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Operation frenchpoint release

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you know french army isn't only made of MBT's ace smile_o.gif

Hehe, I would love to see that army tounge_o.gif

And transporting MBT's for counter insurgency and peacekeeping missions is very costly I presume

especially when they are to be transported across continents.

Did the French forces deployed into Congo use MBT's?

EDIT: And yes, the VBL's are amphibious. Look for the propeller in the back. The VAB's might be too, not sure.

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you know french army isn't only made of MBT's ace smile_o.gif

Hehe, I would love to see that army tounge_o.gif

And transporting MBT's for counter insurgency and peacekeeping missions is very costly I presume

especially when they are to be transported across continents.

Did the French forces deployed into Congo use MBT's?

EDIT: And yes, the VBL's are amphibious. Look for the propeller in the back. The VAB's might be too, not sure.

ERC90's have been deployed in Ivory Coast and Congo, there were also AMX10RC in congo, these cannot in anyway be compared to MBT's, but i'd say the AMX10RC in a punchier equivalent of a LEO 1 or M60A3

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What is the normal size of an infantry squad or section? What weapons are normally used? And what is the squad leader called? Chef du section? Sergeant? "Caporal"?

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I believe the Leclerc saw action in the GW1 didnt it?

Hmm Gulf War1 missions might be doable with the French armor then i guess.

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I think it's Chef d'Equipe or something along those lines. As for infantry squad/section I think that it's pretty similar to the US and the rest of the world. Try using the groups shipped with the addon, however I don't know if those are realistic in proportion of men.

EDIT: According to my mothers slightly outdated French-Swedish dictionary Chef d'Equipe = Foreman (Förman)

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I believe the Leclerc saw action in the GW1 didnt it?

Hmm Gulf War1 missions might be doable with the French armor then i guess.

no the MBT used in GW 1 were the AMX30B2

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the normal composition of a french mech infantry squad would be :

command :

- 1 Squad leader (sergent, chef de groupe)

vehicle (VAB or AMX10P) :

- 1 vehicle commander

- 1 vehicle gunner

1 x 600 trinome :

- 1 team leader (chef d'équipe)

- 1 rifleman (grenadier voltigeur) equipped with a FAMAS andLGI (not represented in the weapon pack yet)

- 1 auto rifleman (Mninimi gunner)

1 x 300 trinome :

- 1 team leader (chef d'équipe) equipped with an ABL (AT4)

- 1 rifleman/ABL (grenadier voltigeur with ABL)

- 1 rifleman (grenadier voltigeur)

the weapons dotation may vary upon the situation

the numbers 300 and 600 designate the trinome's engagement range

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I seem to remember about how the French saw some heavy combat against the Republican Guard where they took some casualties but I've never been able to find much written about what equipment was used by the French other then VAB's and Milan and HOT AT missiles. I could have sworn however that I saw some pics of a French MBT, but maybe not. Perhaps thats the reason they had more trouble with the Iraqi Republican Guard forces. Anyone know what the French casualties were in that war or have any links in English to info on the battles there in which French forces faught?

I've only been able to find info about battles in which the American and British forces faught with very little about other countries except for some mention about the Saudi Arabian SANG units which reportedly faught well.

Anyhoo... That's great news about the upcoming OFrP updates and additions. So far overall I've been very pleased with these addons. Since France has alot of experience fighting overseas there are tons of missions both historical and fictional that can be made.

The lack of AT vehicles does kinda suck, but still the Eryx equipped infantry kill tanks VERY nicely as do the HOT equipped Gazelle gunships. So overall they provide a very nice force to combat the Tonal rebels and militias. For heavy armor, they can always team up with the Tonal government forces who can bring in their T-55's and BMP's as well as their tougher Mi-24 Hind gunships. But still the Gazelle is a joy to fly and I love using the cannon armed version for close air support. The downside is that, just like in real life, if you hover, you die as the bullets tend to go through the cockpit in some areas and hit you and your gunner. US Army helicopter pilots in Iraq have likewise found this to be a big problem as they take heavy dammage when they hover. The only problem is that when moving fast it's difficult to accurately hit targets which is important in an urban combat situation where you're trying to avoid friendly fire and civilian casualties while providing close air support.

I found this to be true using these addons as I attempted to suppress some Tonali rebels with cannon fire from my Gazelle. Unfortunately they were engaged in close quarters combat with the French infantry who subsequently took some casualties from my cannon fire which I sprayed into a group of sheds where the fighting was taking place. I had to move fast on my gun runs because I was taking alot of MG fire from technicals and from MG equipped infantry (not to mention the occasional RPG round flying past my cockpit!!!).

