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I am proud to release my transport-management for OFP 1.91 and higher. It can be added to any user-made-mission, no special addons are needed.

A sample-mission (OfptBeispiel.noe.pbo) is included.


thanks for translation-help. german and english documentation is available now.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

OFP-Transport-Management V1.01 by Softegg


1. Transport-Management

2. Generator

3. Aktivierung

4. Abschluß


1. Transport-Management (Multiplayer-kompatibel):

Bestimmte Fahrzeuge/Hubschrauber können jetzt Objekte wie z.B. Munitionskisten oder Tankfässer als Ladung transportieren.

Dazu hat jedes Fahrzeug eine TE-Ladekapazität, jedes Objekt einen TE-Faktor. Jeder Soldat zählt als 1 TE. Die Kurzbezeichnung "TE" beschreibt eine Mischung aus Gewicht und Größe.

Wenn ein Spieler als Fahrer/Pilot in ein Transportfahrzeug einsteigt, erscheint ein zusätzlicher Action-Menü-Eintrag: "Laden/Entladen", damit öffnet man den Transportdialog.

Aufbau des Dialogs:

Ladbare Objekte: Hier werden Objekte gezeigt, die in der Nähe sind und ausgeladen werden können. Die Zahl in Klammern hinter dem Objektnamen ist die TE.

Geladene Objekte: Hier werden die bereits geladenen Objekte gezeigt. Die Zahl in Klammern hinter dem Objektnamen ist die TE.

Verfügbare Ladekapazität: Gesamtladekapazität abzgl. geladene Objekte und zugestiegene Soldaten.

Zugestiegene Soldaten: Anzahl Soldaten, in Klammern TE.

Die Fahrzeuge haben eine Position, an der die geladenen Objekte ausgeladen werden, bei LKW z.B. hinter der Ladefläche, bei Jeeps z.B. auf der Beifahrerseite. Diese Position ist auch wichtig beim Einladen von Objekten.

Die Zeit zum Einladen/Ausladen der Objekte ist abhängig von ihrer TE.

Der Fahrer kann ein beladenes Fahrzeug verlassen und die Objekte bleiben weiterhin geladen. Auch kann ein anderer Spieler als Fahrer einsteigen und die geladenen Objekte wieder entladen.

Falls ein Fahrzeug beladen ist und weitere Soldaten einsteigen, kann es passieren, daß die Ladekapazität überschritten wird. Dann wird ein Teil der Ladung automatisch entladen.

Besonderheit: Wenn 2 Objekte gleichen Typs in der Nähe des Fahrzeugs stehen, erscheint nur 1 Objekt davon in der Liste der ladbaren Objekte. Man kann dann dieses Objekt einladen, den Dialog schliessen/öffnen und dann wird das zweite Objekt in der Liste erscheinen und kann auch eingeladen werden.

Hubschrauber können ihre Ladung auch im Flug ausladen, die Objekte schweben am Fallschirm nach unten.

Bestimmte Hubschrauber können jetzt Objekte wie z.B. Fahrzeuge, Munitionskisten oder Tankfässer an einem Stahlseil anhängen.

Dazu muß der Hubschrauber in einer Höhe von 35 bis 45 m Höhe mit einer Geschwindigkeit von unter 20 km/h über dem Objekt schweben. Dann erscheint ein zusätzlicher Action-Menü-Eintrag mit dem Namen des Objekts und dessen TE.

Die Gesamt-TE eines anhängbaren Fahrzeuges ergibt sich aus der Summe von Fahrzeug+Ladung+Besatzung.

Die TE-Hebekapazität eines Hubschraubers wird durch (in den Hubschrauber) geladene Objekte und/oder zugestiegene Soldaten reduziert.

Ein angehängtes Objekt hängt 25 m unter dem Hubschrauber, entsprechend vorsichtig sollte dann geflogen werden.

Zum Absetzen des Objekts muß der Hubschrauber in einer Höhe von unter 35 m Höhe mit einer Geschwindigkeit von unter 20 km/h schweben, dann erscheint der entsprechende Action-Menü-Eintrag.

Falls der Hubschrauber niedriger als 25 m und dabei schneller als 20 km/h fliegt, reisst das Seil und das abgehängte Objekt steht am Boden, entsprechend der Absetzgeschwindigkeit wird es beschädigt.


2. Generator:

Der Generator baut in jede Mission das Transport-Management ein. Er kann immer wieder aufgerufen werden, d.h. auch nach Änderungen in der Mission kann der Generator das Transport-Management immer wieder aktualisieren.

