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Us presidential election 2004

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God Willing, Four More years of leadership under Bush to try to destroy the evils about in this world, and bring justice to the oppressed.

Ahh the naive words of someone who actually believes that is just what TBA is doing......

Avon why so against Kerry?. Not anti palestinian enough for you?

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Are you sure you know what that word means avon or are you using it just to try and sound clever? Whenever anyone posts a comment in this forum thier "outer skin" is showing, if by outer skin you mean our opinions.

BTW i asked you a question and youve dodged it.

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Are you sure you know what that word means avon

Positive, oh condescending one.

Quote[/b] ]BTW i asked you a question and youve dodged it.


If you must know, the answer is yes but I have the same opinion of Bush.

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Bush not pro Israel enough...

So in your opinion, what would be the ideal US stance on Israel? And if you have the same opinion of Bush then why are you still in support of him?

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I hope, for the sake of democracy, that this vote is not electronically rigged.

I've heard that the software used in the counting process is based on microsoft trade secrets, and as a result, the software is not easily scrutenised, not to mention can be hacked because of extensive networking between machines and polling stations, as well as editable databases......... sad_o.gif

Of the few electronic polling stations in Australia, the ones I know of, are all based around open source software, which has been hack tested (and neccessary amendments made) by freelance hackers and IT specialists, and are not networked. (ie, each machine operates 100%independently of one another)

Stop, think, and hope, that the election process that serves you is 100% truthful.......which is why nothing (or should I say, not much) beats paper and pen.

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Hi all

Latest polls and electoral college monitors show a possable Landslide for the Kerry Edwards Ticket.

This will only be possable if You get out and vote on Tuesday Morning at 6 o' clock. If you have to go latter dont leave it too late the queues are going to be massive. Get in that queue. Stay in that queue and vote for John Kerry.

Remember Your Vote Counts

In this election, above any other your vote counts, your vote could be the one that tips the balance in your state. Even states with that apeared to have a big bush lead are now up for grabs with the massive increase in the number of voters. No matter which state you are in; GET OUT AND VOTE!

Virginia is up for grabs

If you live in Virginia you must, must, must get out and vote. Latest polls put it well within the margin for error and with 11% more new voters mostly young democrats it is easily winable for John Kerry if you Get out and Vote

Be determined to make a diference.

Go equiped for a long queue. Remember to wrap up warm take Umbrelas. Go with friends so you can take turns at toilet breaks. Take food and drinks or order piza.

Stay friendly. Stay calm. Stay in the vote

Print out and take this election protection card with you http://cdn.moveonpac.org/content/pdfs/ep_card.pdf print extra copies for friends but do not pass it out in the queue as it may be considered electioneering. In Ohio particularly in areas with a large black community it apears there may be chalengers there from the republican party. Even if chalenged you have a right to a provisional or affidavit vote.


Even if your name is not on the voter registration list, or you are challenged by a poll worker, you have a right to vote using a provisional or affidavit ballot. Ask the poll worker for a provisional or affidavit ballot. Do not leave without voting.

State identification requirements may vary. Be safe: Always bring your driver's license, or other valid photo ID to the polls. A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document showing your name and address will also suffice. If you don't have an ID and it is required, ask to cast a provisional or affidavit ballot.

Poll workers should be able to provide you with assistance and should answer your questions in a courteous manner.

Federal law allows voters with disabilities to be accompanied by and to receive assistance from another person in the voting booth. In addition, animals who assist people with disabilities must be admitted into all buildings where voting is conducted.

If you make a mistake on your ballot, you have a right to a replacement ballot! Give your spoiled ballot to a poll worker and ask for a replacement.

You have the right to cast a ballot if you are in line when the polls close.

If you are prevented from registering or voting, or you feel your right to vote is interfered with in any manner, contact Election Protection at 1-866-OUR-VOTE, for free, immediate, multilingual assistance, and/or your local Democratic Party headquarters. For Democratic Party contact information, click here.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you show up at the polls you must be allowed to vote.  Even if your name is not on the voter list, or you do not have required identification, you are entitled to vote using a provisional or affidavit ballot.


If chalenged ensure a democrat representative is there. Record the details on paper. Say you want a representative of the democratic party present be polite. Take the details of any witnesses; be polite.

