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I think the save option should just reflect the length of the mission .

Like now we have 1 save which by me is fine since there are

" updating retry position " added in many as well .

However in OPF2 I hope there will be some longer missions like 2 hour span or something with 3-4 save options .

That would be possible since it is stated that the maps will be bigger in OPF2 then in OPF .

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Just the retry positions are fine too. Most of the time, I keep the savegame so long because I don't want to spoil it at the beginning, that it's still there after completing the mission smile_o.gif Anyway, a few retry position, each after completing important parts of the mission just as they came with ofp1 are fine, from my part one extra savegame will be more than enough.

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OK, that's democracy! Different people have different opinions.

I also don't want unlimited savegames. That's crap - this way a gameplay gets damaged, this is clear.

But, as I already mentioned, dividing long missions into chapters and then giving several save possibilities, but only the last keeping valid, would make sense to me.

Sure you cannot divide "After Montignac" in chapters, because you could go in 1000 different ways to the "landing zone".

So I think (for Montignac-Mission), number auf saves for

Psycho: 0




Mama's Boy:5

OK, let's see, what system the developers will implement...


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What about just having 2 saves but you can save again overwriting the first save (mama's boy setting). This means if the mission is way longer than anticipated you don't cringe at the fact you wasted it early on, nor do you save too rampantly.

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Stick to 2 savegames, and NO multiplayer save (Like that will


End of discussion smile_o.gif

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What about just having 2 saves but you can save again overwriting the first save (mama's boy setting). This means if the mission is way longer than anticipated you don't cringe at the fact you wasted it early on, nor do you save too rampantly.

Being able to overwrite a save is exactly the same as unlimited saves.

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Becouse it's silly and it's no possible since MP is live.

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Becouse it's lame and it's no possible since MP is live.

Wow.... That was a quick reply biggrin_o.gif

Its possible to save mp situation in some games (for example age of empires) so I can't understand why not in ofp2.

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Hey dudes!

You seem to misunderstand something - do you know Vietcong? No? OK - I declare.

In VC you have large mission splitted in Chapters.

In Each Chapter you have 5 save possibilities - but only the last can be loaded.

OK, I think, 5 is a little bit too much. 2 or 3 would also do so.

But if you waste these 2 possibilities too early, it can happen, that you have to restart the whole chapter.

Splitting in chapters could be like a radio message saves. In "After Mont" these radio messages exist - approx. every 15 Minutes. Why not implement it that way?

As I already said - let's see, what the developers do - I hope, they also watched this thread, so this discussion has made sense until now. And further...  wink_o.gif

To MP games: What sense would a savegame in MP make? The list of players and everything around is changing all the time - and in a MP game you cannot turn back the time. Never seen such a possibility in a MP game (if seen BF1942, VC, Counterstrike...)

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Dividing in chapters and adding the number of savegames just lowers the gameplay fun. I didn't like it in VC and sure don't want to see too much of it in OFP2. After montignac might be frustrating as some moments, but after completion I see it as the best mission of the entire campaign. The value you learn to hold to your life in the game is the best part of it, and multiple savegames would mean a sure deprivement of that.

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To MP games: What sense would a savegame in MP make? The list of players and everything around is changing all the time - and in a MP game you cannot turn back the time. Never seen such a possibility in a MP game (if seen BF1942, VC, Counterstrike...)

Thats what I mean, YOU CAN'T TURN TIME BACK!

Get over it, no savegames on MP!

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Thats what I mean, YOU CAN'T TURN TIME BACK!

Get over it, no savegames on MP!

If only considering coop, a savegame in mp is not a bad idea at all I think.

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Yes, I mean the coop mode. Option for mapmakers to enable a save if they consider their mission needs one. And CTFers can simply turn it off. And stop saying its impossible... even doom legacy has multiplayer savegame.

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OK - that would make sense, coop mission against bots. biggrin_o.gif Does exist such a thing somewhere? Maybe I should try out a MP-game in OFP...

And for the matter what the number of savegames or chapter or whatever should be possible in OFP2, the opinions can defer - one likes it hard, one plays for fun. This should be given a thought.

I for example find, that the mode "cadet" isn't really made for newcomers... why not add levels like e.g. "mamas boy", "cadet", "soldier" and "special forces"...

I'm sure, now some will agree to that, and some are strictly against it - but I think, play it in "special forces" mode, if you like. No savegames and all difficulties included.

In Halflife I also raised the level to highest, because it was getting bland. But this was no simulation but a shooter...

If I buy a game with a story, then I want to experience the whole story to the end - and not despair at the third mission, maybe the third of 40? I'm sure, many users bought the game, played it and then despaired on that f...ing mission. But

there's always a cheat or backdoor.

