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New urals and 5t trucks

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Indeed it does look great,  who do you need to get permission from Kurayami ?

Jonno (it's based originally on his jungle 5t pack) and Marfy (textures.)

Lee H. Oswald allowed me to use the config of his desert pack as a base to save me time and to ensure that no discrepencies exist between his desert pack and my woodland pack (it wouldn't make much sense if they behaved completely differently.)

I emailed both Jonno and Marfy over a week ago and haven't gotten a reply yet. If anybody knows of a better way to contact either of them, feel free to clue me in.

You can contact Jonno either through PM on the UKF forums of at [email protected], if I remember rightly he was on holidays last week.

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You can contact Jonno either through PM on the UKF forums of at [email protected], if I remember rightly he was on holidays last week.

That's the address I sent the request to. Tankieboy gave me a couple of others, but they seem to be out of service.

I may try dropping him a PM if I don't hear from him in a few days. Thanks.

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Hmm, just checked Marfy's HP again and didn't find any possibilty to contact him.

Click on his name in the news items. tounge_o.gif

I know, but you said, that you still wrote a eMail. Was looking for something else (like MSN,ICQ etc) ... Perhaps i should have said that more detailed  smile_o.gif

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As far as I know Marfy doesn't speak english.

Last time I've asked him for permision I wrote him an email sending him a picture of his work and mine, so he knows what I was talking about, (First time didn't had an answer).and he give me permision

If you speak CZ, better write in this languaje, or look for someone who can, sure in this forum will be a lot of people who will help you.

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As far as I know Marfy doesn't speak english.

Last time I've asked him for permision I wrote him an email sending him a picture of his work and mine, so he knows what I was talking about, (First time didn't had an answer).and he give me permision

If you speak CZ, better write in this languaje, or look for someone who can, sure in this forum will be a lot of people who will help you.

LHO asked him for permission at the same address and got it, so I assume that he could understand the request. I may resend it with a picture if I don't hear from him, though.

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Does anyone know where i can find some updated 5t trucks and urals.  The originals no longer work with the textures of Sigs tanks and Suchey's units.  They look so outdated now.  So can someone tell me where i can find these trucks with ok to good textures?

If you do want to try some new ural trucks out, try this pack. It includes a BM21 rocket launcher, firetrucks, and civilian versions

ZIL 130 + ZIL 131 Pack

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The urals from CLSA 2 are also VERY nice  smile_o.gif

hmm..although the model on the csla truck is improved, i feel that new textures are in order as well.

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Mmmm... Rudedog relseased his Bradley pack with the crew of a japanese guy of Battle Over Hokaido Mod without permission because he couldn´t contact him! just he put him in the credits as the original maker of that crew and no problem after that!

You should try this  smile_o.gif

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Mmmm... Rudedog relseased his Bradley pack with the crew of a japanese guy of Battle Over Hokaido Mod without permission because he couldn´t contact him! just he put him in the credits as the original maker of that crew and no problem after that!

You should try this  smile_o.gif

but releasing an addon with permission from the author gives you a better feeling...and it´s still much more polite imho (like asking parents for their daughters hand  tounge_o.gif  ).

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Mmmm... Rudedog relseased his Bradley pack with the crew of a japanese guy of Battle Over Hokaido Mod without permission because he couldn´t contact him! just he put him in the credits as the original maker of that crew and no problem after that!

You should try this  smile_o.gif

but releasing an addon with permission from the author gives you a better feeling...and it´s still much more polite imho (like asking parents for their daughters hand  tounge_o.gif  ).

Obiously, but when there´s no reply from anybody...

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just give it a few days, then i'm sure Kurayami will give us an answer smile_o.gif

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I emailed both Jonno and Marfy over a week ago and haven't gotten a reply yet. If anybody knows of a better way to contact either of them, feel free to clue me in.

Hmm, just checked [[/url] again and didn't find any possibilty to contact him.

BTW: Are there any other US-Trucks than the 5T ones? They are nice, but i think something new would be really great. Juxt checked Gamezone.cz and didn't find anything (FDF,CSLA and the4 MMP ones are great, but i'm searching for US-Versions ... and it would be nice if it would be a "lonestanding" addons, so i don't need to DL a whole mod for them).

Mfg MEDICUS smile_o.gif

Well made a pack of 900 series 5 ton trucks mostly overhualed BIS trucks. Then 800 series 5 tons that the 900 replaced, then the M35 series 2 1/2 ton trucks. Hemets, M151 series jeeps.

in Desert cammo, woodland nateo tri color, and plain OD Green. As kinda concidering weather or not to continue deveolpment in the large tatcial vehicle packs.

I get so tweaked at these BHD missions and they keep using 900 series 5 tons trucks, which were only used in transportation units at the time units still used the M35A2 2 1/2 truck at the unit support level.

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Mmmm... Rudedog relseased his Bradley pack with the crew of a japanese guy of Battle Over Hokaido Mod without permission because he couldn´t contact him! just he put him in the credits as the original maker of that crew and no problem after that!

You should try this smile_o.gif

I don't really want to release anything without permission. I know that Marfy especially is very protective of his work (as he should be. He makes some of the best textures that I've ever seen.)

I think that Rudedog's situation was different. Nobody has been able to contact Hyakushiki for months through any means, but not for lack of trying. As far as I know, Marfy and Jonno are still around, so I wouldn't really want them coming onto the forum one day, finding it, and getting pissed that I didn't wait for their permission.

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