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Us presidential election 2004

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Almost total inability to concentrate on the comparatively trivial event he's participating in.

Yeah, but that's nothing unusual for Bush. It doesn't strike you as odd that after hearing that America is under attack that he does nothing? He doesn't ask for more information? He doesnt go to a TV set to see what's happening? He does not summon his advisors and cabinet members? etc etc

From the 9/11 report:

Quote[/b] ]The President was seated in a classroom when,at 9:05,Andrew Card whispered

to him: “A second plane hit the second tower.America is under attack.â€The

President told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see

an excited reaction at a moment of crisis.The press was standing behind the

children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring. The President felt he

should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was


The President remained in the classroom for another five to seven minutes,

while the children continued reading. He then returned to a holding room

shortly before 9:15, where he was briefed by staff and saw television coverage.

He next spoke to Vice President Cheney,Dr.Rice,New York Governor George

Pataki, and FBI Director Robert Mueller. He decided to make a brief statement

from the school before leaving for the airport.The Secret Service told us

they were anxious to move the President to a safer location, but did not think

it imperative for him to run out the door.

And as far as your previous comments about "had this been Russia", it wasn't, was it? In fact, they had no idea who it was. No one knew.

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I forgot to mention, about the movie Walker linked to.

About halfway through, in the classroom, before or during the book reading, there's an obvious cut in the movie. The scene completely changes. I have no idea how much time passed by during that cut. Nor do I have any idea how many people during the interim came up to Bush and talked to him about the situation.

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Nor do I have any idea how many people during the interim came up to Bush and talked to him about the situation.

Nobody. As can both be seen in Fahrenheit and your beloved 9/11 report.

Quote[/b] ]The President was seated in a classroom when,at 9:05,Andrew Card whispered

to him: “A second plane hit the second tower.America is under attack.â€The

President told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see

an excited reaction at a moment of crisis.The press was standing behind the

children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring. The President felt he

should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was


The President remained in the classroom for another five to seven minutes,

while the children continued reading. He then returned to a holding room

shortly before 9:15, where he was briefed by staff and saw television coverage.

This is my favourite line:

Quote[/b] ]President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening.

Yeah, that's what he's projecting. Strength and calm. And I'm sure he got to understand better what was happening by reading "My Pet Goat".

Quote[/b] ]And as far as your previous comments about "had this been Russia", it wasn't, was it? In fact, they had no idea who it was. No one knew.

Well, gee, you got lucky it wasn't worse. It did show however how your 'leader' reacted. So you can expect in case Moscow makes an ICBM call, he'll be reading "Cat in the Hat".

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Nor do I have any idea how many people during the interim came up to Bush and talked to him about the situation.

Nobody. As can both be seen in Fahrenheit and your beloved 9/11 report.

Now it's my report and it's beloved, too? OK.

Don't you think it's interesting that none of his aides seemed to think any differently?

Quote[/b] ]Yeah, that's what he's projecting. Strength and calm. And I'm sure he got to understand better what was happening by reading "My Pet Goat".

He seems most distracted there.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]And as far as your previous comments about "had this been Russia", it wasn't, was it? In fact, they had no idea who it was. No one knew.

Well, gee, you got lucky it wasn't worse. It did show however how your 'leader' reacted. So you can expect in case Moscow makes an ICBM call, he'll be reading "Cat in the Hat".

So we go around in circles making the same silly jokes.

As you wish.

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Just want to say this to get it out of my chest as I didn`t express my views about the US 2004 ellections before.

I think that Howard Dean should have been the man facing right now George W Bush for the presidency.He was a man with high moral values who sought reforms in the Democratic Party,apealing to the youth and vehemently against the war in Iraq refusing to follow the "pack of sheeps" from day one.

In the end what assasinated him was his sloppy politician tact by puting every cards on the table before winning the nomination-threatening the big buisness companies in America,political parties and of course criticising the media a mixture of powerful ingridients that led to his fall.

That said I usually like to stay away from having political leanings but in the end I found myself joinging the ABBA-Anything But Bush Again,so if Kerry wins it won`t come short of puting a lasting smile on my face.

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Quote[/b] ]Just want to say this to get it out of my chest as I didn`t express my views about the US 2004 ellections before.