But in fact THIS DESTROYS THE FUN OF A GAME! If you insert some easier modes, the users maybe don't have search for a cheat...

But about this topic we may talk and talk and talk and talk....

until we're growing old unclesam.gif

This discussion will never find an end... I have no problem to let someones oppinion... as I said,there's democracy and freedom of opinion in this forum... wink_o.gif

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OK - that would make sense, coop mission against bots. biggrin_o.gif Does exist such a thing somewhere? Maybe I should try out a MP-game in OFP...

If you don't know anything about the game, why the hell are you posting stuff about it?

Ever think about that?

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OK - that would make sense, coop mission against bots. biggrin_o.gif Does exist such a thing somewhere? Maybe I should try out a MP-game in OFP...

Ah, that's actually the strong point of OFP multiplayer. Real cooperative missions and not just a stupid head-on DM/CTF/whatever. You really should try that... but then you don't sound like you ever really played OFP anyways.

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ok ok, I'm playing King 6's Swordfish missions and am playing without savegames or check points.  For me it's starting to be really fun to rely on retry checkpoints and having the games autmatically reserve my progress when I exit.

However, some mission makers like TJ and Asmodeus have put extra saves using the radio menu.  To me that kinda funky.  Maybe in the official missions only 1 save will be forced and 2 if the mission is really long and has no checkpoints.  However, in missions like After Montigniac or TJ's compromised, check points should be replaced by extra saves since its hard to determine where checkpoints should be.

As for real soldiering, remember that some of us like me are "arm-chair warriors" and want to experience the world of tactics and "adventure" of warfare.  Real war is hardly convenient and being a soldier is a huge sacrifice.  Real soldiers probably don't check out books on elite squads at the library (me) and collect warrior memorabilia (a bit too expensive). Let's just say that people like me are huge fans. smile_o.gif

But if BIS limits the number savegames to 1 in the campaign, I hope there will be a little option in the mission editor for people like to make really long missions with no way to determine the most appropiate point to do a checkpoint.

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People should be allowed to save when they like, no automated saving. Can't see the point of saving in multiplayer, I don't play multiplayer but it seems like a way of cheating to me. Unless its a cooperative mission of course.

I am hardcore player, but I find automated saving pointless, as for an example the battlefields single player mission. After defeating the Russians before they counterattack their is an automatic save. However if you have just four guys left its a waste of time and you end having to restart the mission anyway.

In my opinion, you get one save and you just keep overriding it.

Saving is important, their is nothing as tedious as blowing yourself each time on a sabotage mission because you don't know the exact the safety distance. The more ground you cover, the more chance of being spotted and killed.


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somehow I feel that this discussion has too many sides to discuss. whatever you guys want devs...

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Hey, what do you think? I'm not stupid, I'm simply unexperienced... I didn't try OFP MP, because playing MP in other games was too frustrating for me. I don't like playing with 12year old boys, which play Counterstrike from their 8th liveyear on and which give you a headshot with a desert eagle from 200m...

So I first tried the Singleplayer Missions and the Campaign.

Additionaly it has more sense for me playing a game with a story than playing with others on a map... I don't like this too much... but that's taste...

OK, so far...

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You should really try to play some coops with serious guys ( like me tounge_o.gif ). It´s a bucket of fun, once you have the right comrades around. In fact I never played MP before OFP, except some Half Life or flightsims, but OFP is simply great with ambitouse coop gamers.

Try it. wink_o.gif

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Hey, what do you think? I'm not stupid, I'm simply unexperienced... I didn't try OFP MP, because playing MP in other games was too frustrating for me. I don't like playing with 12year old boys, which play Counterstrike from their 8th liveyear on and which give you a headshot with a desert eagle from 200m...

So I first tried the Singleplayer Missions and the Campaign.

Additionaly it has more sense for me playing a game with a story than playing with others on a map... I don't like this too much... but that's taste...

OK, so far...

The point is not 'omg you are a noob' - nobody is saying that; the point is, if you haven't played MP< don't know anything about MP, WHY do you feel qualified to discuss it and tell others how it should be?

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I think the option for saves should be given...for those mama's boys biggrin_o.gif

but the rambos can simply not use them...nobody is forcing u to use it.

Automated saves..could be a good idea, but only sporadically, and in parts where there is nothing happening, or ur not being shot at...only when the immediate area around u/ur squard (say outside rifle range of enemies) is 'safe'. smile_o.gif

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Lets incorporate unlimited ammo and wallhacks in the game too, those who don't like it don't have to use it!!!!


No. If the facility is there, it will get used and abused. You have to learn how to play properly to be a good player.

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