Die Steuerung des Generators erfolgt über die Datei OfpTransport.ini. Dort sind verschiedene Bereiche angelegt. Besonderheiten: Objektname ist Case-Sensitive, schreibweise wie in Mission.sqm; Laufende Nummer geht bis max. 999.


Objektname = Infotext (in Englisch,Deutsch,etc)


Objektname = Größen/Gewichts-Wert (TE)


Beliebige laufende Nummer = Objektname, Ladekapazität/Hebekapazität, Max. TE eines Objektes, Absetzwinkel, Absetzentfernung


Beliebige laufende Nummer = Objektname


Beliebige laufende Nummer = Objektname


Beliebige laufende Nummer = Objektname


Beliebige laufende Nummer = Objektname

Neue Objekte/Fahrzeuge können hinzugefügt werden.

Der Generator erzeugt immer wieder folgende Dateien:

OfptInit.sqs - wird von Init.sqs gestartet

OfptGeneratedCsv.txt - in Stringtable.csv integrieren und danach löschen


3. Aktivierung:

Um eine Mission mit dem Transport-Management zu versehen, müssen folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein:

- Eigene Mission mit OfprLeer zusammenführen

- Logik-Objekt OfprInCargo auf einer abgelegenen Insel oder einem weit entfernten Gebiet positionieren

- Alle Ofpr*.* -Dateien einkopieren

- OfptDialog4DescriptionExt.txt in Description.ext integrieren

- Ofpt4InitSqs.txt in Init.sqs integrieren

- OfptFixtext4Csv.txt in Stringtable.csv integrieren

- Generator laufen lassen

- neueste OfptGeneratedCsv.txt in Stringtable.csv integrieren

- alle *.txt -Dateien löschen


4. Abschluß

Jeder darf seine Missionen mit dem Transport-Management versehen, es muß aber der Hinweis "Transport-Management by Softegg" im Briefing oder Intro erscheinen.

Natürlich funktioniert das Transport-Management nur mit Fahrzeugen/Objekten, die auch in der ini-Datei eingetragen sind. Jeder darf die ini-Datei erweitern, soll aber die erstellten Einträge im offiziellen Forum allen anderen zur Verfügung stellen.

Folgende Laufende-Nummer-Bereiche empfehle ich:

200-299 für Finmod

300-399 für BAS

400-499 für DKM

500-599 für SEBNAM2

600-699 für BWMOD

700-799 für CSLA

Fehler und Probleme bitte ins offizielle Forum posten.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

OFP-Transport-Management V1.01 by Softegg


1. Transport-Management

2. Generator

3. Activation

4. Finaly


1. Transport-Management (Multiplayer-compatible):

Some Vehicles/Choppers now are able to carry certain objects like ammo boxes ore fuel barrels

Therefore every unit has a TU-capacity, every object a TU-factor. Every soldier counts as one TU, while TU stands for a combination of acquired weight and space.

If a player gets in a transport vehicle as driver/pilot, a new action menu entry called "Load/Unload" appears. If you use it a transport dialog opens.

Structure of the dialog:

Loadable objects: Here all objects are listed which are within a certain radius and are able to be loaded. The number in the bracket stands for the count of acquired TU.

Loaded objects: Here all objects are listed which are already in your vehicle. The number in the bracket stands for the count of acquired TU.

Available TU-Capacity: The remaining capacity of TU.

Loaded soldiers: Count of soldiers in the vehicle, TU in the brackets behind.

On all vehicles there is a position where objects can be loaded or unloaded, e.g. on trucks in the back, on jeeps on the side etc.

The time for loading/unloading depends on the TU of the object.

The cargo stays in the vehicle also when the player gets out, in MP another player is able to move in and unload the cargo.

If the cargo space (TU) of a vehicle is full and another soldier gets in, the necessary space will be provided through automatic unloading some objects.

Attention: If two objects of the same type are within the range of the vehicle, only one will appear in the dialog. If you load it and reopen the dialog, the other one will appear.

Choppers are able to unload during flight, the objects will be attached to parachutes.

Some choppers now have the ability to attach objects like vehicles, ammo boxes or fuel barrels with a steel cable.

To do this, the chopper has to fly in a height from 35 to 45 meters below 20 km/h above the object. Then a new action menu entry appears with the name of the object and its TU.

The object hangs approximately 20 meters below the chopper, you then should fly carefully.

