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Infiltration 2.9

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It seems that this long awaited total conversion is now a reality, as there are some guys that have already begin to receive the CD the INF dev team promised and play on servers.

The free download will be available too all in Monday according to the INF website for the other people.

Infiltration has been a good game in the 2.86 state but felt unfinished (i admit that i really liked it when the realaim mutator appeared to change the gameplay for more realism).

And after 2 years and some months of coding/testings , the new version is now ready, some people (some of the CD customers) are even playing it on server and enjoy it.

I wonder if any of you OFP players are INF fans too (even offline) , as i saw a lot of similarities in the soldier "feeling" gameplay between those 2 title i like wink_o.gif .

Time to reinstall UnrealTournament to give a look (Monday) in this piece of art that INF 2.9 is .

List of the features

INF website

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Hi Chronicles

What new vehicles are there? How big are the islands? What new elements of game play does it bring? Can you control more than 12 units? Has the AI got Strategic as well as Tactical knowledge? Is the AI a mix of Neural Net and Expert System? If so how and what has the last say NN or ES? How have they trained the NN? Was it a mix of ingame and external fast breeder? Or was it from a standard model? how are the dealing with artillery? How may kilometers can it fire?

Hope its as good as work already coming out in OFP smile_o.gif

Kind regards Walker

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OH! Sorry

Just re-read your post its just another unreal tournament clone sad_o.gif

kind regards Walker

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From some of the few screenshots I've looked at, it looks pretty promising.

Not as real as OFP wink_o.gif

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OH! Sorry

Just re-read your post its just another unreal tournament clone sad_o.gif

kind regards Walker

Saying that is exactly like saying that OFP is a kind of Pac Man clone.

How about to try the thing before making quick judgements ;)

You will be surprised to see that the aiming system is more realistic that OFP one in display and "feeling" .

Bah, what i hoped ......

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wow wow wow

Looks like the OFP community is more narrow-minded than I though. Deceiving really.

See, I'm on the Inf development team, and a long OFP lover. I agree that OFP has some advantages over Infiltration. I play OFP when I want long range engagements, or want to have fun with vehicles, or even for the singleplayer missions. Infiltration is very different, and probably more ambitious than any OFP Mod out there. Don't forget that it's built on a futuristic shooter after all.

Of course Infiltration is a small game compared to OFP, your community is bigger. Yet, when I'm reading your posts, I wouldn't trade for anything ;)

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Oh great, guess somebody posted a url to this thread on some inf forum.. crazy_o.gif


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Hi Freon

Sorry I dissed your work I know you put a lot of hard work in it. sad_o.gif

My troubles with Unnreal Tounament clones up to press are one shot in the right place with any weapon should kill and the hoppy jumping crap. I recognise you will be removing these reality errors in your MOD for which you should be praised.

What I would love to see though is control of other units in unreal tournament clones as well as vehicles and maps that are not so claustraphobic the maps in Unnreal Tounament clones up to press are just too small. If you did these modifications then you would be doing something truly inovative for your Unnreal Tounament community.

While your realism intention is laudable I think your teams time would be better spent on a more Modern and Modifiable game engine such as OFP where realism is a given and we are looking to broaden the scope of the game.

As to ambition have you looked at BAS or the FDF MODs in OFP or even you could just click the image link to The Chain of Command in my sig.

Kind Regards Walker

PS earlier today I played River Battle. There were 30 of us we used everything from tanks and copters to HALO jumps and motorcycles Sniper Rifles, MGs, Assault rifles of every description, pistols, RPGs AA misiles and My favourite the MM1 with a couple of smoke grenades and an ingram for the final flag run. No lag. It was all standard OFP no MODs. Real Tactics included terifying supressive fire from 50mm and tank HE rounds. Indirect fire from multiple grenade launchers mad charges and camping snipers who get me everytime but can never own a flag. By the way sniping and camping are respectable arts in OFP it is up to you to hunt them down and kill them not moan but I do enjoy riddling their bodies with a few extra rounds once they are dead.

I could have played MFCTI and controled squads while our commander built the base. Or just Dropzone and G36ed an hour away or any of thousands of other maps.

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Wouldn't this mod be suited for Ghost Recon or OFP? I respect the hard work you put in to this mod but I feel that it's based on the wrong engine since it is biased towards realism.

Also, couldn't this mod be relocated to the UtK03 engine? As that opens up for larger maps.

EDIT: I want to make it clear that I have not tried this mod, nor do I own a copy of the original UT.

