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I'm writing a "stringtable.csv", a file wich allow translation for my addon.

I understood online translating service as Google or InterTran are not much reliable, so I submit to you a part of my stringtable. Please check it and according to your language tell me or fix the mistakes.


(Please keep this thread out of comments about the addon itself)

STR_FIA_COMMANDO_Y,Commando (chemical),Commando (chimique),Comando (chimico),Comando (químico),Kommando (chemisch), Záškodník (chemik)

STR_FIA_COMMANDO_S,Commando (explosive),Commando (explosif),Comando (esplosivo),Comando (explosivo),Kommando (sprengstoff), Záškodník (výbušniny)

STR_FIA_KAMIKAZE,Suicide bomber (civilian),Kamikaze (civil),Homens-bomba (civili),Kamikaze (civiles),Kamikaze (zivilisten),Sebevražedný útoÄník (civilista)

STR_FIA_BELT,Explosive belt,Ceinture explosive,Cinta esplosiva,Cinturón explosivo,Sprengstoff-Gürtel,Opasek s výbušninou

STR_FIA_AKJAMMED,AK47 (Jammed!),AK47 (Enrayée!),AK47 (bloccato!),AK47 (bloqueado!),AK47 (ladehämmungen),AK47 (zaseknutý)

STR_FIA_PHOS,Glowy stick,Batôn lumineux,Bastoncino luminoso,Luminoso tubo,Leuchtstäbe,Chemická svítilna

STR_FIA_PHOSACTION,Put glowy stick,Placer batôn lumineux,Piazzare bastoncino luminoso,Plantar luminoso tubo,Legen leuchtstäbe,Položit tyÄku


STR_FIA_YPERITE,Bottle of Yperite gas, Bouteille de gaz Ypérite, Bombole di gaz senape di zolfo, Bombonas de gas mostaza,Senfgas-Hochdruckbehältern,

STR_FIA_YPERITEACTION,Release Yperite gas,Ouvrir la valve (gaz Ypérite),???,???,???

STR_FIA_GRP_ASSASSINATION,Killer team,Equipe d'assassin,???,???,Meuchelmördteam,Zabiják tým

STR_FIA_GRP_RECON,Recon team,Equipe de reconnaissance,Team reconocimiento,Equipo ricognizione,Aufklärung team,???

STR_FIA_FEIGNDEATH,Feign Death,Faire le mort,???,???,Tot Stellen,???


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"Legen leuchtstäbe" should be "Leuchtstäbe legen".

"Flinte" is no good translation for "Shotgun". "Flinte" is something a hunter is using. Its better to not translate it.

"Meuchelmördteam" is a bit....strange. Sure, its the correct translation, but nobody would ever use this word. I dont know any good translation for it.

"Senfgas-Hochdruckbehältern" means "Mustard gas high pressure container", I think its better to use "Senfgasbehälter".

"Aufklärung team" is wrong, you should use "Aufklärungsteam".

"Release Yperite gas" can be translated with "Senfgas freisetzen".

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glowy stick -> glow stick

yperite gas -> mustard gas

killer team -> assassination team (or maybe, hit team)

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Cinta esplosiva -> Cintura esplosiva

Bastoncino luminoso -> Luce chimica

Piazzare bastoncino luminoso -> Piazzare luce chimica

Shotgun -> Fucile a pompa

Bombole di gaz senape di zolfo ->Bombola di gas iprite

relase Yperite gas -> Rilasciare Iprite

Killer team -> Squadrone della morte

Feign Death -> Fingersi morto

Tracer -> Traccianti

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U forgot norwegian too.

Shotgun = Hagle

Yperite gas= Senneps gass

and so on...

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Kommando (sprengstoff) = Kommando (Sprengstoff)

Kamikaze (zivilisten) = Selbstmordattentäter (Zivilist)

AK47 (ladehämmungen) = AK47 (Ladehemmung)

STR_FIA_YPERITEACTION = Senfgas freisetzen


STR_FIA_FEIGNDEATH = tot stellen

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...and thanks smile_o.gif

I haven't Polish or Norwegian language in my default OFP version, so I won't make them sorry.

There remain few unknown words in different language, please if you miss this thread help me.

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en espanol

STR_FIA_COMMANDO Comando (químico)

STR_FIA_COMMANDO_S,Comando (explosivo)

STR_FIA_KAMIKAZE,,Kamikaze (civil),

STR_FIA_BELT,Cintura explosiva,

STR_FIA_AKJAMMED,AK47 (bloqueada!)

STR_FIA_PHOS,tubo luminoso,

STR_FIA_PHOSACTION,Plantar tubo luminoso


STR_FIA_YPERITE,Bombonas de gas mostaza

STR_FIA_YPERITEACTION,abrir la valvula de la bombona de gaz mostaza

FIA_GRP_ASSASSINATION,Equipo de asesinos

STR_FIA_GRP_RECON,equipo de reconocimiento,

STR_FIA_FEIGNDEATH,hacer el muerto

STR_FIA_BULLET_TRACER,trazante (balle traçante=bala trazante)

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Damm, Maximiliem, I was just going to put the spanish ones in here. crazy_o.gif lol.


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