The total-TU of an attachable vehicle is the sum of Vehicle+Cargo+Crew.

To drop the object the chopper has to fly below 35 meters with a speed less than 20 km/h, then the adequate action menu entry will appear.

If the chopper flies lower than 25 meters with a speed higher than 20 km/h, the object will fall on the ground and will be damaged according to speed and height.


2. Generator:

The generator enables the Transport Management in each mission. It's reusable, so also on changes of the mission the generator is able to update the Transport Management.

The generator can be controlled through the file OfpTransport.ini.

Attention: the name of the object is case sensitive, has to be written like in Mission.sqm; The highest value of IncreasingNumber is 999.

// Object names


ObjectName = InfoText (English,German,etc)

// Object TU values


ObjectName = Space/Weight-Value (TU)

// Cargo units


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName, Loading/Lifting capacity, Maximum TU of one piece, Dropping angle, Dropping distance

// Loadable objects


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

// Liftable objects


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

// Swimming objects


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

// Usable vehicles


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

You can add new objects/vehicles.

The generator creates following files on every run:

OfptInit.sqs - started by init.sqs

OfptGeneratedCsv.txt - to integrate in Stringtable.csv (can be deleted)


3. Activation:

To use a mission with the Transport Management, follwing conditions have to be true

- Merge your own mission with OfprLeer

- Create the logic OfprInCargo far away on an island or anything like that

- Copy all Ofpr*.* files in your mission folder

- Integrate OfptDialog4DescriptionExt.txt in your description.ext

- Integrate Ofpt4InitSqs.txt in your init.sqs

- Integrate OfptFixtext4Csv.txt in your stringtable.csv

- Run the generator

- Integrate new created OfptGeneratedCsv.txt in your stringtable.csv

- Delete all *.txt files


4. Finaly

Everybody is granted to use his missions with the Transport Management, but the information "Transport-Management by Softegg" has to appear in the briefing or intro.

Of course the Transport Management only works with vehicles/objects which are listed in the OfpTransport.ini. Everybody is allowed to extend it, but should provide those entries in the official forums to others.

I suggest follwing IncreasingNumber areas:

200-299 for Finmod

300-399 for BAS

400-499 for DKM

500-599 for SEBNAM2

600-699 for BWMOD

700-799 for CSLA

Please post errors and problems in the official forums.


version 1.01: updated documentation, added english documentation, minor changes in scripts.

Download Version 1.01


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Excuse me but what does this manager do? Can you give a basic idea of what you mean of transport?

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sorry, but my english isn't good enough to describe it exactly.

you remember the vb21cargo-addon? my transport-management does nearly the same, but it is multiplayer-compatible. the driver can load objects and then leave the vehicle, another driver can enter and unload the loaded objects.

the unloaded things are exactly the same than the loaded ones before. the objects where "beamed" offside if loaded (virtually) and beamed back if unloaded.

loading of objects inside a vehicle and hanging objects under a chopper is included and works together.

load the zip-file, play the sample-mission and you will see. i have translated the dialog and other strings to english.

use the jeep, drive to the ammocrates and load them (virtually) in the jeep. use the chopper and attach the jeep. a empty jeep has less weight than a jeep which has loaded a ammobox.

after playing and testing, maybe you can describe your experience here for the english people.

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Here's a rough translation (so people can see what it is, I'm sure its not anywhere totally accurate) of the readme according to FreeTranslation.com

Quote[/b] ]Certain vehicles helicopter can now objects as well as ammunition boxes or tank casks as a load transport.

In addition each vehicle a TE-Ladekapazität, each object has a TE-factor. Each soldier counts as a 1 TE. The short label "TE" describes a mixture out of weight and size.

If a player gets into pilot as a driver into a carrier vehicle, an additional Action-menu-entry appears: "store unloading", therewith one opens the carrier dialogue.

Construction of the dialogue: store bar objects: here objects are shown, that are in the vicinity and can become unloaded. The number in clamps behind the object name is the TE. Loaded objects: here the already loaded objects are shown. The number in clamps behind the object name is the TE. Available drawer capacity: total drawer capacity abzgl. loaded objects and zugestiegene soldiers. Zugestiegene soldiers: amount of soldier, in clamps TE.

The vehicles have a position, at which the loaded objects are unloaded, in TRUCK behind the drawer area, in jeep on the passenger side. This position is also important in the inviting of objects.