Remember be friendly in the queue. Do not get drawn in to big arguments it may be considered electioneering which is not allowed in the queue. If there are Republicans there be friendly be polite if they are electioneering and it bothers you inform a poll worker. Remember you are there to elect the next President of the United states of America. Focus on that job. Stay calm. Stay focused. Stay in the vote.

Enjoy your election

Remember this is your election Your vote is what counts. It is YOU that is deciding the next president of the United States of America. Get out at 6 0' Clock in the morning on Tuesday. Make a Day of it. Make a carnival of it. Take a picknic or order Piza in the queue but get out and Vote. And Vote John Kerry for President.

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

Here is a short "Your Rights on Election day" guide that you can copy and send or hand out to friends before you join the queue:

Quote[/b] ]

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>YOUR RIGHTS ON ELECTION DAY</span>

BRING YOUR ID: State identification requirements may vary. Be safe -- always bring your driver's license, or other valid photo ID to the polls. A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document showing your name and address will also suffice. If you don't have an ID and it is required, ask to cast a provisional or affidavit ballot.

EVEN IF CHALLENGED, YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO VOTE: Even if your name is not on the voter registration list, or you are challenged by a poll worker, you have a right to vote using a provisional or affidavit ballot. If one is not offered to you, ask the poll worker for a provisional or affidavit ballot. Do not leave without voting.

INFORMATIONAL GUIDE SHOULD BE POSTED: Helpful information about your voting rights and how to use the voting machines at your polling place must be posted at the polling place.

YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO COURTEOUS ASSISTANCE: Poll workers should be able to provide you with assistance and should answer your questions in a courteous manner.

IF ENGLISH IS A SECOND LANGUAGE FOR YOU: If you live in an area where a significant number of people speak a language other than English, your local government is required to provide ballots and instructional information in that language.

VOTERS WITH DISABILITIES HAVE A RIGHT TO ASSISTANCE: Federal law allows voters with disabilities to be accompanied by and to receive assistance from another person in the voting booth. In addition, animals who assist people with disabilities must be admitted into all buildings where voting is conducted.

HOMELESS VOTERS MAY STILL VOTE: You should still be able to vote, though local requirements may vary. If you experience discrimination in voting based on lack of housing, call the "You Don't Need a Home to Vote" project at (202)737-6444 x19.

VOTING IS NOT LIKE TAKING A TEST: You can stop and ask questions, start over, and take a voter information guide into the booth.

IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE: You have a right to a replacement ballot! Give your spoiled ballot to a poll worker and ask for a replacement.

IN LINE WHEN POLLS CLOSE? YOU CAN VOTE: You have the right to cast a ballot if you are in line when the polls close.

IF YOU ARE PREVENTED FROM VOTING GET HELP: If you feel your right to vote is interfered with in any manner, call Election Protection at 1-866-OUR-VOTE, for free, immediate, multilingual assistance, and/or your local Democratic Party. For local Democratic Party contact information, see http://www.democrats.org/states/, check your local phone book, or call 202-863-8000.

<span style='font-size:6pt;line-height:100%'>This Voter guide was assembled by volunteers. The Kerry-Edwards Campaign is not responsible for its content.</span>


Enjoy your election day America smile_o.gif

Kind Regards Walker

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I personally don't see how Bush could win unless I've significantly underestimated the proportion of Americans that are conservative, religious fundamentalists.

In fact, the one thing that struck me, out of all the wasted internet debating and media coverage I have seen, is the sheer pettiness and triviality of most of the issues considered by the American media and people. Less questions of the form "who would likely provide superior economic management" than of "who was in a boat in Vietnam in 1974 and thus was or was not a fucking yellowbellied coward that I will venomously attack on the internet".

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woohoo!!! - sorry havent been paying much attention to the thread but I voted this morning. Vote Kerry! unclesam.gif

oh and heres a joke to tide you over: smile_o.gif

George Bush visits a primary school classroom. They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks Mr.Bush if he would like to lead the discussion on the word

"tragedy." So the illustrious President asks the class for an example of a tragedy.

One little boy stands up and offers: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs him over and kills him, that would be a 'tragedy'." "No," says Bush, "that would be an accident".

A little girl raises her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not," explains Mr. Bush. "That's what we would call a 'great loss'."

The room goes silent. No other children volunteered. Bush searches the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a 'tragedy'?"

Finally, at the back of the room a Little Johnny raises his hand. In a quiet

voice, he says: "If your campaign plane, carrying you, Mr. Bush, were struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a 'tragedy'."

