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Do you need some of your other models to play with the F-16??

When i wanna try it i get the following error.

No entry 'config.bin/CfgModels/Plane.sections'.

on all 3 versions.

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I'm back from the testing, and I have tho say this F-16 looked better on the screenshots than in the game with me in the cockpit.

-Maneuverability is poor and is equivalent to the A10 if not less.

It's not that bad, is it?  smile_o.gif This has been fixed already on the

latest version.

Quote[/b] ]

-Several parts of the aircraft need remodeling and rescaling

It's accurate against the blueprints I've got, so you'll have to

give some specifics with pictures if possible.

Quote[/b] ]

-Could use better environmental sounds taken from Falcon 4

If you mean flaps/gear/canopy sounds, I'll try and take a


Quote[/b] ]

-Pitch ladders are the only working instrumentation in the cockpit and the HUD needs to be reshaped.

Agreed on very little cockpit automation at the moment, but

HUD re-shaped? The 'window' bars or the info on the HUD?

Wonder - Sorry, but I completely forgot about your F-16

project - I would like any input you think you could make to

this one, if possible.

dkraver - Not that I know of. What version of OFP are you


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dkraver - Not that I know of. What version of OFP are you


version 1.96

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DkRaver -

Hmmm. I'll try and reproduce the error, but I've never seen

anything like that before. Are you using mod folders, or

-nomap or anything else 'out of the ordinary'?

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Thanks for your plane,

I have a suggestion, why do you not try to work with VIT (Addons Page), I'm sure that if you merge your work you will make both better plane, also try to create some kind of JAM_missiles (would help a lot of addon maker) or works with COC_torpedoes, to use same ammo, it would help you a lot...

I hope you do so...

Thanks again for your works

PS: Can you add ECP event handler please to you addons, and please can you create a proper vehicleClass for you addons like "Foot's - Air" ? (choose what you like of course).

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could we have a list of the weapons and ammo names used on the F16 and IL28 ?

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Ran - That'll go in the readme for the final version, but IIRC

the weapon/ammo names are:


RKTF16Mk82Rail / RKTF16Mk82

RKTF16MavRail / RKTF16Mav




RKTF16HarmRail /RKTF16Harm


RKTFabRail / RKTFab500

You should be able UnPBO them and check the config.cpp, if

you need them right away.

Gaz - I'd willingly work with VIT, but he's rather hard to get

hold of on these forums, and I don't think his English is very

good, so there's another barrier.

There was a 'JAM for planes' being planned, but it was mainly

the idea of BigPoppa (VektorBoson). When he quit addon

making, it fell by the wayside. If people like Skaircro,

Hardrock, SeaDemon and so on would like to contribute, I

think we could get something going again - I can't really

contribute too much, as I'm quite busy at the moment...

I've been following ECP, and I'll try to upgrade at some point,

but it's not a very high priority, sadly.

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Ran - That'll go in the readme for the final version, but IIRC

the weapon/ammo names are:


RKTF16Mk82Rail / RKTF16Mk82

RKTF16MavRail / RKTF16Mav




RKTF16HarmRail /RKTF16Harm


RKTFabRail / RKTFab500

You should be able UnPBO them and check the config.cpp, if

you need them right away.

Gaz - I'd willingly work with VIT, but he's rather hard to get

hold of on these forums, and I don't think his English is very

good, so there's another barrier.

There was a 'JAM for planes' being planned, but it was mainly

the idea of BigPoppa (VektorBoson). When he quit addon

making, it fell by the wayside. If people like Skaircro,

Hardrock, SeaDemon and so on would like to contribute, I

think we could get something going again - I can't really

contribute too much, as I'm quite busy at the moment...

I've been following ECP, and I'll try to upgrade at some point,

but it's not a very high priority, sadly.

thx a lot tounge_o.gif

well, it was just me being lazy there smile_o.gif

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Damn I'm good....    biggrin_o.gif

No your not. You really have no clue what an LAU-88 is, do you. You think LAU-88's are rockets, don't you.

An LAU-88 is the three launcher rack that mavericks are carried on. It's not a weapon!!! It's the munitions dispenser system for mavericks, if it really needs to be that clearly told to you, the LAU-88 is quote.

Quote[/b] ]Two different launchers are used with Maverick missiles: the LAU-117 single-raillauncher and the LAU-88 triple-rail launcher.

Ozanzac, I NEVER said once mentioning the LAU-88 was used for launching unguided rockets, nor am I a complete idiot about the dangers of cluster muntions lying around after their deployment.   I was referring by "Damn I'm good" of the point in the same arguement against cluster muntions would have to be made at nuclear weapons at the same time since both produce lots of collateral damage.

I was in a bloody hurry to get that post in because I had important work to be done, and I accidently referred ALL LAU systems as unguided rockets/unguided launchers.  I highly suggest you quit treating me like I'm a bloody noob or moron about aicraft operations, weapons systems, or tactics.  I don't want to see this issue get personal, but quit rushing to judgement and making every assumption about my knowledge about such matters.