I think that Howard Dean should have been the man facing right now George W Bush for the presidency.He was a man with high moral values who sought reforms in the Democratic Party,apealing to the youth and vehemently against the war in Iraq refusing to follow the "pack of sheeps" from day one.

In the end what assasinated him was his sloppy politician tact by puting every cards on the table before winning the nomination-threatening the big buisness companies in America,political parties and of course criticising the media a mixture of powerful ingridients that led to his fall.

That said I usually like to stay away from having political leanings but in the end I found myself joinging the ABBA-Anything But Bush Again,so if Kerry wins it won`t come short of puting a lasting smile on my face.

If you support Dean, you support Bush.... wink_o.gif

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I don't see Bush "frozen in terror".

What do you see?

Almost total inability to concentrate on the comparatively trivial event he's participating in.

Inability?  So, in response to the nation coming under attack he was unsuccessfully trying to participate in a children's reading class.  And you seem to be quite comfortable with that.


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Quote[/b] ]Just want to say this to get it out of my chest as I didn`t express my views about the US 2004 ellections before.

I think that Howard Dean should have been the man facing right now George W Bush for the presidency.He was a man with high moral values who sought reforms in the Democratic Party,apealing to the youth and vehemently against the war in Iraq refusing to follow the "pack of sheeps" from day one.

In the end what assasinated him was his sloppy politician tact by puting every cards on the table before winning the nomination-threatening the big buisness companies in America,political parties and of course criticising the media a mixture of powerful ingridients that led to his fall.

That said I usually like to stay away from having political leanings but in the end I found myself joinging the ABBA-Anything But Bush Again,so if Kerry wins it won`t come short of puting a lasting smile on my face.

If you support Dean, you support Bush.... wink_o.gif

Is this another of your late night forum lurkings or do you actually have a point to make wink_o.gif

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well as i said you can blame him for alot of the problems and i certianly do... but if security is entirely one mans responsibility, than we wouldn't need the FBI, CIA, or NSA.

Getting the nuclear football into the air on Air force One when the nation comes under attack is entirely one man's responsibility, the President's. Bush failed to do that in the proper amount of time. I am amazed nobody else has brought this up. There is a doctrine and a protocol that must be followed when the nation is attacked, not should be followed, but must be followed. Bush was trained to follow it when he took office. He has regular drills that update his training on how to follow the doctrine. He failed to follow it and endangered our national security.

Nobody is allowed to make distinctions over what type of attack is taking place and then elect to follow or not follow the doctrine. That simply isn't an option. No one knew for sure who was attacking the United States on September 11th. No one knew what the scale or extent of the attacks would be, or who was backing them, whether it was a terrorist group or a another nation. For all Bush knew, ICBMs were streaking across the icecaps as he sat there looking at an upside-down copy of "My Pet Goat".

He froze, plain and simple. He didn't react to the situation and his training was useless.

This is the commander in chief, this is the guy with the nuclear launch codes.

Is this the guy you want at the helm if we are attacked by a nuclear capable power?

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Quote[/b] ]Is this another of your late night forum lurkings or do you actually have a point to make   wink_o.gif

It is only 3:35 PM... crazy_o.gif   biggrin_o.gif

Anyway, the deomcrats could not see Dean defeating Bush in a election. Dean was the republican wet dream...more or less

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I don't see Bush "frozen in terror".

What do you see?

Almost total inability to concentrate on the comparatively trivial event he's participating in.

Inability?  So, in response to the nation coming under attack he was unsuccessfully trying to participate in a children's reading class.

You seem to be quite comfortable with that?

No. I'm uncomfortable with everyone's response. The Secret Service itself said they "did not think it imperative for him to run out the door".

The 9/11 commision report also says that within 10 minutes of being notified of the third plane hitting the Pentagon, he was briefed by staff and saw television coverage.

BTW, all this talk about the nuclear football, is the doctrine documented anywhere?

Here's some fun facts about the football:

Quote[/b] ]Secrets of the Nuclear Football

by Martin Bodek

(Published January 21, 2002 in The Scoogie Spin)

What measures 18 by 15 by 10 inches, looks like another lawyer's briefcase, is made of titanium, is carried by a military officer with a license to kill, and contains the launch codes for the end of the world? That's right it's the...{drumroll}...Nuclear Football.


