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Are there any good us army regular infantry models

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Good question, wrong board. As far as your answer, I don't know of any. There are Suchey's excellent Marines, and BAS put out the great Delta and Ranger pack. I believe BAS is working on a Desert and Woodland pack, but I dont know if it will include good US Army units or not.

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Moving to A&MD. The best regular Army units available now are from the BAS Delta/Ranger pack. The Rangers can stand in for nearly any US Army soldier nowadays (regular infantry units are issued M-4s and whiz-bang sights and scopes now) and they come with a modifiable arm patch so you can make them have 101st or 82nd Airborne patches.

IIRC, BAS said that the Delta/Ranger pack 2.0 will come with more generic models for regular infantry (so those people that get upset about specific types of body armor and kit will be happy) as well as unit patches for nearly every US Army combat unit in existance.

Otherwise Earl and Suchey's Marines are brilliant.

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I was re-texturing Suchey's troops into woodland I did the primary work, basic textures (didn't add shadow or pockets), i'll only finish them off when Suchey replies to my post, so far he hasn't sad_o.gif and I won't release it until he replies.

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If you want a kind of replacement for the standard OFP soldiers, I recommend KMARNS international infantry. smile_o.gif


I don't know, I think it's a good addon and should be closer to real 1985 U.S troops than the BIS models with the bedrolls and pointy helmets etc.

EDIT: DL link

KMARNS international infantry

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I was re-texturing Suchey's troops into woodland I did the primary work, basic textures (didn't add shadow or pockets), i'll only finish them off when Suchey replies to my post, so far he hasn't sad_o.gif and I won't release it until he replies.

I remember seeing your screenshot of the retexture a while back (can't remember which thread it was) and thinking it looked amazing.

Suchey, reply to his post for the love of all things sacred! crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Um, why don't you PM him as well in case he missed the topic? rock.gif

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Oh yeah, I forgot about the Kmarns troops. They're very good as well, and represent American troops up to about 1997 well.

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yea i was gonna say that too. the WGL ones look nice tho. I dont know if they are acurately american, but the boys at Wargames took the International soldier model and did lots of cool things to them - gave them backpacks, made rangers, strike team forces and recon forces and everything. decent quality smile_o.gif

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I think it would still be nice to have a proper modern US Army pack, but since I can't make them, I'll do what I can (which is wait patiently) smile_o.gif

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I was re-texturing Suchey's troops into woodland I did the primary work, basic textures (didn't add shadow or pockets), i'll only finish them off when Suchey replies to my post, so far he hasn't sad_o.gif and I won't release it until he replies.

Try E-mailing, that is the easiest way for him to notice. Also it is nice to see that you want to release them as I remember them looking really good. I hope you do something similar to the Russian naval infantry wink_o.gif

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