Fantastic!" exclaims Bush. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be 'tragedy'?"

"Well," says Johnny "because it certainly

wouldn't be a 'great loss' and it probably wouldn't be an 'accident' either."

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God Willing, Four More years of leadership under Bush to try to destroy the evils about in this world, and bring justice to the oppressed.


Well i rightfully predicted that labour would win the last election, Britain would not join the euro when everyone else did, and that UKIP would finish 3rd in the Euro elections. And i predict Bush to win.

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Hi all

Latest polls and electoral college monitors show a possable Landslide for the Kerry Edwards Ticket.

This will only be possable if You get out and vote on Tuesday Morning at 6 o' clock. If you have to go latter dont leave it too late the queues are going to be massive. Get in that queue. Stay in that queue and vote for John Kerry.

Remember Your Vote Counts

In this election, above any other your vote counts, your vote could be the one that tips the balance in your state. Even states with that apeared to have a big bush lead are now up for grabs with the massive increase in the number of voters. No matter which state you are in; GET OUT AND VOTE!

Virginia is up for grabs

If you live in Virginia you must, must, must get out and vote. Latest polls put it well within the margin for error and with 11% more new voters mostly young democrats it is easily winable for John Kerry if you Get out and Vote

Be determined to make a diference.

Go equiped for a long queue. Remember to wrap up warm take Umbrelas. Go with friends so you can take turns at toilet breaks. Take food and drinks or order piza.

Stay friendly. Stay calm. Stay in the vote

Print out and take this election protection card with you http://cdn.moveonpac.org/content/pdfs/ep_card.pdf print extra copies for friends but do not pass it out in the queue as it may be considered electioneering. In Ohio particularly in areas with a large black community it apears there may be chalengers there from the republican party. Even if chalenged you have a right to a provisional or affidavit vote.


Even if your name is not on the voter registration list, or you are challenged by a poll worker, you have a right to vote using a provisional or affidavit ballot. Ask the poll worker for a provisional or affidavit ballot. Do not leave without voting.

State identification requirements may vary. Be safe: Always bring your driver's license, or other valid photo ID to the polls. A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document showing your name and address will also suffice. If you don't have an ID and it is required, ask to cast a provisional or affidavit ballot.

Poll workers should be able to provide you with assistance and should answer your questions in a courteous manner.

Federal law allows voters with disabilities to be accompanied by and to receive assistance from another person in the voting booth. In addition, animals who assist people with disabilities must be admitted into all buildings where voting is conducted.

If you make a mistake on your ballot, you have a right to a replacement ballot! Give your spoiled ballot to a poll worker and ask for a replacement.

You have the right to cast a ballot if you are in line when the polls close.

If you are prevented from registering or voting, or you feel your right to vote is interfered with in any manner, contact Election Protection at 1-866-OUR-VOTE, for free, immediate, multilingual assistance, and/or your local Democratic Party headquarters. For Democratic Party contact information, click here.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you show up at the polls you must be allowed to vote.  Even if your name is not on the voter list, or you do not have required identification, you are entitled to vote using a provisional or affidavit ballot.


If chalenged ensure a democrat representative is there. Record the details on paper. Say you want a representative of the democratic party present be polite. Take the details of any witnesses; be polite.

Remember be friendly in the queue. Do not get drawn in to big arguments it may be considered electioneering which is not allowed in the queue. If there are Republicans there be friendly be polite if they are electioneering and it bothers you inform a poll worker. Remember you are there to elect the next President of the United states of America. Focus on that job. Stay calm. Stay focused. Stay in the vote.

Enjoy your election

Remember this is your election Your vote is what counts. It is YOU that is deciding the next president of the United States of America. Get out at 6 0' Clock in the morning on Tuesday. Make a Day of it. Make a carnival of it. Take a picknic or order Piza in the queue but get out and Vote. And Vote John Kerry for President.

Kind Regards Walker

Why dont you just create a leaflet or flyer, depending on your preference, and send it to everyone in the US?

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Well i rightfully predicted that labour would win the last election, Britain would not join the euro when everyone else did, and that UKIP would finish 3rd in the Euro elections.

And I predict that my ass is not going to bleed raw diamonds tomorrow.

