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Cannon Fodder

Here are a few screenshots....

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From Ghost Recon!



Now pick your jaw up off the floor, grab your coat and get out and buy this masterpiece. P.S., myself being British, I couldn't help but be over-joyed that the game has got 2 British specialists in it!

CF out!

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Well, yes, if you're looking for realistic pictures, definitely get GR. (But then again, why not just get a movie instead. Gonna look even better.)

But if you're looking for realistic and intelligent gameplay, then I'm afraid you're stuck with OPF...

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Ah well, that's where you're wrong my friend. In my opinion GR offers both amazing and intelligent gameplay for the war sim fan.

Don't dissmiss this game as a "oh it looks good... bet it plays crap". Don't even pay attention to the demo, as the mission given there is crap and has fog to 300m.

The real game has you peering over dense woodland from a mountain top with a rifle in hand, sneaking through caves with NVGs on, performing raids on terrorist prisons to free hostages and escorting tank columns through enemy territory. You also end up getting jobs like destroying the pylons on a bridge, perorming an AT duty and numerous other ideas.

The game also has full urban area combat, with the final mission totally urban combat. Games like OFP cannot handle urban areas. The soldiers fall through stairs for crying out loud!

Look, OFP is fantastic. I'm not here to bash it. But to be offered an intelligent game that allows indoor to vast outdoor combat seemlessly, and squad based tactics that are a joy to learn and master - I just can't help but fall in love with Ghost Recon.

Yes, OFP has the vehicles - but I love GR for what it is: An absolutely fantastic infantry combat simulator. And for that, I am proud to recommend it to anyone.

P.S. It looks great too!


CF out.

(Edited by Cannon Fodder at 9:44 pm on Nov. 22, 2001)

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I have the demo, but my comp is so s**te that it makes the screen flicker and stuff. crap. looks like a brilliant game though.i take it u can set waypoints cant u ? cos in the demo u have to do everything urself. sad.gif

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Yeah, you set orders on the fly with a waypointing system and a simple to use ROE system. You can assign cover etc. and fire arcs. A great and intuitive system, although no doubt somebody will disagree.

PS: I have had no trouble with the AI, contray to rumours on the net. Everything worked great!

CF out.

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I've got the demo, AI is pretty amazing - they can find cover properly, give hand signals. I've even seen the AI ambush me. The AI is much more complex than OFP and the game is extremely in-proportion and detailed.

BUT it's a totally different kettle of fish to OFP. GR doesent give me the freedom and diversity that OFP has.

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Yeah Cannon, we accept the fact that you like Ghost Recon.

Now try and accept the fact that other DONT like it.

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I've played the GR demo, and well, I found it odd. Yeah the gfx are good, but the damage with weapons I dont feel is right.

You pop a guy in the head with a sniper rifle and he doesn't go down I find just a bit odd.

Oh well, hope they get it sorted for the full game.

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Cannon Fodder you seem to be confused this is the OFP forum not the GR forum. I suggest you devote your time and screen shots there. If you like that game so much WTF are you doing here.

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Seems like he is passing on INFO, whats your problem Bronco?confused.gif? trying to stifle free speech??

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Just trying to direct him to the correct forum !!!!!!!

Why dont you join him there?confused.gifconfused.gif?

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Heh, some people don't like me passing on info. Then what the #### are you doing in this thread anyhow? It's not as if OFP is going to sell less because I recommend GR.

GR is more of a 6 person a squad army SF shooter. The Ghosts of the title are basically the SAS under another name - which means many dangerous and covert missions, spliced with some excellent mid to long range combat.

Really you have to download the demo (except the demo level is very poor) or buy the game to see what the fuss is about. Here's another couple of screenshots!




CF out.

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Does the game have a strict route from A-B in order to complete it like half life, or is it open expanse and fluid like OFP?

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I was an R6/RS/UO player for years, and had high expectations in the final product of GR, but to me the longer i play GR the more it´s lack of depth and design flaws become obvious, in single player that is.

It features very cool graphics, effects, animations and sounds, although the few vehicles are looking extremely unrealistic ingame.

The Rest is your standard "unrealistic" shooter, like CS, Wolfenstein etc., only difference is that you´re mostly get killed after 1 hit.

There are no ballistics, only standard inaccuracy for weapons- An M249 is not as accurate as a sniper rifle a.e..

There are many invisible boundaries, mostly you can´t even walk up very slight slopes, you have to walk the long way around it.

While enemy AI is good at parts, your teammates act like donkeys, they´re unususable most of the times, therefore the player does most of the kills and workload, because you can´t send them where s**t is flying around or they get killed. They usually get outsmarted by the enemy- after all they´re supposed to be Green Berets, Special Forces...so what can you expect of them i guess?

My men particulary like to kill themselves when they´re close together and one moves into anothers fire when an enemy is near, they too like to shoot walls that are 1 yard in front of them if an enemy is around.

Mouse steering is very unprecise compared to other games.

