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Game goes too fast...

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I recently discovered that the game speed has been raised of some kind of strange reason...

Even in MP I had this problem...

Have I done something wrong here???

It's like when you raise the speed like 1x, 2x and 4x when playing sp. The thing is I have this problem all the time now, starting from yesterday.. sad_o.gif

Anyone knows how to fix it?

I'm NOT reinstalling.

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u should try reinstalling

u don´t loose any addons

only updating takes some time

what specs u got dude??

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I fixed it, by booting.. biggrin_o.gif Very strange it was.. smile_o.gif

My comp is:


1024MB PC3200

9800Pro 128MB

Audigy2 Platinum

Win XP SP1

and more..

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Are you sure you are not taking any medication? smile_o.gif But seriously, if this was happening in MP, then everything would have to be warping back into position a lot, or people would be telling you that you run like a monkey, is this happening?

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maby it works if you hit the - ore + butten on youre board,

not on the num pad, Cuz with that you can fix the speed to....

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good specs btw

only got 1,4

and 256 mb

geforce 2


getting a better one soon smile_o.gif

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No it was only ME who saw others and the world go fast. They saw me in normal mode.. biggrin_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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I noticed an animation speed weird change on some deaths.

On one death out of five, the player's avatar uses to fall in a very accelerated way while the rest of the world runs at a normal pace.

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the player's avatar uses to fall in a very accelerated way while the rest of the world runs at a normal pace.

Welcome to the matrix tounge_o.gif

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