Britain not joining euro, big surprise. crazy_o.gif

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Will the Bush administration destroy the evils of extreme poverty and global warming? These kill MANY more people than terrorism and wreck lives globally as was illustrated in a very interesting 2 part TV program from respected broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby. He also gave some impression of the ways in which many of the problems facing us in this century are linked. Whereby a war on terror must necessarily be a war on poverty and on the causes of terrorism (hopelessness, percieved injustice, receptive communities etc).

It must be disturbing as reported in the show (and confirmed by the ethiopian president) that extreme Al-Qaida or AQ related militant islam appears to be spreading in the less econominally developed world (ie the poor parts) with adherents apparently now operating in Ethiopia (having less than a 50% muslim population- at the moment). Other suggested threats to stability as reported might in the future also include conflicts over control of water (in water scarce regions obviously). Who is addressing or seeking to address these problems in a consistent and well thought through way?

I would hesitate to say that Kerry is doing so, but he at least seems more likely to do so than Bush, which is one of the reasons i greatly doubt Bush would increase global security(hence my unhappiness at the prospect of his re-election).

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Ballot cast!

Permission to bitch: Granted!

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Quote[/b] ]Permission to bitch: Granted!

Mr. rational and calm himself bitching, no way.

If Bush wins some left wing extremist will assassinate him before the first year of his second term is out.

I'm going to vote in about a hour. Waiting for some one to get off work first. Safety in numbers.

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i voted, and 10 dollars sezz that Ohio will become another Florida.

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Quote[/b] ]Permission to bitch: Granted!

Mr. rational and calm himself bitching, no way.

If Bush wins some left wing extremist will assassinate him before the first year of his second term is out.

I'm going to vote in about a hour. Waiting for some one to get off work first. Safety in numbers.

that leftwing nut would have to get in line behind me!

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Quote[/b] ]that leftwing nut would have to get in line behind me!

Do not worry...you will be taken out.


Quote[/b] ]



Before voting even began in Philadelphia -- poll watchers found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered throughout the city... One incident occurred at the SALVATION ARMY, 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8...

pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with over 200 and one with nearly 500...

A second location, 1901 W. Girard Ave., Berean Institute, Philadelphia, Pa, had 300+ votes already on 2 machines at start of day...

INCIDENT: 292 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 7/7: ADDRESS: 122 W. Erie Ave., Roberto Clemente School, Philadelphia, Pa.; INCIDENT: 456 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 12/3; ADDRESS: 5657 Chew Ave., storefront, Philadelphia, Pa...


A gun was purposely made visible to scare poll watchers at Ward 30, division 11, at 905 S. 20th St., Grand Court. Police were called and surrounded the location..


The line was long... crazy_o.gif Guess I will cast my vote later on.

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Lets see....

Terrorists support Kerry...

American Communists support Kerry...

Feminist Lobby supports Kerry....

American Socialists support Kerry...

Gay Lobby supports Kerry...

Anarchists support Kerry...

Illegal immigrants support Kerry...

The choice is clear...KERRY tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Posted on Nov. 02 2004,16:07


Quote (Sputnik Monroe @ Nov. 02 2004,16:05)


Permission to bitch: Granted!

  Mr. rational and calm himself bitching, no way.

  If Bush wins some left wing extremist will assassinate him before the first  year of his second term is out.

  I'm going to vote in about a hour. Waiting for some one to get off work first. Safety in numbers.

that leftwing nut would have to get in line behind me!

Was that a threat?rock.gif?

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Quote[/b] ]that leftwing nut would have to get in line behind me!

Do not worry...you will be taken out.

Assasination. Hmmmmmmm....................

A new strategy to get the hubby to take me to dinner.

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Quote[/b] ]that leftwing nut would have to get in line behind me!

Do not worry...you will be taken out.

Assasination. Hmmmmmmm....................

A new strategy to get the hubby to take me to dinner.

Bush will be needing plenty of security if the nightmarish Bush-Edwards scenario mentioned before in this thread happens. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Assasination. Hmmmmmmm....................

A new strategy to get the hubby to take me to dinner.

Avon is violent today...hmmmm

Quote[/b] ]

Bush will be needing plenty of security if the nightmarish Bush-Edwards scenario mentioned before in this thread happens.

Or if Cheney becomes president. He can become president but I forgot how (not talking about assasination)... wow_o.giftounge_o.gif

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i'm getting sick and tired of billybob and other mindless rightwingers. gonna ban them tonight. enjoy your last few moments here.

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