I guess next time I'll have to try the Puma Pirate to see if the AI gunner can provide more accurate suppressive fire as a fly a circuit around the target area with the gunner facing the targets. Hopefully the Puma will take a little more dammage then the Gazelles.

I also can't wait to see more French armored cars with heavier 90mm cannons and lighter 20-30mm autocannons.

That and some AA capability will be awesome.

Anyhoo... back to playing these wonderful addons.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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in a section, you will find 3 voltige squads (that makes 18 men and 3 amored vehicles)

and 1 AT squad composed of a sergent two vehicle crewmen, 2 AT (eryx) binoms

the command squad is composed of 1 officer, 2 FR-F2 marksmen, 1 radio transmission officer, and warrant officer helping the officer leading the section

edit :

39 men , 1 officer , 5 warants (4 team leader, 1 aide) , 8 crews , 25 soldiers (2 AT binoms, 6 riflemen trinoms, 2 marksmen, 1 radio)

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I seem to remember about how the French saw some heavy combat against the Republican Guard where they took some casualties but I've never been able to find much written about what equipment was used by the French other then VAB's and Milan and HOT AT missiles. I could have sworn however that I saw some pics of a French MBT, but maybe not. Perhaps thats the reason they had more trouble with the Iraqi Republican Guard forces. Anyone know what the French casualties were in that war or have any links in English to info on the battles there in which French forces faught?

I've only been able to find info about battles in which the American and British forces faught with very little about other countries except for some mention about the Saudi Arabian SANG units which reportedly faught well.

Anyhoo... That's great news about the upcoming OFrP updates and additions. So far overall I've been very pleased with these addons. Since France has alot of experience fighting overseas there are tons of missions both historical and fictional that can be made.

The lack of AT vehicles does kinda suck, but still the Eryx equipped infantry kill tanks VERY nicely as do the HOT equipped Gazelle gunships. So overall they provide a very nice force to combat the Tonal rebels and militias. For heavy armor, they can always team up with the Tonal government forces who can bring in their T-55's and BMP's as well as their tougher Mi-24 Hind gunships. But still the Gazelle is a joy to fly and I love using the cannon armed version for close air support. The downside is that, just like in real life, if you hover, you die as the bullets tend to go through the cockpit in some areas and hit you and your gunner. US Army helicopter pilots in Iraq have likewise found this to be a big problem as they take heavy dammage when they hover. The only problem is that when moving fast it's difficult to accurately hit targets which is important in an urban combat situation where you're trying to avoid friendly fire and civilian casualties while providing close air support.

I found this to be true using these addons as I attempted to suppress some Tonali rebels with cannon fire from my Gazelle. Unfortunately they were engaged in close quarters combat with the French infantry who subsequently took some casualties from my cannon fire which I sprayed into a group of sheds where the fighting was taking place. I had to move fast on my gun runs because I was taking alot of MG fire from technicals and from MG equipped infantry (not to mention the occasional RPG round flying past my cockpit!!!).

I guess next time I'll have to try the Puma Pirate to see if the AI gunner can provide more accurate suppressive fire as a fly a circuit around the target area with the gunner facing the targets. Hopefully the Puma will take a little more dammage then the Gazelles.

I also can't wait to see more French armored cars with heavier 90mm cannons and lighter 20-30mm autocannons.

That and some AA capability will be awesome.

Anyhoo... back to playing these wonderful addons.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Al Salmann rush maybe ?

the Daguet division deployed a whole lot of gear back in GW1

the most notorious action was the rush on the Al Salman positions

Daguet division combat actions video (lousy quality, in french, but maybe you could take something out of it

small story about Legion contribution in GW1:

The French ground contribution to the Coalition, designated Division Daguet, was essentially the 6eme DLB much reinforced. The first to arrive at Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, in September of 1990 the 2nd REI, the 1st REC, and most of the 6eme REG provided, with the 1er Spahis.

The western axis of the division’s advance into Iraq with US XVIII Airborne Corps units were sent to the Gulf in anticipation of Saddam Hussein’s threats against the world. The 24th February 1991 (3eme Cie./6eme Reg was with the eastern axis, largely of Marine units) arrived and after nearly six months of waiting the war began.

After the air offensive which took four weeks the ground troops penetrated Iraq. The Legions mission was to safeguard any reprisal by the Republican Guarde. Al Salman airport was captured by the three Legion Regiments.

