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Drill Sergeant

A small shot of what needs a texture artist.

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Duno what Kind of responses I'll get if any, but last time I'll ask.

Once again, I am asking for a texture artist. I have these models sitting

on my HD waiting for some one to texture in a joint effort with DSA.

There's not much to do, just a few family bases and an acessory pack.

Added thus far to the ever growing list is.


UMP 45

11-87 Police entry shotgun

Not allot of speical happenings other than I have redone the models, and added a few more.

The models have been for the most part retouched by the way.

While I wait for a texture artist, only the SOCOM and the g36 are left in line for that.

The rest is ready to go for skining.

I shouldn't have to Scream about the high polly count anymore,

most of you know thats just my work.

And as for lag my beta testers nearly hung me because my 6,000 polly SAW does not lag.

I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but soon

it will break and you won't have to listen any more.

Thats allot of work to just throw out after all. sad_o.gif











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Those models look pretty nice. The MP7 will be a nice addition. I would help, but I have little texturing experience.

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I'm a modeler, not a texture artist, so I can't help you out. Those models look awesome! Would be a real shame to trow them away.

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Great work on all of those weapons!!! we can see you've spent alot of time making them, hope you can get the help they deserve!

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you made a XM-8 .. wonderful smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

also the barret and the sopmod m-4 do look really good, hope you find someone to texture this babys soon wink_o.gif

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those models look very impressive, but also mega high poly count..am i right?

go to our forum and report in smile_o.gif , maybe we can work something out.

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I dont wanna spoil your fun but those are waaay to highpoly.

A lot of details can be done via textures, well thats the art in addon making find a compromise between polys and details.

Lets say you can make 1-2 BIS Tanks from some of this weaps polys, i even think it could be a lot more when i look at the machineguns wink_o.gif

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DAMN! Someone help this guy!!!

They're high poly because Drill Sergeant had too too much time on his hands waiting for a texturer and so he decided to improve his models biggrin_o.gif As you can see, he had quite a bit of time wink_o.gif

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I would suggest stealing textures from other games or try finding hi res photos on the net.

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Well thank's for the support.

One thing on the polly count, it depends almost entirely on the texture cut out sheet being applied. (If it will lag or not.)

My beta tester one of which who used a laptop for this said he had no lag on the M249 which is my only gun 6000 pollys, the rest maintain about 2,500-3,000 pollys.

All of which, I (Old computer like 3 years old and low end back then.) beta testers (From middle to brand new computers), had no problems with lag with the eception I did encounter a bit of stickyness with 32 SAW gunners in a huge group. rock.gif

I think we all need to ermm max OFP out so BIS will see whats expected of OFP2 tounge_o.gif

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Meh, no such thing as "Too high poly", all my guns are at least 2000 polies, and thats low detail. wink_o.gif As long as you use LOD's, its all ok..... tounge_o.gif

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