The driver can leave a loaded vehicle and remain loaded the objects further. Also can get into another player as a driver and can unload the loaded objects again.

If a vehicle is load and get into further soldiers, can happen it that the drawer capacity is exceeded. Then a part of the load automatically is unloaded.

Peculiarity: if 2 of objects Typs same stand in the vicinity of the vehicle, only 1 object appears therefrom in the list of the store cash objects. One can invite then this object, that dialogue open close and then the second object in the list will appear and can be invited also.

Helicopters can unload its load also in the flight, will float that objects at the parachute after below.

Certain helicopters can suspend now objects as well as vehicles, ammunition boxes or tank casks at a Stahlseil.

In addition the helicopter in a height of 35 to 45 ms height with a speed of less than 20 km/h must float over the object. Then an additional Action-menu-entry with the name of the object and its TE appears.

The totally-TE of a supplement cash vehicle results from the sum of vehicle + load + garrison.

The TE-Hebekapazität of a helicopter becomes through (into the helicopter) loaded objects and or zugestiegene soldiers reduced.

A suspended object hangs 25 ms under the helicopter, correspondingly carefully should be flown then.

For dropping the object, the helicopter in a height of less than 35 ms height with a speed of less than 20 km/h must float, appears the corresponding Action-menu-entry. If the helicopter flies more low than a 25 ms and at the same time more quickly than a 20 km/h, the rope and the depended object tears stands is damaged at the ground, corresponding to the Absetzgeschwindigkeit it.


2Nd generator:

The generator incorporates the carrier management into each mission. It can be called again and again, also after changes in the mission, the generator can update the carrier management again and again.

The control of the generator takes place via the file OfpTransport. ini. There different areas are designed. Peculiarities: Case-sensitive, letter manner is object name as well as in mission. sqm; running number goes until max. 999.

[Object name] object name = information text (in English, German, etc)

[Object carrier units] object name = sizes/weight-value (TE)

[Carrier vehicles] any running number = object name, drawer capacity elevated capacity, MaxLadeTE, Absetzwinkel, Absetzentfernung

[store bar object] any running number = object name

[Elevated bar object] any running number = object name

[buoyant object] any running number = object name

[useful vehicles] any running number = object name

New objects of vehicles can be added.

Integrate files following the generator produced again and again: OfptInit. sqs - becomes by Init. sqs started

OfptGeneratedCsv. txt - in Stringtable. csv and delete after that


3Rd prerequisites:

In order to equipped a mission with the carrier-management, following Vorraussetzungen must be fulfilled:

- Characteristic mission with OfprLeer bring together - logic-object OfprInCargo on a remote island or a far removed zone position integrate integrate

integrate - all Ofpr-Scripte einkopieren - OfptDialog4DescriptionExt.txt in Description. ext - Ofpt4InitSqs.txt in Init. sqs integrate -

OfptFixtext4Csv.txt in Stringtable. csv - generator run let - newest OfptGeneratedCsv. txt in Stringtable. csv - delete all txt-files


4Th termination

Each may equip its missions with the carrier-management, it the reference "carrier-management by Softegg" in the Briefing or Intro must appear however.

Naturally the carrier-management functions only with vehicles objects that are registered also in the ini-file. Each may expand the ini-file, should make available however the generated entries in the official forum of all other.

I recommend following running-numbers-areas: 200-299 for Finmod 300-399 for BAS 400-499 for DKM

Mistake and problems asks post into the official forum.


It sounds, neat. I'll have to try it out in the morning smile_o.gif (about 3 AM here)

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Quote[/b] ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Transport-Management (Multiplayer-compatible):

Some Vehicles/Choppers now are able to carry certain objects like ammo boxes ore fuel barrels

Therefore every unit has a TE-capacity, every object a TE-factor. Every soldier counts as one TE, while TE stands for a combination of acquired weight and space.

If a player gets in a transport vehicle as driver/pilot, another action menu entry called "Load/Unload" appears. If you use it a transport dialog opens.

Structure of the dialog:

Loadable objects: Here all objects are listed which are within a certain radius and are able to be loaded. The number in the bracket stands for the count of acquired TE.

Loaded objects: Here all objects are listed which are already in your vehicle. The number in the bracket stands for the count of acquired TE.

Available TE-Capacity: The remaining capacity of TE.

Loaded soldiers: Count of soldiers in the vehicle, TE in the brackets behind.

On all vehicles there is a position where objects can be loaded or unloaded, e.g. on trucks in the back, on jeeps on the side etc.