In fact men of the 2eme REI and 6eme REG had penetrated 5 Km into Iraq on the night of 22nd February to take "Natchez" an Iraqi post dominating their line of advance up an escarpment. Legionnaire Sappers and the US 1/27th Engineers built a track up the escarpment on the 23rd.

The French columns-the most westerly, screening the Coalition left flank-punched through the Iraqi 45th Division with considerable ease, and took their objective, the town and airfield of AS Salman by morning of the 26th, some 3,000 Iraqi prisoners were taken. Just over a hundred hours of ground warfare, the Gulf War was won. The Legion suffered no casualties.

Site dedicated to Daguet task force

you can't represent this operation with the OFRP troops as they are since during desert shield and desert storm , the french forces used a special desert camo pattern and the F2 Helmet was still on drawing boards

only french losses in the whole operation were 2 soldiers who died in the explosion of an antipersonnal mine and 27 wounded in various circumstances

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on the topic of possible missions for the french addons , there is the deployment in somalia codenamed "Oryx", there have been several interesting and difficult engagements there , i'll try to find a complete story about one of these, i think i remember a CDES publication about it

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Unfortunately the website's pictures do not allow you to download them.  sad_o.gif  (Anyone know a way around that?)

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Quote[/b] ]Had my encounters with web sites with protected content.But I found a way around...

Look at the picture you want and press your "printScrn" key on your keyboard..Then paste it in paint and cut and save the picture you wanted..pretty messy but it does the job

Quote[/b] ]You can also download flashget and copy/paste the URL in the site explorer and take everything from the page

I found a really easy way around those sites and you dont need any programs to do it. Just make window smaller and click and hold left mouse button on picture and drag the picture to either desktop or a folder and let go off mouse button and wupti you got the picture smile_o.gif

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Thanks for all the info, Ran! You weren't in the Gulf War, were you?

Miles, I've found that the Pirate provides outstanding close air support to the ground troops.

Edit: Is RAIDS magazine still around? I remember a couple of issues that covered the French in the Gulf and Somalia in good detail, with excellent pics.

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Thanks for all the info, Ran! You weren't in the Gulf War, were you?

Miles, I've found that the Pirate provides outstanding close air support to the ground troops.

Edit: Is RAIDS magazine still around? I remember a couple of issues that covered the French in the Gulf and Somalia in good detail, with excellent pics.

RAIDS is still around and kicking (here at least) with the fantastic Yves Debay's shots

well, i didn't take part in Gulf War but back in that time i was in the region smile_o.gif

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the Daguet desert pattern has been made and issued in relatively small quantities, nowadays, french troops in desertic envirronment just use CE camo (just look at the troops deployed under the ISAF)



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Thanks Ran! That info rocks! But yeah I guess with the current troops I couldn't do a GW1 mission. I was just mostly curious about some of their modern combat experience.

But I'm definitely interested in combat stories in Somalia and also the Ivory Coast and the Congo peace keeping missions.

Hellfish: Yeah I also just tried the Puma Pirate and it rocked....although the enemy didn't fire machine guns at it so that's partly why I was successful using it, but I was having a crazy time flying over the combat zone spotting targets for my door gunner to shoot at...in one case I was chasing this one Tonal rebel up a city street and I swear this guy knew we were falling him cuz he kept trying to shake me by going down little alleys...but eventually I maneuvered my Puma into a position for my door gunner to nail him after a few misses.

Fun stuff...now I just need to put in a rebel ZSU-23 to make it a little more challenging. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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btw Ran how about vehicles do they paint them in desert cammo when they fight on a desert terrain.

sometimes, we have for exemple a couple of VLTT P4's which were painted in tan/brown during Artemis , we still had desert painted vehicles in service in mainland france until the end of the 90's, mostly gw1 leftovers we were too lazy to repaint or which didn't need a repaint (the ones stationed in djibouti for exemple) ... well some of them are also the results of COS operatives getting their paws on tan paint cans








*edit*: all of these pics are at least 4 year old except the two first ones

the 2 VAB's shown have been deployed Zaire and Bosnia

the AMX10RC's have been shot during an exercise in saudi arabia

the first two pics represent french special forces deployed during Artemis, the desert camo on these vehicles is an oddity when you compare to other pictures and the number of vehicles deployed

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Some pics

In the vehicle pack 21 new animations by Flashpointgamer

The P4 (jeep vehicle)




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I was gonna say that those animations were great. I loaded up a squad into a TRM and they were all posed differently. And the turret gunners have very natural poses. Very cool.

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TRM2000 now, look at it, how I can say in english? Under it? Never mind look:



The vehicle


Non no photoshop directly from game... smile_o.gif

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