of crazy people have ruled over the years. The most amazing thing is how these people could stay in power and supress entire nations with their insane actions and beleifs.

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Stalin was a far nastier piece of work than Hitler in my opinion. More to do with the amount of people who died at his hands, and the fact he managed to stay in power so long.

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I just incidentally finished reading up a book on Stalin its about some of his stolen diaries , the book is written by a BBC former Journalist Robert Harris called Archangel. Its fiction though some of it but it does gives an insight on Stalins outlook. He was a freak-a-do or something i think , and was somewhat a racist too , according to him people from North from whereever he was were suppose to be much better compared to other russians crazy_o.gif , theres even a incident narrated about how he used to make his ministers dance just to check how long they could


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theres even a incident narrated about how he used to make his ministers dance just to check how long they could


So, Stalin invented spin doctors? That's pretty sane! biggrin_o.gif

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LoL if i were a minsiter i'd be dead by now i cant dance to save my life tounge_o.gif

Anyway the book was about his heir some kid he had with a so called pure blood woman since all his other kids were either drug addicts and other stuff not suited for a great leader like him so he sends his wife (or probably not as he didnt marry) and tells her to go with his child north where the child is kept by his loyals alive till present hes every bit like him and even has learned by heart his fathers famous quotes and speeches usually the ones we see in OFPs menu too ghostface.gif , anyhow when the present Russian govt learns of this the MVD sends in Spetznatz to kill him as thy dont want another maniac re kindling some sort of facist campaign.

Scary stuff i mean if he left someone like that in real life russia with nukes and fanatic in power .... ::shudders::

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Balchoiw. Who are they rock.gif and why do they have a AR-10. Lucky basterds.

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really. I thought he had a Afro  rock.gif


See the even have a Evil name. The Spanel Boys. Jezz there making OFP2 just to brainwash us to buy OFP 3 tounge_o.gif

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Still...it would be great if the world was led by the Spanel brothers. tounge_o.gif

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Still...it would be great if the world was led by the Spanel brothers. tounge_o.gif

Yes. I'd like a 3rd person view option. biggrin_o.gif

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Ok, here's my 2 worst:

FDR and Woodrow Wilson.

wow_o.gif Suprised? wow_o.gif

Think about it. Who sat on his rear insisting that the Europeons were welcome to slaughter each other all they wanted, just as long as America got to turn a blind eye to the atrocities of war, and make a buck selling arms? And oh my, the outrage when the Kaiser called him on the carpet for his war-marketing via the Lusitania.

Then the farce of Versailles and the League, which were the idealogocal grandfathers to the UN Oil-for-Food kickback and retirement program. Germany was under all sorts of economic pressure, and Hitler took that disgruntlement, ran with it, and made an abominable havoc unleashing all hell across europe with the intial blessing of Iron Iosef.

And what did FDR do to the imminent concern of Britain's collapse, the rumors of atrocities, and all the other nonsense? Played the fiddle and hung out with Comrade Iosef. Not until *horrors* american blood filled Pearl was it more than just another economic market to bail out the economy via selling that generation's versions of WMDs.

And as long as Iosef kept things under thumb in the east, who cared? Besides, we should feel bad and give them what ever they wanted because of Volgograd, right? And the whole non-participation in unifiying partitioned Germany was a total surprise too.

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