The cargo stays in the vehicle also when the player gets out, in MP another player is able to move in and unload the cargo.

If the cargo space (TE) of a vehicle is full and another soldier gets in, the necessary space will be provided through unloading some objects.

Attention: If two objects of the same type are within the range of the vehicle, only one will appear in the dialog. If you load it and reopen the dialog, the other one will appear.

Choppers are able to unload during flight, the objects will be attached to parachutes.

Some choppers now have the ability to attach objects like vehicles, ammo boxes or fuel barrels with a steel cable.

To do this, the chopper has to fly in a height from 35 to 45 meters below 20 km/h above the object. Then a new action menu entry appears with the name of the object and its TE.

The object hangs approximately 20 meters below the chopper, you then should fly carefully.

The total-TE of an attachable vehicle is the sum of Vehicle+Cargo+Crew.

To drop the object the chopper has to fly below 35 meters with a speed less than 20 km/h, then the adequate action menu entry will appear.

If the chopper flies lower than 25 meters with a speed higher than 20 km/h, the object will fall on the ground and will be damaged according to speed and height.


2. Generator:

The generator enables the Transport Management in each mission. It's reusable, so also on changes the generator is able to update the Transport Management.

The generator can be controlled through the file OfpTransport.ini.

Attention: the name of the object is case sensitive, has to be written like in mission.sqm; The highest value of IncreasingNumber is 999.

// Object names


ObjectName = InfoText (English,German,etc)

// Object TE values


ObjectName = Space/Weight-Value (TE)

// Cargo units


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName, Loading/Lifting capacity, Maximum TE, Dropping angle, Dropping distance

// Loadable objects


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

// Liftable objects


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

// Swimming objects


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

// Usable vehicles


IncreasingNumber = ObjectName

You can add new objects/vehicles.

The generator creates following files on every run:

OfptInit.sqs - started by init.sqs

OfptGeneratedCsv.txt - to integrate in Stringtable.csv (can be deleted)


3. Conditions:

To use a mission with the Transport Management, follwing conditions have to be true

- Merge your own mission with OfprLeer

- Create the logic OfprInCargo far away on an island or anything like that

- Insert all Ofpr-scripts in your mission folder

- Integrate OfptDialog4DescriptionExt.txt in your description.ext

- Integrate Ofpt4InitSqs.txt in your init.sqs

- Integrate OfptFixtext4Csv.txt in your stringtable.csv

- Run the generator

- Integrate new created OfptGeneratedCsv.txt in your stringtable.csv

- Delete all *.txt files


4. Finish

Everybody is granted to use his missions with the Transport Management, but the information "Transport-Management by Softegg" has to appear in the briefing or intro.

Of course the Transport Management only works with vehicles/objects which are listed in the OfpTransport.ini. Everybody is allowed to extend it, but should provide those entries in the official forums to others

I suggest follwing IncreasingNumber areas:

200-299 for Finmod

300-399 for BAS

400-499 for DKM

Please post errors and problems in the official forums.

Not the best English, but I think it'll do it wink_o.gif

EDIT: Forgot to say:

Very cool addon, Softegg!! Hope many people will use it! I know there's a lot of work behind, that makes it just cooler. wow_o.gif

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where is my mistake?

When my mission starts on the left-uppon corner comes this:

'Cargo=|#|]': Error Ungültige Zahl im Ausdruck

Du kannst mir auch auf deutsch antworten wink_o.gif

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Sounds like a cool script Softegg but where can I download it? The link provided doesn't work...

This may be just whats needed to make things more interesting for helicopter pilots in MP games. They could have secondary objectives after/before inserting/extracting the group to the battlefield.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Softegg won't reply, he's gone. Otherwise we'd have a finished Operation Enduring Freedom for long time sad_o.gif

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Ahhh didn't notice this was 1+ year old thread sad_o.gif To bad Softegg left but he may be back before we know it with AA and OFP 2 all heating up...

Anyone have this script or knows where to find it? Would like to try it...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Anyone managed to grab this script and have on their HD's?

It seems that Softegg didn't upload this to OFPEC all I could fin there was this...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Title                                 Author      Version  

A10 Management Script                 Softegg     1.0  

Detect the Most Known Enemy        Softegg     1.0  

Display Map Coordinates (improved)  Softegg     1.0  

Support at Conflict Point             Softegg     1.0

So if anyone have it and are willing to help it would be appreciated...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Thanks Hakon, your help is much appreciated!!!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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