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Effect pack v0.81 realeased

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@Mr Burns

Yes you are right, this "&quote;" doesn't belong there.

Just delete those parts.

my Fault

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Could you give us an example of where in the config you would change to make this the default effect?

I don't expect you to list out for all vehicles. Perhaps you could show us one though and we could go from there.

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Pretty Simple  smile_o.gif

For every vehicleclass there is an init.sqs in a seperate folder

like for tanks its in the directory tankeffects under the effectpacktree  itself

to make it the default effect just add an eventhandler to Class tanks

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers


init = "_this exec {\effectpack\tankeffect\init.sqs}";


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Just to clarify, your saying, add your code above to the part where it defines the tanks within the config?

Cool, I was trying variations of this but I did not do it with the "class event handlers"

I'll try when I get back from vacation.

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the links still broken ore do not exist.. someone have a alternative link to download the efectpack?

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This isn't the original version of this pack, it adds the effects to a config.cpp...

Effect pack 1.05mb

If you run this like ECP or any other mod, you DON'T need to write stuff in the init of every unit as you did in the original. Add a trigger that covers the whole map activation set to anybody/present, Condition=true and in the On activation field write "[] exec "\EffectPack\init.sqs" " (without quotes) then the proper effects are applied to all units.


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Do you plan to make destroyed pieces of helicopter (separate body and rotor model for example) like planes already have?

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Can anyone give me a working download link of this one? All the links in this thread are down.

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the edge files at @war didn't work, but fileplanet did, biggrin_o.gif

Well, didn't work yesterday smile_o.gif

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anyways how do i make it run like ecp?

so i don't need to put init commands in every unit tounge_o.gif

great mod btw,

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You should be able to find it on that page

Scroll down under the screenshot

Click on the word located under the icon that is looking like a floppy disk, and it will download.

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This looks sweet! Doesnt seem that hard to add these effects to your own config rock.gif

I think I recall a massive debate being had about whether or not a tanks turrent would actually fly off or not, when this was released (in antoher forum/thread perhaps). Who cares, it looks cool!

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all links for this addon are down sad_o.gif

EDIT: oops, I had it on my harddisk smile_o.gif

fixed version of addon

corrects the missing " glitch

Seems that link you kindly dug up for us Sanctuary is for the original, slightly faulty version...

Anyway to get the "fixed" version shown above?

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I tryed to do what C4P741N said, but didnt work sad_o.gif

is it due to the older version?

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