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Bridges and more

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The Problem is that no amored vehicle can drive over a bridge anymore! Light vehicles can drive...

The armored ones start driving over but at half of their length is on the bridge they sunk front over into the bridge and hang there.

I've tested it on 1.91, 1.94 and 1.95 and no version let them drive over the bridge.

If I remember right it was possible in 1.91 therefore I think it depends on a config update.

1.94 and 1.95 didn't come along with new configs but I think the 1.92 was a patch with newer configs so could it cause it?

Another thing is that tanks could even be shot empty without any reload time in 1.95 crazy_o.gif

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Even not possible with 1.96!!!

BI remember that its not possible to realize any amored convoi

crossing a bridge in a nice cooperative! crazy_o.gif

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Fresh OFP Resistance Install (changed OS)

Patch 1.96 ,no addons installed yet

Nogova Island (only one bridge and its Res only)

I drove M60,T72,M2a2,BMP,M1a1 all over the bridge ,both ways and even turned around and such all over the bridge, they don't fall thru

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OK I just tried and got this:

I drove a M2a2 a M60 and m113 followed me across the bridge fine

Sometimes they try to take the water instead,but if you keep them close together (wait till they catch up) they follow across the bridge,nobody has fallen thru

It seems when I command the tank,the ai drives the right of the bridge and keeps hitting lamposts

Another thing I see that is annoying is when I am driver of tank,the AI gunner moves the turret opposite direction I am turning and it bothers me (lol)

But if I turn out,he keeps the turret straight

But I haven't encountered the AI falling thru the bridge

Is the bridge on Nogova the one in question? I've seen what you are talking about before,I remember some things sinking on the bridge on ocassion.But I just tried tried 1.96 and it appears reliable.

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Sorry but if I say, let the AI drive I mean let the AI drive!

Put a column of (only!!!) AI tanks on it, and let them drive...

Put yourself as soldier next to the bridge and watch what they're doing....

!!!This bug is also present in 1.96 same like the reload bug with tanks!!!

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Did exactly that. No problem.

None of the tanks sunk in the beginning of the bridge?

Cant believe.. crazy_o.gif

What graphics card do you have?

And how did you set the surface details in OFP???

I'm using NVIDIA chip.

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I have a gf2mx200 tounge_o.gif

But soon I´ll use my HIS radeon9800pro iceQ... Cant wait..

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Using fresh install v1.96, no addons (or anything for that matter) I can't see the problem your describing.

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there is certain part that seems to cause problems. on Nogova bridge, coming from east tends to be the problem.


the bridge model on the east end sticks out a bit. maybe that is hte cause of problem. the west end does not have such point.

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saying that i get it in fdf and any other map with bridges where either they are custom or bis sad_o.gif

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I got the problem on any bridge on any island....

It would be very strange if all bridges are build the same way...

I will test some terrain detail settings this afternoon and report.

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No matter which kind of details you set the landscape on

AI tanks dont cross the bridge!

But as someone told its only from East to West side where a little step is at the beginning of the bridge. From West to East no problem... bridge is slightly one line with landscape.

So it seems to depend on this little step which causes AI tanks to sunk into the bridge.

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I get randomly sometimes its just the way OFPs terrain settings is that causes this i think , i usually gt it on Tonals bridges , th whole convoy drops right through i thought they vanished until i saw thm in the water biggrin_o.gif

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its just the way OFPs terrain settings is

NO as you can read above!

No matter which kind of details you set the landscape on

AI tanks dont cross the bridge!

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