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Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

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No problem! I have all of those islands except Cat's Afghan Island......all links are dead, I'm afraid..... mad_o.gif  sad_o.gif Nice shots all! biggrin_o.gif

Have you tried www.ofp.at

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No problem! I have all of those islands except Cat's Afghan Island......all links are dead, I'm afraid..... mad_o.gif  sad_o.gif Nice shots all! biggrin_o.gif

Have you tried www.ofp.at

Thank you so much! biggrin_o.gif

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We have your family hostage. If you want to see them again, release those vehicles. blues.gif

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Nicely atmostpheric pic...

Although I'm guessing the mustache was brushed on? biggrin_o.gif

Cheers mate. About the 'tache, that's my custom face. Helps to look different in MP, so your squad knows who's leading biggrin_o.gif

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more pics from my scanner editor tounge_o.gif




oh ya... Nilz its GMI camera and u can get it from ofp info just search addons fro GMI smile_o.gif

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ahh still on the low-speed cpu but the new challanger gave me an idea smile_o.gif



and now not challanger tounge_o.gif


so what do you think?

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nice pics all smile_o.gif

and now we move to the 41st millenium

there is no peace only war:



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Delta breakdance team showing their moonwalk skills biggrin_o.gif

And now...

<span style='color:blue'>Estonian</span> War of <span style='color:gray'>Independence</span> proudly presents...

Story by <span style='color:blue'>E</span>W<span style='color:gray'>I</span> Nilz

Camera by <span style='color:blue'>E</span>W<span style='color:gray'>I</span> Nilz

S U I C I D E  I N  P E T R O V I C E


I'm tired of life... I'm going dooooown!!!

Falldown 2 > pic over 100kb

Still going down...

Falldown 3 > pic over 100kb

...Still, representing all the gangsters all across the world, Still... biggrin_o.gif

Falldown 4 > pic over 100kb


Aftermath :: police, guts and witnesses

Aftermath 1 > pic over 100kb

Aftermath 2 > pic over 100kb

Aftermath 3 > pic over 100kb

Aftermath 4 > pic over 100kb

Aftermath 5 > pic over 100kb


T H E  E N D

Hope you liked it, because this thingy took me 2 hours to make crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Click to enlarge! biggrin_o.gif

Enjoy! smile_o.gif

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Nilz, excellent use of lighting on the 'aftermath' pictures. What the hell are the two police guys near the yellow barrier ment to be doing tho rock.gif

Just a tip, rather than using the buildings already on the map to get your photo angles you should use (put on the map in the editor) wooden lookout towers, radio towers, 2/4/8 story buildings to get your desired angles/elevations. i find you can get much better lighting angles this way.

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Nilz, excellent use of lighting on the 'aftermath' pictures. What the hell are the two police guys near the yellow barrier ment to be doing tho  rock.gif

Just a tip, rather than using the buildings already on the map to get your photo angles you should use (put on the map in the editor) wooden lookout towers, radio towers, 2/4/8 story buildings to get your desired angles/elevations. i find you can get much better lighting angles this way.

Thanks for the tip thirtyg

You are my idol in OFP CP biggrin_o.gif

BTW, there are 4 police guys really there, and they are guarding the place until the ambulance and press arrive... i think i will make screenies of that too... maybe...

Or... you are asking what are they *doing* there (anims)? Umm, i was using Wilco's new anims for everything (anim.pbo) and he just hasn't made normal safe pistol anims yet...

Just noticed, it's a perfect guitar playing anim biggrin_o.gif

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