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Separated parachutes

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-Parachutes should not be standard equipment to all units.

-Parachutes should be a inventory item we could pick and drop, could also be taken from big airplanes, etc.

-Parachutes should only be used once in the field, when we land there should be a action in the action menu "hide chute". If we need to jump again we should pick another one.

-Parachutes should be seen on the back of units (like Backpacks).

-Paratroopers should get stuck in the trees tounge_o.gif .

-When reaching the ground there should be a sideroll anim. to soften the fall, in OPF landing in a chute looks...weird?

-Soldiers parachuting (in OPF) only display the soldier and the parachute, i would like to see the soldiers rifle and equipment when the soldier is landing in OPF2.

What did i forgot rock.gif ...

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Good ideas!

with the chute in inventory the slots for other equipment should be a little restricted. Additional equipment could be dropped in cargo chutes. Would be interesting to scan bushes to find your equipment. It would also encourage people to make real heli insertions.

And please no more bailing out for chopper pilots...

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uum why not bail out of a chopper?

Most choppers aren't suited for bailing out of,they usually fly low,and try to crash land the chopper and then bail out of it on the ground.

Some russian attack choppers have ejection seats though, I know of the Ka-50 Hokum, and the Ka-52 Black Shark (correct?)

I like all of the idea's,seeing an airborne squad land,fold out their stocks,securing the area and retrieving the dropped equipment from the surroundings,much better than the bland ofp way of just landing,and then having the equipment magically appear in your hands.

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Perhaps when you've got a chute on, your weapon and equipment should be bagged up or tied down to you, as real paratroopers do.

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Quote[/b] ]Good ideas!

with the chute in inventory the slots for other equipment should be a little restricted. Additional

THe point of a paratroop is that you can drop one out of a plane with a full two weeks worth of equipment, So cut out the parachutes restricting kit carried

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One thing I would like to add is to be able to steer your chute...

That would make it possible to make spec-op missions when you land on the roof on some tall building, while some other peolple cower the exits... biggrin_o.gif

And then you save the hostage... if you are fast enough... wink_o.gif

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