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Chems, yes or no?(poll)

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Hi guys, i was just thinking if you would like to wear mask and uniform(mopp), trying to protect from chemical weapons.(ex: mustard,phosgene).

The symptoms are very painful.

Imagine trying to fight in a chemical dust, what if you dont have the right equipment?(hehe).

Even if you had, you cant even see what is happening around you,maybe some dead animals or innocent civilians,who by bad luck were in the wrong place the wrong time.!!(try not to shoot some of them if they still alive).

Vehicles, are we safe there?

Thats the idea, what do you think guys?

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For one, how are chemical weapons used? I don't think there are like any chemical hand grenades you can just throw over a hill.

I believe that most of the time they are fired at enemy troops using artillery cannons or dropped by planes.

So first they would have to develop artillery in OPF2, or bombers.

I would like to see suppressive fire added to the game first.

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I believe that most of the time they are fired at enemy troops using artillery cannons or dropped by planes.

So first they would have to develop artillery in OPF2, or bombers.

I would like to see suppressive fire added to the game first.

Yes. If you want to simulate fighting in a chemical environment, put on a thick pair of mittens (or thick rubber gloves if you have them) and put duct tape over your face, a charcoal scrub pad over your mouth, leave about 2cm squares open over your eyes and play OFP like that. And if you really want to simulate chemical warfare in OFP, put on three layers of clothing, turn the heat in your home as high as possible, run a kilometer and play OFP as I describe above with the mittens/gloves and duct tape.

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If we have modern war, we must have chems.

Look what Saddam have done.

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If we have modern war, we must have chems.

Look what Saddam have done.

If they are not making a mission about Irak, then why must we use chems?

Not only that, these days chemical weapons are almost useless against a sophisticated trained army.

I heard an Army artillery officer talk about the uselesness of chems against any trained army today. He said any military commander would rather just use conventional explosive rounds instead of chem. Chemical disperses too quickly, does little or no structural damage. And most troops are too well prepared for them these days.

Chemicals used by Saddam are only useful for stifling rebels and killing civilians, and causing fear and chaos in general among peasants and resisters.

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Would bring a very bad reputation to the game if you were able to gas civilians. It would most likely be banned in Germany if that was possible.

Nope, stick to the conventions, I say.

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I heard that return to castle wolfenstein is forbidden in germany. Also all games with swastikas, nazi posters and so on are forbidden in germany. is it true? rock.gif

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I heard that return to castle wolfenstein is forbidden in germany. Also all games with swastikas, nazi posters and so on are forbidden in germany. is it true? rock.gif

No, its just modified. Instead of the Swastika, the banners are of a cult of the iron wolf or something.

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You said bad Reputation?

I dont think so, its a combat simulation game,and chems are weapons as any other military weapons, thats not bad.

Reputation, maybe,yes it will be sth strange, first time in games such ofp(we could use chemicals)and quess what, reputation, this is good for the designers.(i hope so ,hehe)

Bad or good, the reputation is very important for the games, it makes you to want to "taste" the game by curiocity this makes them the best.(its my poor opinion).

Anyway, its up to the designers and i do trust them a lot, i will accept anything they will decide,it will be a great game.


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Not everything that is in real life would be fun in the game just to make it realistic.

For example using stealth bombers to bomb little targets. That would be boring. You just would see a green screen with a map with a cross hair and you could click when you want to release the bomb.

Using chemicals in this game wouln't really be any fun.

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... and chems are weapons as any other military weapons, thats not bad. ...

Strongly disagree.

When I said 'stick to the conventions' this was supposed to be a little hint toward the Chemical Weapons Convention.

From the Preamble:

Quote[/b] ]The States Parties to this Convention,


Determined for the sake of all mankind, to exclude completely the possibility of the use of chemical weapons, through the implementation of the provisions of this Convention, thereby complementing the obligations assumed under the Geneva Protocol of 1925,


Have agreed as follows:

And from Article I:


1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes never under any circumstances:

(a) To develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile or retain chemical weapons, or transfer, directly or indirectly, chemical weapons to anyone;

(b) To use chemical weapons;

© To engage in any military preparations to use chemical weapons;

(d) To assist, encourage or induce, in any way, anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention.

And toward people that request Teargas:

Quote[/b] ]Still Article I

5. Each State Party undertakes not to use riot control agents as a method of warfare.

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If we have modern war, we must have chems.

Look what Saddam have done.

If they are not making a mission about Irak, then why must we use chems?

Not only that, these days chemical weapons are almost useless against a sophisticated trained army.

I heard an Army artillery officer talk about the uselesness of chems against any trained army today.  He said any military commander would rather just use conventional explosive rounds instead of chem.   Chemical disperses too quickly, does little or no structural damage.   And most troops are too well prepared for them these days.

Chemicals used by Saddam are only useful for stifling rebels and killing civilians, and causing fear and chaos in general among peasants and resisters.

