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Need a bit of help, staging a coup...

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Maybe when Jackal has taken over Cuba he'll bring his newly gain expierence your way. Then while his back is turned for that split second, I'll overthrow him and Cuba will be mine!

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Ahh yes, the deadly jungles of Southern Belgium tounge_o.gif .

Quote[/b] ]Damn... i love my signature

Me too. wink_o.gif

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Dutroux, take 5, action !

They found a razorblade in his prison transport today.

This is getting incredible.

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Quote[/b] ]Dutroux, take 5, action !

They found a razorblade in his prison transport today.

This is getting incredible.

I just saw a documentary yesterday of the CCC ,a communist revolutionary group that did a series of bomb attacks on govermental building's in the 80's to destabilize goverment and antagonize NATO.They never intended to kill people ,the bombed over 23 places withough a single kill but on 1 unfortunate target 2 firemen got killed by accident.i'm not a communist and i do not nessecarily agree to their actions ,however:

The members of this relative soft revolutionary group got each lifelong in prison in total sollitude!  wow_o.gif

Marc dutroux however is allowed to get food from visitor's ,he has his own kitchen in his cel ,his own tv ,.... (i mean what's next ,give him a computer with internet acces  rock.gif )

Why does a killer of innocent girls get so many privilige's ,yet members of a revolutionary group get life in total sollitude?

This country is fucked up.

Bet's are open for the Question: "When will Marc dutroux escape?" Before the end of trial ,after? Secondary bet: How much Belgian ministers will be forced to resign after that?

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So how exactly are you going to conduct this revolution? Surely a democratic or peaceful revolution would be best huh? All ive seen is talk of Armed action....and you expect to occupy the morale highground without even TRYING to overthrow a government peacefully. If Belgium is really as corrupt as you say, then the general populice have a reason to overthrow your government, and this can be done by strikes and protests that force ministers to resign, more easily than trying to rise to power through use of force.

It also legitimises a government if it came about through the will of the people, rather than an armed minority.

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Quote[/b] ]So how exactly are you going to conduct this revolution? Surely a democratic or peaceful revolution would be best huh? All ive seen is talk of Armed action....and you expect to occupy the morale  highground without even TRYING to overthrow a government peacefully. If Belgium is really as corrupt as you say, then the general populice have a reason to overthrow your government, and this can be done by strikes and protests that force ministers to resign, more easily than trying to rise to power through use of force.

I always promoted a "BLOODLESS" revolution ,and i voiced my concerns to keep democracy and it's system's intact.

In fact ,the best way actually to preppare a coup is by destabilizing the country ,a number of propaganda means can help this.Posters flyers actions protest and afcourse vandalization of enemy property by spraying it with slogan's. ;) This directed to the current goverment and a number of it's members.And yes popular support is really nessecary to make it succesfull.And if the King would recognize the couped goverment then it could get internionally legitimized.

I'm no murderer or villian or anything.The reason i would like this revolution is because our goverment is corrupt and genneraly hated ,this implies that i would have to be better than them to be morraly justified to topple them.Integrity is important for such a goal ,and killing doesn't add to that.

Violent mean's in revolutionary movements are usually only used when the goverment is supported (or controlled) by a abla millitary chasing down the rebels.

See this thread more as a protest of what's going on in Belgium ,because the stuff is so rediculous one has to be able to have a luagh with it.That other member's on this forum offer their service's to me is because they as eager mercenaries wan't to earn something after their hours.But that doesn't mean i'm hiring them yet ,although some of the prices are inviting.

The more i throw sand in the eyes of Belgian's and push them on the fact's of our corrupt goverment the more theyll feel inclined to support a peacefull and bloodless coup.

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So how exactly are you going to conduct this revolution? Surely a democratic or peaceful revolution would be best huh? All ive seen is talk of Armed action....and you expect to occupy the morale highground without even TRYING to overthrow a government peacefully. If Belgium is really as corrupt as you say, then the general populice have a reason to overthrow your government, and this can be done by strikes and protests that force ministers to resign, more easily than trying to rise to power through use of force.

