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Weapon support

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I was just thinking about MOUT in Games and i realised something there are no games that allow you to use a wall or window or a trench lip or similair to increase your accuracy.

I think that if you get close to a wall window fallen tree or something reasonably flat you should have an action called

Support weapon or similair. then your soldier would rest his weapon on that object and recieve an accuracy bonus as well as just exposing enough for him to aim

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Good idea, but when u are in the heat of battle, u won't be thinking of where u can lean ur weapon against to increase accuracy, u would be more worried about hitting the enemy before they hit u, providing supressing fire and moving to a better position.

Leaning against an object would be excellent for sniping smile_o.gif

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Youre right about the heat of battle. it would however reward the player for ambushes and picking good defensive positions. It would be good if AI could also do this

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Yes, when there is time to prepare, leaning against objects would greatly help in accuracy and success in an attack smile_o.gif

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Generally having functional bi-pods would be an excellent start, rather than the model which simply clips through the terrain as it does now.

At the end of the day, this sort of functionality is reliant on the physics engine. If BIS can get that right, then we will be able to do everything, from using bi-pods on the ground to hooking them over kerbs or logs, or leaning on tree-stumps to steady the aim.

A good suggestion tho Snypa smile_o.gif

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There is one game supporting this action already. Day of Defeat mod for Half-life. But its more of a shot and run game. But the idea in it is great. You can deploy bi-pods when lying down, Standing in windows and standing behind some objects.

When deployed you are given a limited area of operation, meaning you cant move your barrel 360. You will have to undeploy bipods to move it outside the given area and deploy them again. Only problem with that system is that objects are given some kind of value that permits the machine gunner to deploy his weapon there, and some times only in one direction, so its only possible on some objects.

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i think functional bipods would be brilliant... would add alot to the game

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yes but isn't that possible only for machineguns? In DoD I mean.

yes and the bar, In the mod "Firearms" theres a m82 with bipod thats deployable smile_o.gif

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yes bipods are wonderful but i mean resting your rifle barrel on an object such a window sill or similair

bipods are also a cool idea though

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come to it you could have crew served weapons like that. You run around with your normal rifle SMG etc. but when your still you have an option in action menu that says "deploy Milan GPMG etc" then you would have a 10-20 second pause perhaps with animation then your weapon is deployed. You could only be able to move it in a fairly small arc without redeploying it to stop people just setting up and killing everything within two miles. this would also reward people for setting up at good bottlenecks these weapons could be very powerful against tanks or have a high rate of fire and range but can only be moved in a limited arc of fire

I know people will whinge about how you need two people for a Milan etc but who in a MP game for example wants to be stuck carrying a tripod around?

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Snypa has a good suggestion about the delay to deploy and pick up the bipod...

A simple upside of a more stable gun when firing

and a subtle downside of being more vulnerable to a flanking action.

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Exactly. We need weapon support, for my 30cal bounces up and down, but if I put it up against like a wall or something and leaned the front part of the bipod against it ya help me out a little bit. Not to mention if I lay down, have my right hand on the trigger and left on the top of hte gun to hold it down, that would be nice...

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What about some sort of "docking" on windows, logs and other stuff that can be used for support, much like the way you man a fixed machinegun today.

That could also help with the very hampered field of fire you get when firing through a window. Walk up to a real window and pretend thet you are a sniper, you'll see what I mean.

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come to it you could have crew served weapons like that. You run around with your normal rifle SMG etc. but when your still you have an option in action menu that says "deploy Milan GPMG etc" then you would have a 10-20 second pause perhaps with animation then your weapon is deployed. You could only be able to move it in a fairly small arc without redeploying it to stop people just setting up and killing everything within two miles. this would also reward people for setting up at good bottlenecks these weapons could be very powerful against tanks or have a high rate of fire and range but can only be moved in a limited arc of fire

I know people will whinge about how you need two people for a Milan etc but who in a MP game for example wants to be stuck carrying a tripod around?

......Exactly how it works in FDF mod, you mean???

And plenty of people carry tripods in multiplayer.

*edit* -and in DoD, only the MGs are allowed to deploy, but if the team changed it anything could deploy.

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......Exactly how it works in FDF mod, you mean???

And plenty of people carry tripods in multiplayer.

yep actually being part of a crew is really neat. operating the gun is fun but also the support role is great when you watch the gunner's back while he's banging mortars into the near forest.

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I'd personally like to see the next version of ofp allow for proper functioning shotguns. As it stands now, they're burst weapons with no fire-rate caps on them...

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I dont want to download a mod just to use crew served weapons baron. I also as an individual dont want to sit around carrying a tripod and not getting any action. Just imagine carrying a tripod for a complete noob. perhaps if you could still use a weapon while carrying a tripod that would be good but apart from that no

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I dont want to download a mod just to use crew served weapons baron. I also as an individual dont want to sit around carrying a tripod and not getting any action. Just imagine carrying a tripod for a complete noob. perhaps if you could still use a weapon while carrying a tripod that would be good but apart from that no

You can still use your personal weapon while carrying a tripod.

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Yeah, you can still use your weapon while carrying the gun and the tripod.

The only bug is that if you're inventory is full and you pick up the gun piece of the support weapon, there is no way to pick the ammo up again.

All in all, FDF is a pretty cool mod featuring a load of crew served weapons in two pieces. I recommend you cop it.

300 meg download though, but it's worth it. Includes a bunch of islands with several dozen units (Ranger Unmanned Vehicle) and a neat artillery system with dialog radio (buttons operable by using mouse)

Although, I can't figure out how to use the damn M82 Rucksacks. Do you know how, Baron? Or are they just for show?

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The only bug is that if you're inventory is full and you pick up the gun piece of the support weapon, there is no way to pick the ammo up again.

Yes you can, simply drop whatever is filling up your inventory (eg satchel charges) by using the gear tab in the map screen, then go where you picked up the barrel from. Voila, you can pick up the ammo.

Quote[/b] ]

All in all, FDF is a pretty cool mod featuring a load of crew served weapons in two pieces. I recommend you cop it.

300 meg download though, but it's worth it. Includes a bunch of islands with several dozen units (Ranger Unmanned Vehicle) and a neat artillery system with dialog radio (buttons operable by using mouse)

Although, I can't figure out how to use the damn M82 Rucksacks. Do you know how, Baron? Or are they just for show?

They are just for show.

And yes, the mod is totally worht the DL.

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Although, I can't figure out how to use the damn M82 Rucksacks. Do you know how, Baron? Or are they just for show?

They are just a cosmetic feature until someone figures way to implement proper scripting in a manner that works well. wink_o.gif

EDIT: Baron got to it first while I was writing this, oh well.

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