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Hunter anims big pack

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I dont know if you can do this but.... when you are moving can you make it so when you shoot the man fires from the hip? Also is there any way to make soldiers with custom animations, i.e, MGs and Submachine people (like wilcos standing anim)? I think itd be nice if we could get all MGs to hold thier gun a certain way and such, but anyways good work.

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I dont know if you can do this but.... when you are moving can you make it so when you shoot the man fires from the hip? Also is there any way to make soldiers with custom animations, i.e, MGs and Submachine people (like wilcos standing anim)? I think itd be nice if we could get all MGs to hold thier gun a certain way and such, but anyways good work.

Dont know exactly what u mean ..

And Soldiers with custom anims are possible but i dont know exactly what u have to do.

Anything in that cpp from that sodlier.


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You say you must stand still to shoot. Does that include walking, or only while running? (Using the F key to toggle "run/walk)

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Try it smile_o.gif

That means walking with F smile_o.gif


Edit : THX FIGHTER smile_o.gif

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No Comments to the new Replacment ? rock.gif

Here some new static anims .



That pic shows some objects i was working on too.

And the Download:


Command List:






It would be cool if someone post suggestions to the new Replacment.

Have Fun

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good work hunt!!! can't wait for the other things!

where do i get these objects?

klasse arbeit alter! biggrin_o.gif

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Objects not released.

I was working on some diffrent things like ruins plants trash and so on.

Texture need a rework.


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I really like Hunter's static anim, just about perfect, I think. smile_o.gif

But the crouching anim, hmm, I would prefer the BIS anim with the arms modified to actually aim with the rifle, Hunter's anim there is nice but doesn't look...universal or neutral enough.

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Hunter some (hopefully) constructive critisiscm:

- You should change the crouching anim ASAP (i know you just changed it into this...). IRL such a position would give you no stability to the sides when firing the weapon. Best option would be the one in the previous anim-pack build IMO.

- Same pretty much goes for standing with weapon. For best stability, you should not have a twisted torso (if you get my drift) and legs should be placed further apart (optimally yat shoulder width). The leg opposite your firing arm should be in front.

- For the AT weapon firing anim, is there any possibility to include a prone one as well?

Other minor stuff not really that much of a problem, the standard standing anim causes the BAS Delta/Rangers camelback to be warped into the soldier model.

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hehe, now to have one kicking, but for now I'll setpos up and use strokefist wink_o.gif

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I tried using the standard drop animation over a hogtied civilian to look like I was arresting him, and he civi turned into a skateboard tounge_o.gif Depending on which way I looked controlled driection... somewhat. And then I stood up and:



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Welcome to OFP Circus smile_o.gif

I think that take a long time that he can balance his friend on the top of his rifle smile_o.gif


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Any chance of making some taunting\celebratory\cheering type animations?  rock.gif

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Tried it, went back to your previous version.

My opinions:

The crouch as mentioned. Legs shouldn't be in a linear position. No balance, one would topple if trying to pivot to aim at an angle. Standing isn't as "bad", but IMO too much twist from bottom to top.

Also when going from crouch to stand, there was no animation, just an instant warp from crouched to standing. Also the character appears to look "up" at about 30 degree angle, rather than down the sight

The AT stance is cool, but given a choice of either standing or crouched, I'll keep crouch. (I have enough trouble surviving without giving 'em a bigger target. smile_o.gif Cool nonetheless to have a choice!)

I also don't like the weapon pointing down while walking. Makes for nice pictures, and would be proper weapon discipline if moving while someone was ahead of you, but not practical for combat use.

Last thing I thought odd was the safe walk head movement. Looks like nodding, or bobbing head to music. (DId notice that in standing with weapon drawn the shoulders move now, which was one niggle with the last pack. )

As said, the above are just my opinions/preference on what was in there, nothing more. smile_o.gif I will happily use your previous version. IMO, upper body movement was all it lacked.

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THX4 All Opinions!!!

I will try to change that all in my new Pack.


Dont know how i can realize that.

CU and THX Again biggrin_o.gif

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Hi Hunter,

great job as usual ...

what about some karate and so on? smile_o.gif

please some ninja fans ...

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is there a decent mirror for the latest version of the Big Anim pack? not the replacement, i got that. thanks

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Who can send me that Big pack ?

Cant find it after some PC Probs..

I dont want to pack everything again..

EMAIL: ofphunter@hotmail.com

THX in advance

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