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It all really looks good but i have to agree with g00b here. Why such an old engine? And why the UT engine? It was a fun game but wouldnt like the HL engine have gotten you a bigger audience? I appreciate the work that went in to making this and apluade it. Looks like i will be digging up my copy of UT to give this a try smile_o.gif

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walker, I know OFP (*points at his registration date on this forum*). And I know a OFP mod doesn't have much merit when adding a vehicle or a big map to the game. Infiltration started on the first Unreal game, and then moved to UT. What the point in using an engine that already have realistic maps and weapons? vehicles or even a reloading feature? It's not a total convertion, it's just a weapon mod, or a game play mod.

Of course, because of the engine, we can't add tanks and huge maps (also a few maps in Infiltration are pretty big! the biggest you can make without vehicles actually). But I think it's more challenging and rewarding.

Anyway, there are lots of Infiltration players that also play OFP and the other way around. These ones know that a mod doesn't need big maps and jeeps to be good ;)

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Have to say my words smile_o.gif

I really like OFP for a lot of reasons (actually i stay playing thanks to the wonderfull editor that has no equivalent in greatness in other game)

That said , i am a fan of the infiltration mod , it is a great game too , the most realistic game i played with OFP and it is nice to see that this mod is finally available in this last edition.

But i cant say that one is better in realism than the other, i like them both a lot (as they are very complementary in my opinion) .

My troubles with Unnreal Tounament clones

The scripting work your team and yourself achieved in the COC project is great , it helped a lot for my own missions.

But sorry, i cant agree with your view on this mod Walker , it is not "just another unreal tournament clone" as you said.

When i played this infiltration mod i was stunned to see how much work had been done on it (coding , physic, gameplay, graphics, etc etc) , nothing from the unreal tournament game remain on it , no other mod of this game had ever impressed me like this.

I dont think you can compare what infiltration achieve with this unreal engine with any unreal clones.

Infiltration is very different, and probably more ambitious than any OFP Mod out there

As much as i like OFP addons , i have to agree with you : there is much more work on infiltration than on any addon/mod for OFP i saw , as everything has been changed from the default game (unreal) to obtain what is up to a new retail game quality.

The only common point , shared by UT and infiltration is that it is the unreal engine.

And i continue to think that what is available from the modding community of OFP is very high quality work and awesome

So you can understand what i think of the quality of the mod infiltration : the most interesting mod i ever played.

Bah, what i hoped ......

Do not be disapointed by some answer , there are lot of people i know that enjoy both OFP and infiltration .

Maybe they just dont all post here biggrin_o.gif

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Hey Freon, I tried out Inf a few months back, and I thought it was promising, but a few things turned me off. Probably the main one is the speed of the game. No matter how good your 3D sights are, no matter how detailed the weapon models, if soldiers are still running across the map at highway speeds, what's the point? It pissed me off to no end to have such realistic modelling of weapons and damage, only to be killed by a circle-strafer who is running faster than an Olympic sprinter. I don't know if this has been changed, but from what I've seen of INF, it can't decide what it wants to be: is it a run and gun CS thing? Or is it more deliberate, realistic? Or is it something entirely other that I completely missed? Maybe you can enlighten me smile_o.gif

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Well I will definatly donwload this version, I have been plaing the old versions a lot and its great fun biggrin_o.gif

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I used to play Inf when I had cable (when I lived with my parents.). Nothing like OFP in terms of a simulation of full-scale military combat but better if you just want to have small, highly charged deathmatches or something because by using the UT engine it flows better for these small combat situations.

I would get it myself if I had a better connection than 56k (The mod's 2.9 is 400+MB I think) and I hadn't progressed onto playing newer FPS games like UT2k3. I probably wont have the same interest I had a few years ago.

But I can genunely recommend you get it if you want to try a nice realistic mod for a mainstream FPS shooter, it'll appeal to OFP players much much more than CS, Strike Force or any of thos other so-called Realism mods.

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hmm I have to agree with you Tex (and all the ones who think Inf is not as real as OFP). You're basing your opinion on the previous version (2.86) and it's true the running speed is a bit high and jumping a little too easy ;)

There was a small patch made by a fan of the game (yurch) called RAv2 that fixed all these issues and added a small objective game mode and other nice things (like fly-by sounds for bullets smile_o.gif).

The new version doesn't have the same problems, running with a SAW won't get you very far, and you can't evade bullets by bunny hopping. Also, we got rid of the silly team deathmatch to introduce a nice objective driven gameplay smile_o.gif You get to steal strategic documents or blow stuff up now.

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