But it´s fun in multiplayer, and was the main aspect for me buying it, although there are loads of campers around and unintended Teamkills are present in almost every game. Oh nearly forgot...be aware of those OICW´s in Multiplayer on large open maps, they will dominate the field.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from dazmorg on 11:57 pm on Nov. 22, 2001

Does the game have a strict route from A-B in order to complete it like half life, or is it open expanse and fluid like OFP?

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You can complete a mission in different ways;

a) elimate all enemies on the map

b) fullfill your mission objects, don´t have to be in a particular order.

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does it have mulitplayer ? sorry i haven't been folowing GR at all smile.gif


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Thanxs satchel, on that write up I think I'll give it a miss......I'm happy with OFP and its MP........but the graphics look great. Post some more to piss Bronco off the annoying little s**t.

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Open expanse and fluid. You can complete any mission any way you like. e.g....

You have to assault an enemy encampment.

It's somewhere on an off-shore island 400mx400m. You find it with a relayed spy sattleitte. But how to assault it? In game, you position your squads in the bushes outside the base. You can see the patrols and the guards chatting (you can actually hear them laughing and couching etc... really talking to each other!) in the base.

You tell sqauds bravo and charlie to move silently and out of sight into postions around the base, and tell them to halt. You assign them a plan to assault the base, charlie laying down cover fire with his SAW, while you (Alpha) and Bravo assault the base. You give the command.. GO GO GO!

Charlie immediately opens up with their SAWs. The sound rips through the air, tracer fire all around. The terrorists try to escape, but they've got them pinned down. You and Bravo run full pelt into the base, terrorists running around panicing. They're screaming orders at each other while you and the rest of Alpha engage targets all over the place.

In a matter of seconds, it's all over. Bravo helped you in the assault, and Charlie provided cover. The camp lies in ruins, corpses litter the ground. But it's not over. The fight to the extraction begins...

There I've just tried to give you an example of how the game works. It's first person, with you ordering your squad around with a system similar to OFP, but more suited to real-time commands. You can go prone, crouch or stand. You can be snipers, riflemen, demo guys or support gunners. You can assign 6 people to your squad.

You can earn specialists when you complete bonus objectives, and after every mission you earn points to spend on your regular soldiers. Sound good? It is!

CF out.

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In response to Satchel's post:

Well.. you didn't like the game? Based on your argument, I'd say you had some problems with the AI. For me it was nothing short of breathtaking. If you keep your squad's limitations in mind, and keep in mind the fact that you ARE THE COMANDER, not a footsoldier, then you will succeed with the game.

For me, the infantry combat is better than OFP. That's my opinion. The game for me looks great, sounds great, plays great.

But then again, I'm not telling you to buy it. I just want people to consider another game that might warrant interest in the soldier sim genre.

CF out.

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I guess it depends on how high your expectations are, in multiplayer with a bunch of good friends it´s fun indeed... although i don´t suggest joining random games, especially with respawn on- it´s like Quake most of the times, you can be even respawned in the middle of a firefight going on and be accordingly dead as fast as you respawned, the Team gets totally disorganized by respawning.

Usual kill ratio for me in 10 Minutes is around 20:10 on typical maps in random games with respawn on, quite a Splatterfest.

It´s possible that you will respawn directly behind the one that shot you, this way most of the kills are achived, quite a mess.

(Edited by Satchel at 1:29 am on Nov. 23, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Cannon Fodder on 12:13 am on Nov. 23, 2001

In response to Satchel's post:

Well.. you didn't like the game? Based on your argument, I'd say you had some problems with the AI. For me it was nothing short of breathtaking. If you keep your squad's limitations in mind, and keep in mind the fact that you ARE THE COMANDER, not a footsoldier, then you will succeed with the game.

For me, the infantry combat is better than OFP. That's my opinion. The game for me looks great, sounds great, plays great.

But then again, I'm not telling you to buy it. I just want people to consider another game that might warrant interest in the soldier sim genre.

CF out.

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If it was only for the AI i could live with that, but it´s the summary of flaws.

As for the AI, there´s not much the player can do if his squad tends to shoot itself, or is shooting against walls....hasn´t much to do with my leading skills.

Also it´s almost always that you encounter opposition before getting to the object, it´s there were most of your men gets lost, it happens inmidst the planning and execution phase. If you are flanking from many different sides, your Teams has to be split, will most of times get shot and the gunshots will alarm other enemies in range to run to that spot, that´s exactly what i mean.

There is not a difference if you sent them via recon mode, normal or suppress mode, the result most of times will be the same, much of dead SOF Donkeys and many cheering Tangos- well that´s till i show up on the scene to clean out the mess.

Did you already play M05, map where you have to clear the Bank and investigate the crash site?

Well i left a 3 man team behind to secure our extraction, result was, "Bravo has lost a Teammember" x 3, they were rounded up by 2 bad guys, although i placed them in a corner position facing potential enemy entry zone, so they should have easily shot everyone coming around that corner, but that was to much to ask for.

To beat OFP´s AI, GR needs to go a long way and some patches.

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