Actually, even with the best equitment against chems, chances of surviving a gas attack is below 1%.

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Even if that's true, what would be the point of including it? Someone gasses you (and if someone's gonna gas you, they're going to have a brigade-sized time-on-target barrage, not one plinky little mortar lobbing an occasional shell) and you're dead. Game over. How could that POSSIBLY be fun?

No to chemical weapons!

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If we have modern war, we must have chems.

Look what Saddam have done.

If they are not making a mission about Irak, then why must we use chems?

Not only that, these days chemical weapons are almost useless against a sophisticated trained army.

I heard an Army artillery officer talk about the uselesness of chems against any trained army today.  He said any military commander would rather just use conventional explosive rounds instead of chem.   Chemical disperses too quickly, does little or no structural damage.   And most troops are too well prepared for them these days.

Chemicals used by Saddam are only useful for stifling rebels and killing civilians, and causing fear and chaos in general among peasants and resisters.

Actually, even with the best equitment against chems, chances of surviving a gas attack is below 1%.

Where did you hear that?

I have heard military commanders say that chemical weapons are virtually useless on the battlefield today. Primarily because most militaries are too well prepared for them.

I'm just going on what I heard. And it was being told by top US military officials on telivision.

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That might be, but im in the danish army and even though we do have the latest "ABC" equitment and are told how to use it, chances of surviving is 0. Noone can get their equitment fast enough on to survive it. The equitment is only usefull if you go into an area you know has chems, not if the enemy uses it on you.

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A chemical weapon utilizes a manufacturered chemical to incapacitate, harm, or kill people. Strictly speaking, a chemical weapon relies on the physiological effects of a chemical, so agents used to produce smoke or flame, as herbicides, or for riot control, are not considered to be chemical weapons. Although certain chemical weapons can be used to kill large numbers of people (i.e., as weapons of mass destruction), other weapons are designed to injure or terrorize people. In addition to having potentially horrific effects, chemical weapons are of great concern because they are cheaper and easier to manufacture and deliver than nuclear or biological weapons.

Chemical agents may be released as tiny droplets, similar to the action of a bug bomb used to release insecticide. For a chemical weapon to cause harm, it must come in contact with the skin or mucous membranes, be inhaled, or be ingested. The activity of the chemical agent depends on its concentration. In other words, below a certain level of exposure, the agent won't kill. Below a certain level of exposure, the agent won't cause harm, just make you uneffective for a couple of hours, or more. smile_o.gif


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Having the ability to use chemical weapons in this game i think it will be very interesting.

With the right amount smile_o.gif,there is much you can do with them, maybe you could delay enemy lines, make them incapable of reacting for some time(so you must do hurry).

Lets say there is a terrorist leader you would like to catch ALIVE, you could use chemicals to make him and his army useless for some time, then you could sent a specs forces team,or vehicle(apcs,tanks etc) to arrest him.(just dont forget they sould have mopp uniforms, be aware of mopp enemy troops or by enemy vehicles capable to chemical warfare, IF there are any).:)

Close to this territory are they any other soldiers of yours? be aware of the amount and type of chemicals you will use,you must have good informations by your specs forces,no mistake here, be sure for the point of attack:)

Also i cant forget about one year ago what happened to the Russia, with the georgian terrorists,and the Russian commandos, we had use of chemicals there,i think this game can offer simulated combats with similar scenarios.(make incapable terrorist army and catch the leader alive, you dont want to risk many losses,use the advantage of quick surprise attack to make useless a whole army or a big team, so use chemicals instead)

I think even if we cant have chems in a campaign or single missions, we could use them in the mission editor, there are many missions you can think using chems.!! smile_o.gif

Does anyone of you have heard about poison bullets?? smile_o.gif

......... blues.gif


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When is the last time you saw a world super power lob chemical weapons vs. another?

If the campaign is going to be vietnam, it should be true to vietnam. No chemical weapons.

In WWII, Germany and America both had chemical artillery companies out of fear others would use them, but nobody ever fired chemicals weapons.

Besides, it's more efficent to just use firing tables and explosives.

Chemical weapons are easily already scripted in OFP with triggers and drop effect.

So, I'd have to say... nice try.

Work on something more important, like more scripting functions, better physics, faster engine, etc.

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I'm for if the chemical weapons remain poor ones (effects can be stopped if an exposed player is treated fast enough). The problem is the medical/health system has to be more than correct to allow this.

Using extreme severity toxins (making the smallest hit lethal) will tend to make the game annoying for some (not me, I would love that but I know my tastes are not all shared).

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If the campaign is going to be vietnam, it should be true to vietnam. No chemical weapons.

Agent Orange? The U.S has continued to use agent orange in south america against the drug cartels.

I think they should be included at least at a basic level so mission makers can use them if need be and to have the game code more open to things like using gas masks and such. Also having non lethal gases would be nice like CS.

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