It also legitimises a government if it came about through the will of the people, rather than an armed minority.

i can break necks, ain't that bloodless enough ? smile_o.gif j/k

well, I'm french, so this speaks for myself when it comes to armed revolutions smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]well, I'm french, so this speaks for myself when it comes to armed revolutions

If the king doesn't go along with our plan then ill give you a phonecall. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]well, I'm french, so this speaks for myself when it comes to armed revolutions

If the king doesn't go along with our plan then ill give you a phonecall. tounge_o.gif

good, i'm waiting for your call while sharpening the guillotine

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Quote[/b] ]well, I'm french, so this speaks for myself when it comes to armed revolutions

If the king doesn't go along with our plan then ill give you a phonecall.  tounge_o.gif

good, i'm waiting for your call while sharpening the guillotine

Aaaah i love the old fashioned waaay!

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Vive la revolution! (sorry my french is crap)

Although youve had a number of "offers" i dont think anyone here would risk themselves for a cause that isnt thiers and for someone theyve never met. Most of the offers are just jokes.

You would therefore, be advised to start from within. Suggest you study other peaceful revolutions in detail as well wink_o.gif what makes them work, what doesnt? What makes a revolution peaceful?

Hmm youve got a message, youve got an excellent medium in the internet....

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Quote[/b] ]You would therefore, be advised to start from within. Suggest you study other peaceful revolutions in detail as well    what makes them work, what doesnt? What makes a revolution peaceful?

ex.: of peacefull revolution: the toppling of Slobodan millisovich by pressure of the Serbian people.

what makes it work? Serbs are mad on Milosovich because he fucked up fair and square ,with other words poppulation discontent.This makes a revolution "peacefull" ,when it's innitiated by the anger of most of the population rather than by an revolutionary group with own interrests.

Simply said ,my goal should be to get the people so mad that they actually take action to topple the goverment.Does the fundamental base for that discontent exist in Belgium? YES ,less than 20% of the whole population has still confidence in the political and justice system.Number of voters are high because Belgians are legally forced to vote.If more than 50% of the total population wants a goverment gone than i see that as a justified cause in a democracy ,that number could exist or could be reached.

Just after Dutroux was captured Belgium had the "white march" ,it was a protest on the way the goverment fucked up ,with that case and multiple other cases. 300.000 people participated ,3% of the whole population.Most people feel that nothing has chanced since then ,so about the same amount of people could be mobilized for the cause given there is enough incentive and organization to it.

A agressive publicity campaign is in order ,with simple slogans that constantly bring up the issue to the attention ,to heat up the anti goverment sentiment in the comman Belgian.This carefully constructed to a climax may give the desired result.Timing can help ,we are in the middle of the Dutroux trial and it doesn't look like the truth will be told ,and that will be a hughe dissapointment for the coman Belgian.Funds for publicity are simply not at hand ,however spreading cntroversy can bring the media's attention to you.A flood of actions on a carefully chosen moment may rock the country ,given the end of the Dutroux trial relativly not that far ,maybe a good time to start planning?

But i'm not a political experienced person ,counldn't do this stuff on my own.That said ,their is few risk with participating in a peacefull revolutionay group that only uses publicity to reach their goal ,and depend on the people to make the ultimate decission.

I don't want to rule this country ,i'm not power mad.Ive always been a man of compromises that carries the freedom of democracy deep in his heart.But i'm sick of our ruling establishment ,it's largly corrupt and very elite'ist.i don't have to be the hereo of the revolution ,i don't even have to be part of it ,all i want is that it happens so that finnaly JUSTICE can come to this country.

But what happens with the Vacuum that revolution create's? Thats my real problem ,i want the corrupt goverment out ,but i don't want smething worse or as bad in instead.

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So how is it going with your revolution? Have the dreaded government death squads gotten to you yet? :P

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