What it is - The football is a cryptological communication mechanism carried everywhere with the President by aides from the White House Military Office. It enables the President to positively identify himself to nuclear commanders working for the NSA in the Pentagon and alternate sites around the country in order to authorize a nuclear strike - basically, the "signal to unleash hell."

Who carries it - The Football is carried by a rotation of military aides representing the 5 branches of the armed forces. Each aide must go through the fiercest possible American background check called "Yankee White." Any aide with any sort of foreign influence whatsoever is immediately disqualified. The football is chained to his wrist. Each football carrier is armed with an M9 Beretta 9 mm pistol and is licensed to eliminate anyone stupid enough to make a grab for the football. Talk about an offsides penalty!

What it's made of - outside it's black leather, 18 X 15 X 10, and brandishes a sizable combination lock. Inside it's impenetrable titanium. Wolverine's claws got nothing on this. Further inside is the SIOP (Single Integrated Operational Plan) Decision Handbook, a list of nearby emergency bunkers, a communications booklet on strategies in the event of nuclear war, and an Authorizing Tablet. When the president cracks it open, he can see the authorizing codes written out in letters and numbers and give the orders to launch. I gather this is much like the nuclear warhead launching sequences in "The Hunt for Red October." But the President doesn't have to "concur" with nobody. When under attack, the President is authorized to declare war without the permission of Congress.

Famous Fumbles - During the April 1999 NATO summit in Washington, President Clinton left his aide and the football behind when he unexpectedly left a session 45 minutes early. The aide hurried the 4 1/2 blocks back to the White House without incident...After Reagan was shot by John Hinckley in 1981, the codes wound up in a plastic personal-effects bag at the hospital...Jimmy Carter dodged a calamity when he once left his authenticator ID in the pocket of a suit. It went to the dry cleaner...After a hot tennis match in Los Angeles one day, President Bush (41) took off with his racket but not the football. It took the Navy pigskin carrier 15 minutes of hightailing it to hook up with him on Sunset Boulevard...When Gerald Ford took over, he flew off to Paris for a summit and left his ballcarrier aboard Air Force One...During the final days of Watergate, when Nixon was drinking hard and wandering the White House at night talking to the pictures on the walls, there were stories that the chief of staff and the secretary of defense had taken away his football. Untrue, but still interesting.

Miscellaneous - Dwight Eisenhower created the entire concept...It's called the Nuclear Football because the first code name for it was "Dropkick."......The president is briefed for 15-30 minutes on the Football shortly before his inauguration...Officially, the carrier is required to be "nearby" the President; unofficially, he travels in any vehicle the President travels in except for his limo...Ronald Reagan kept the codes in his wallet instead of the briefcase; Jimmy Carter carried it in his jacket pocket...Reagan loved horseback riding, so the military office had special saddlebags made so that an aide could follow along on his own horse...President Kennedy never reached for the Football during the Cuban Missile Crisis...The carrier is advised to always stand between the President and his transportation...

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Quote[/b] ]Is this another of your late night forum lurkings or do you actually have a point to make   wink_o.gif

It is only 3:35 PM... crazy_o.gif   biggrin_o.gif

The night is young! tounge_o.gif

But not here. G'nite. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Anyway, the deomcrats could not see Dean defeating Bush in a election. Dean was the republican wet dream...more or less

On the contrary Howard Dean was for some time the favourite choice for the nominee in the ellections and prooved himself capable to confront Bush standing on difrent moral grounds especially when it camed to Iraq as oposed to Kerry resulting to a desperate response from the republican peanut gallery accusing him of wishing US soldiers to die in Iraq.

Saying Dean was "republicans wet dream" is your average playing down campaign that had no real bases until his bid for winning the primaries started crumbling for totally difrent reasons.

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Hi Avon

The issue the nations defense.

George Bush Jnr. was frozen in terror from the point he was told:

Quote[/b] ]9:05 a.m.: Andrew Card walks up to Bush while he is listening to a Goat Story with 16 second graders in Sandra Kay Daniels’s class at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. Card whispers in his ear "A second plane has hit the World Trade Center. America is under attack." Bush (commander-and-chief?) keeps listening to this Goat Story

Right up to the point where at:

Quote[/b] ]9:37 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 is lost from radar screens and impacts the western side of the Pentagon.

He still had not given a single Order to defend the nation He did not order a single plane to defend the capitol.