War is hell man, never said things were great or fair.  What can a family in a warzone do Ozanzac, curse the aircraft dropping the cluster bombs enough so it will crash and burn?  Get realistic, I deeply sympathize with any loss of life but there are just some things you just can't avoid or prevent.  As long as nations prepare and participate in the art of war, problems like this will never go away and removing cluster muntions will NOT solve the problem.

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Don't thank me too quickly, I'm sure there's some errors

there. tounge_o.gif

there are some errors yes, but i'll break it smile_o.gif

and if i can't , i'll just de-pbo the addon an watch the config smile_o.gif

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Um...actually there plenty of things that can be done to prevent civilian deaths from cluster bombs. One good way is to simply NOT bomb civilian populations with cluster bombs.

That's a start.

Anyhoo... Below is a little pic of the Beagle in action. So far I've found it to provide excellent air support for Egyptian ground forces.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Meh, well no one ever said all pilots were smart or accurate. As for the sortie OPLAN, that's the sole responsibility on the warplanners and the judgements they make.

Anyways, any definate plans for using the Beagle for Nogovan Armed Forces project?  It would be a good addon to use for EW, jamming, bombing, or maritime surface patrol at Nogova.

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DkRaver -

Hmmm. I'll try and reproduce the error, but I've never seen

anything like that before. Are you using mod folders, or

-nomap or anything else 'out of the ordinary'?

Im using a mod folder with -nosplash. Nothing else. I havent had problem with any of your other planes so it must be something in the F-16.

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Awesome work Footmunch, thanks those birds fly great! One question is there something I can put in the init field so when I place the planes their landing gear isn't stuck down when in flight? Because I can't tell the AI to raise gear, also the gear on the players plane when placed in flight has to select "gear up" twice. Thanks

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Great work footmunch!

i have a small suggestion: could you add a more modern rwr sound? The one it has now sounds more original in older and russian planes. Perhaps you can use the original sound from falcon 4.0?

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This is kinda offtopic but anyone know if the retextured version of Footmunchs' A1 Skyraider was ever released?

I remember seeing some pics of a nice retexture of it but I could only find the original version on Footmunch's site.

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Awesome. Very very very nice work Footmunch! Those Beagles are great in multi-player! Haha, well with my first flight in the F-16, I took off and colided with your Sandy... :-( But anyway, the F-16 is almost perfect. I'm not gonna crack on you, I'm just gonna say "nice work" and you're the best airplane-addon-maker in history.

By the way, my name's Chris G. too :-)

Give it up for Footmuch and his Airplanes!

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very nice addons - love the beagle, great to have a bomber. My question is has anyone else having problems getting the f16 to engage ground targets? both the AG and WW do a single pass then don't return. Tried various maps, enagagement types, speeds and various targets - always the same. msr footmunch's planes set the standard for ground attacking planes so I'm lost to what's happening here.

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ah footmunch another idea: i don´t know how important this is to you but if I taxi a plane on ground it´s always terrible to see that the tires are not spinning.

Bratty and Trenchfeet have done this though on their WW2 Planes, I don´t know how difficult it is to implement it, so what´s your opinion?

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THere's already an F14 that's been made that's not too bad.  It's comes with Hawk's aircraft carrier but was originally from some other mod team.  

At any rate it's not bad at all in my opinion unless you're extremely anal about detail.   For me close is good enough unless there is something really obvious about the aircraft that is missing or if the shape is really messed up (ex. I'm going nuts screwing around with a Footmunch's Mig-21 model trying to edit it into a Mig-21BIS...I can't get the damn nose to come out right).  

Anyhoo... I hope Footmunch keeps working on those cool planes that nobody else is making.  smile_o.gif  

Like the *cough* VULCAN *cough*.    smile_o.gif  Hehehehe...

There's a whole ton of similar cool planes yet to be made in OFP.   Ex-  PC-3 Orion,  B1 Bomber (an old one was made but never updated and was impossible to fly), Convair B-58 Hustler, the B-47 Stratojet, F-100 Suber Sabre, a working Yak-38 Forger VTOL aircraft (one was made but it used a helicopter class),  US Navy RA-5C Vigilante (maybe with a working camera with a command that uses the "print screen" command to take actual pictures), the British Nimrod MR-2 (Footmunch, weren't you or someone working on one of those?), tons of Mirage aircraft, Israeli Kfir,  ect...

That's just a sample of cool planes.   Lots more aircraft from around the world that would be very cool to make including plenty of cargo planes as well (we still don't have a good C-17, or C-141, or C-5 Galaxy for example). Hawk made a C5 but it had tons of problems and was barely flyable. A French mod team made a C-17 which was fantastic except for the nose of the aircraft that looked really strange), and nobody has yet made a C-141. There's also of coarse a bunch of Antonov cargo aircraft that have yet to be made.

So personally I hope Footmunch concentrates on cool planes that people really want to see but that nobody else is making rather then just remaking aircraft that other people have already made.   His F-16 was already made by Vit, but Vit didn't make it an international version that with user-designated textures so it was only good for American missions so I'm glad that Footmunch made that particular aircraft even though there was already an addon of it out.   If a plane addon has serious problems (doesn't fly well or has serious bugs, errors, or drawbacks) then I think it also makes a good

cadidate for being reissued by another addon maker.  

Sure the old F-14 addon could be better, but I think its not too bad and is plenty usable.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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