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Optional flight dynamics for helos

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I just played a game called RC helicopter: indoor adventure. I must say despite the title of the game. The flight model for the helicopters is quite engaging. It's a tad more realistic than the current ofp setup insofar as you don't really need to mind any instrumentation, but your controls are not simply relegated to rudder and cyclic forward and backward while it seems like the cyclic left and right controls are basically taken care of for you by ofp.

It adds a whole new dimension to flying since you can actually strafe and pull off a whole range of aerial maneuvers that you really can't do in ofp right now. Not to mention the fact that I always got annoyed at how easy it was for someone in multiplayer to line up a target and lay waste with some ffar. With a flight model such as the one in this game there's justifiable reason for a gunner since it's quite a skill just to keep the helicopter aloft at times. Tricky as flying it is. It's 100% kinesthetic in it's learning curve. You don't need to read anything. Which was sort of the point for the simplified flight model for ofp to begin with, right? This just adds a bit more challenge to it.

This, honestly would be cool in multiplayer games in many ways. One, because there'd actually be demands for skilled chopper pilots in multiplayer games with such a flight model enabled on the server as there's a whole range of things you can perform if you've achieved that level of dexterity with the controls. Personally I think it'd make vietnam style insert and extractions a whole lot more plausible and realistic, and because it wouldn't be so damn easy (and boring IMO) to saturate an area with rockets with pinpoint accuracy.

Not to mention that this little sim also does a semi accurate job of modeling what happens to a helicopter if the tail rotor gets smashed off, namely your helicopter torques out of control, like as in blackhawk down. With the popularity of addons such as ECP which already includes simulated tailrotor failure. I really think this is a good indication that perhaps a significant section of the ofp community are looking for a little more realism to the simulation without having to crack a manual the size of a metropolitan phonebook.

Personally I'd really enjoy seeing a flight model such as this given consideration for ofp2 as it'd open up a whole new level of gameplay for people to explore.

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Good suggestion, make the flight model not require a $65 custom manual but won't allow action freaks (like me ^.^) to tear up the battlefield so easily. Thought all I can say is that if it will be harder to pilot the aircraft, I want the ai to have a engage at will mode where they fire away at anything without my constant direction, since I'll be spinning out of control like in MS Flight simulater crazy_o.gif .

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Sounds like a pretty decent expansion on OFP's fairly arcadish helicopter simulation....

As you said, the learning curve should be fairly reasonable, so that people who aren't really interested in a complex helo-sim could still jump in and have a bit of fun. For instance, I would like to be able to get around in a helo with my mouse and keyboard as easily as I do now. I don't want to have to buy a joystick just to be able to fly the choppers properly.

Quote[/b] ]One, because there'd actually be demands for skilled chopper pilots

Now this would be great to see - actual specialised roles. I never play MP myself, but I can see how a team would rather have a 'great' pilot (having trained up on flying) than someone who can fly, but not terribly well.

Perhaps the flight dynamics could differ according to what mode you're playing on (Cadet/Veteran) or could be an option in the difficulty menu. I'm not sure, it might be too hard to implement effectively...

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As long as the flight model ain't damn near impossible to fly.

Example. BF1942: Desert Combat.

Unless your in nosecam, it's damn near impossible to fly there choppers. That and I'm not sure if joysticks can be configured for that game.

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I know to an extent there's definitely a finer art of chopper piloting in ofp. However that has more to do with getting the most out of the limited flight model or exploiting certain aspects of the game as possible. While that's cool and I myself have become a fairly decent pilot in that respect. OFP's helo flight model reaches a very broad base of players which is great for attracting and encouranging as many different types of people to play as possible.

As far as addressing the potential inefficiency, it's not that bad really. In that game I play with total realism off as far as that game considers total realism because with the setting just beneath that, it enables all the cool maneuverability that I'd enjoy without having to actually compensate torque as you would with a real helicopter without a fly by wire system.