Afterwards indications are that people lower down the chain of command started making unathorised and unco-ordinated orders in defense of the nation out of shear frustration that there were no orders coming from the top.

What would have happened if one of those unathorised and unco-ordinated actions had been misinterpreted by Russia or China?

A Commander in Chief must be able to act. One who freezes and cannot think for himself or issue any orders in the nations defense is not a Commander and is danger to the nation.

It is the president who authorises the nations defense no one else is legaly entitled too.

America cannot afford a President who can not think or act in chrisis. America can not afford to keep George Bush Jnr. as Commander in Chief.

The US needs a President who can Act in the nations defense the US needs John F. Kerry as the President of the United States of America.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]On the contrary Howard Dean was for some time the favourite choice for the nominee in the ellections and prooved himself capable to confront Bush standing on difrent moral grounds especially when it camed to Iraq as oposed to Kerry resulting to a desperate response from the republican peanut gallery accusing him of wishing US soldiers to die in Iraq.

Saying Dean was "republicans wet dream" is your average playing down campaign that had no real bases until his bid for winning the primaries started crumbling for totally difrent reasons.

Iraq is only one of the issue. Actually, republicans were hoping Dean will win...

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Hi Avon

I am trying to find the documantation but here is an indication.

Quote[/b] ]From the time of this highly classified orientation briefing given immediately upon his assumption of the presidency through the end of his tenure, a president is made to believe that he is the nuclear quarterback in control of the nuclear football and would call the shots in the event of a nuclear show-down or enemy missile attack. In the latter case, the short flight time of missiles launched from half way around the planet – 30 minutes from Russia to the American heartland – or from submarines lurking off the U.S. coasts – 10 to 15 minutes to Washington, D.C. -- puts the president in the hot seat. He must evaluate early warning information, weigh his response options, and render a decision within minutes and seconds.

Clearly the indications are that from being told America is under Attack the Submarine threat times mean it is less than 10 minutes other wise the US would have no Defense.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]On the contrary Howard Dean was for some time the favourite choice for the nominee in the ellections and prooved himself capable to confront Bush standing on difrent moral grounds especially when it camed to Iraq as oposed to Kerry resulting to a desperate response from the republican peanut gallery accusing him of wishing US soldiers to die in Iraq.

Saying Dean was "republicans wet dream" is your average playing down campaign that had no real bases until his bid for winning the primaries started crumbling for totally difrent reasons.

Iraq is only one of the issue. Actually, republicans were hoping Dean will win...

You couldn`t be more wrong.Where do you get this info,Fox News?

If they were so unafraid of Dean as you point out why did they bash him with every single chance they had on television and their friendly radio stations?

And you are playing down the Iraq issue to say the least.Dean perdicted months before it happend in detail the failure of Bush foreign policy that would lead to wasted lives and billion of dollars so while other demoracrat candidaets have to mute themselves as they suported the invasion and be painted as flip-floppers it was certinly not his case.

Again have you ever heard of politicians art of playing down a threat-Republicans are trying to create an art of it even now when it comes to Kerry,polls showing Bush loosing support from the population,the Iraq tragedy.

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I don't see Bush "frozen in terror".

What do you see?

Almost total inability to concentrate on the comparatively trivial event he's participating in.

Inability?  So, in response to the nation coming under attack he was unsuccessfully trying to participate in a children's reading class.

You seem to be quite comfortable with that?

No. I'm uncomfortable with everyone's response.

And what is your response?  You are either satisfied on unsatisfied with Bush's behaviour.  Which is it?

And as you can see from this extended footage of Bush with the kids, it only took him a few minutes to recover his concentration enough to participate in the reading exercise once again.

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Quote[/b] ]You couldn`t be more wrong.Where do you get this info,Fox News?

If they were so unafraid of Dean as you point out why did they bash him with every single chance they had on television and their friendly radio stations?

And you are playing down the Iraq issue to say the least.Dean perdicted months before it happend in detail the failure of Bush foreign policy that would lead to wasted lives and billion of dollars so while other demoracrat candidaets have to mute themselves as they suported the invasion and be painted as flip-floppers it was certinly not his case.

Again have you ever heard of politicians art of playing down a threat-Republicans are trying to create an art of it even now when it comes to Kerry,polls showing Bush loosing support from the population,the Iraq tragedy.

