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Kill bill

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Just saw the bugger on DVD. I know it's a bit late, but I just had to express my amazement. It's without a doubt the best damn kung-fu flick ever made. Or is it an exploatation flick, or spaghetti western or a splatter movie? Probably all of those, combined in a brilliant way.

If you havn't seen it, drop all you are doing and rent, buy, borrow, download or steal it right now!

Tarantino rules smile_o.gif

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I disagree there are many kung fu movies that are better then that, even my own made ones biggrin_o.gif

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I disagree there are many kung fu movies that are better then that, even my own made ones biggrin_o.gif

Don't listen to the heretic ;)

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Best kung fu movie ever was what I thought when I saw it, too. And the fact that I didn't have to pay to see it was nice, too- having friends working at the theater kicks ass biggrin_o.gif

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It thought it was great, the actors were perfectly cast, the story telling was orginal and the music was top notch. Before I went to see it, I was told that it was  awful, this lowered my expectations so I was amazed when I went to see it.


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When I saw the film... I just loved it!

I love the Japanese anime part where the story of O-ren Ishii was told.

Quote[/b] ]When you say "Harrriiiiigato!!", we say "Harrrrriiiiii gato!!!"

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I loved the music (I laughed my ass off when they started playing Louis Bacalov pieces (famous spaghetti western composer)).

Also the change of visual styles was brilliant. Did you notice the pirate sequence in the bar fight Å• la Errol Flynn?

The saying "The Devil is in the Details" could not be more true for Tarantino's works. There are small gems all over the place.

This is the best movie I've seen in a long long while smile_o.gif

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This is the best movie I've seen in a long long while smile_o.gif

Ditto smile_o.gif

Only now i saw this topic, Kill Bill is the best movie i saw this past year (and thats including LOTR)

Heres my desktop smile_o.gif


The perfect bride...thebride_02.jpg

and the ultra sexy Lucy Liu


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I wanted to see it but then "she" crazy_o.gif told me:"...its just another violent stupid movie, lets watch that one instead". I dont even remember what movie i ended up watching... mad_o.gif .

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