With this alternative flight model you'd see a helicopter flying a little more like it should, with this greater maneuverability enables you to make some fairly fast broad sweeping turns so long as you don't get to zealous with the cyclic and flip it over and crash. I've pulled off some pretty crazy moves not unlike some I've seen actual helos do. It'd give those people who pride themselves on using the law on helicopters a serious run for their money.

The best thing about a model like that in the end though is the fact that you can pick up the basics in a short time and the rest of it involves you devising more advanced tactics and tricks for getting the most out of your machine. I've found it fairly easy to fly the chopper with the keyboard, you can't use the mouse in the game however the main point of the mouse was fine tuning your aim which I'd hope this system would curtail so that you don't get sniped by rockets at 300m. I however have found that using my PS2 controller to usb adaptor makes it even more enjoyable. Still. Something like that has to be made accessible to people with no exotic peripherals such as mine. =P

Probably might get shit for this, but you can pick up the game by searching for it's name on... *coughkazaalitecough*

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Tweak the original OFP flight model. I think it's pretty good as it is, no need for radical changes.

Also, yay damage modeling and yay specialized roles. smile_o.gif

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Don't make too many changes and additions, otherwise we will end up having over 5 installation discs: 1 for tank, 1 for troop, 1 for helicopter, 1 for boat, 1 for aircraft....the list could be endless. wink_o.gif

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Not really. The game I was speaking of is only 28 megabytes. Besides. All I really want is more freedom of control with the choppers. I think the choppers in ofp now are ok as they are, however as the ofp community evolves, so too should their follow-up games. Technology is making great strides and ofp should keep up with that I think. The discerning ofp player is going to expect a bit more out of the system than what it currently offers. Just look at what lengths people have gone to make a reality the things that weren't implemented in the release of ofp... CoC artillery, ECP. BAS helo effects, countless other innovations that people have seen fit to add because they want that little extra. If they don't add it themselves. It'd be nice if they gave the community the option to do it themselves.

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Don't make too many changes and additions, otherwise we will end up having over 5 installation discs: 1 for tank, 1 for troop, 1 for helicopter, 1 for boat, 1 for aircraft....the list could be endless. wink_o.gif

It's the materials that take up room, like sounds and textures, not the recipe, like physics. wink_o.gif

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As long as the flight model ain't damn near impossible to fly.

Example. BF1942: Desert Combat.

Unless your in nosecam, it's damn near impossible to fly there choppers. That and I'm not sure if joysticks can be configured for that game.

DC choppers are easy and yes,  Joysticks are easy to install/use.

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DC choppers are not easy, and don't seem real to me. It feels like your trying to balance the helicopter on the head of a pin. Way too easy in BF1942:DC to get the chopper upside down!!

I've finaly gotten to the point that I can actually take off and move to a far off location, but this took many hours of practice and crashing. Even now I crash %50 of the time I fly a DC chopper.

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How about having more realism in the fundamental flight model, then building and 'easy flight model' on top of it. And then have an on/off option in the action menu.

There would be no point in having a server options for turning it off since any helicopter would have to conform to the basic possible flight characteristics.

This could make automatic contour-following height adjustments and limit speed(to avoid problems of retreating blade stall that is not modelled in OFP at the moment), roll and pitch so that all it does is limit your flying to the 'safe' region. This would be sort of an extended autohover allowing all but the most extreme maneuvers and anyone could disable it to gain full control. The 'simple model' should be more or less what OFP has now. That way everybody would be happy and good pilots would really be better because they would be able to go to the limits of their helicopter's performance and survive there.

When it comes to rockets I feel that they are too acurate, mind you not the aiming of the helicopter, but simply the rockets themselves, they should be flying other places than exactly where you aim them. Fixing this would also fix the problem of rockets being too powerful.

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i just hope radar, AA targeting, etc is implemented more effectively. no more hitting tab as many times as you can until you find a target and then pulling the trigger. most attack helicopters are designed to attack from a hover, meaning they hide behind the concealment of a mountain, etc, then pop out to engage their targets. in the current OFP, hovering means you are dead since every ground unit will immediately fire stingers and strelas at you. also, a more realistic flight model would be nice--rolls, etc, or at least a more effective rudder and turning system.

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