Then if that is the case, why did the democrats chose Kerry and not Dean... rock.gif (electability)

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Dean was too progressive for America. Perhaps in 20-30 years the people will be ready, but hardly today. So I agree that Dean was the wet dream of the Republicans. He stood no chance at all.

Needless to say Dean was my favourite.

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Quote[/b] ]Then if that is the case, why did the democrats chose Kerry and not Dean...

Not this again,I already explained a page ago.It wasn`t to everyones please the fact he was seeking radical reforms in the party or brandashing statements such as: "My name is Howard Dean and I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic party".

Secondly the media wrote alot of damaging articles related to him like Newsweek "The real face of Dean" magnifing facts out of proportions,he was after all critical of their reporting in no way the tact kissing babbies average politician.

There were alot of intrests combined for him to loose the primaries that tried in every possible way to break his bid.It even came to light that two men related to his campaign were leaking out information to slow his down as far as I remember.

So for the last time:No,Dean wasn`t Republicans wet dream.

Quote[/b] ]Dean was too progressive for America. Perhaps in 20-30 years the people will be ready, but hardly today. So I agree that Dean was the wet dream of the Republicans. He stood no chance at all.

Needless to say Dean was my favourite.

I can understand what you are hinting at.It was indeed the Republican task to creat a rift in the Demorcatic Party devising it.And Dean would probably have done the furors leading to that

with his progresive views acknowledging the need for reforms.

Kerry is so much better.Your shiny Vietnam hero,a man relflecting calm that knows how to go with the wind and say whatever would win him suport.Maybe I am to critical of him but

I honestly say the only reason why I want him to win this ellections is because Bush is on the other side.

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A little research has revealed that Bush's book was actually a reader entitled Reading Mastery - Level 2 Storybook 1 and the story being read was called The Pet Goat on page 153.  Btw, I'm having doubts about the book having been held upside down.

Straight from the book's actual entry at Amazon.com:

Quote[/b] ]304 of 309 people found the following review helpful:

stars-5-0.gifPresidential material, through and through!, July 6, 2004

Reviewer:    Lolla Fallujah (Hannah Storm's house) - See all my reviews  

After reading the enclosed story "The Pet Goat," I was stunned by its lyrical beauty and easy cadence. The tempo, the choice of words, and the layout on each page captured my imagination so much that it took me about seven minutes to recover my bearings.

biggrin_o.gif lol

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The Pet Goat, Full Text

Warning, may distract you for up to 7 minutes

Quote[/b] ]

Part One: The Pet Goat

A girl got a pet goat. She liked to go running with her pet goat. She played with her goat in her house. She played with her goat in her yard.

But the goat did some things that made the girl's dad mad. The goat ate things. He ate cans and he ate canes. He ate pans and he ate panes. He even ate capes and caps.

One day her dad said, "that goat must go. He ate too many things." The girl said, "dad if you let the goat stay with us, I will see that he stops eating all those things."

Her dad said he will try it.

So the goat stayed and the girl made him stop eating cans and canes and caps and capes.

But one day a car robber came to the girls house. He saw a big red car near the house and said, "I will steal that car."

He ran to the car and started to open the door. The girl and the goat were playing in the back yard. They did not see the car robber.

More to come.

Part Two: The Goat Stops the Robber

A girl had a pet goat. Her dad had a red car.

A car robber was going to steal her dad’s car. The girl and her goat were playing in the back yard.

Just then the goat stopped playing. He saw the robber. He bent his head down and started to run for the robber. The robber was bending over the seat of the car. The goat hit him with sharp horns. The car robber went flying.

The girl’s Dad ran out of the house. He grabbed the robber. “you were trying to steal my car,†he yelled.

The girl said, “but my goat stopped him.â€

“Yes,†her dad said, “that goat saved my car.â€

The car robber said, “something hit me when I was trying to steal that car.â€

The girl said, “my goat hit you.â€

The girl hugged the goat. Her Dad said, “that goat can stay with us. And he can eat all the cans and canes and caps and capes he wants.â€

The girl smiled. Her goat smiled. Her Dad smiled. But the car robber did not smile. He said, “I am sore.â€

The End.

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I wonder if it is still on the President's nightstand. 30 minutes simply wasn't enough time for him to finish a story that big.

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