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Question about military parachuting

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Question for a script were putting into ECP...What is a typical failure rate for parachutes in regards to military paratroopers?

I need some fugures. Statistic (with links) to support them would be nice too.

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i doubt it's very much.... most of the time i would think it's human error rather than the parachute failing

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Well the failure rate is actully quite low due to the amount of training and the quality of the equipment used by countires which use paratroopers.

The major problem with paratroops is usually night jumping where you really cant see the ground paratroops then usually rolled/sprained ankles, jared knees etc.

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Ill ask my brother when I talk to him next (Calling South Korea from US isn't cheap.. should be this weekend. smile_o.gif ) He went through airborne school at Ft. Benning a couple months ago. The rate is kept lower also, through a motivational program... that is: The packers must jump randomly, with a chute that they packed. Called up sort of like random drug tests. Suffice to say, this ensures that they make damn sure they get it right.

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i'd say the odds are less than 1/100,000 as far as parachute failure goes. now injury due to a poor landing or rough terrain is a different story... but the chances of a parachute malfuncationing or, God forbid, failing are VERY slim.

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i'd say the odds are less than 1/100,000 as far as parachute failure goes.  now injury due to a poor landing or rough terrain is a different story... but the chances of a parachute malfuncationing or, God forbid, failing are VERY slim.

So I can consider me lucky, as I have seen one failing once wow_o.gifcrazy_o.gifsad_o.gif

It was a training of the Bundeswehr (Saarlandbrigade) near my home village ~15-20years ago. They were jumping out of a CH53 and one chute didn't open properly and he was almost free-falling.

However, I remember the guy was lucky - can't remember whether he could open the reserve or the chute opened properly. But got this from others as we couldn't see the actual landing.

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Is this for modern kit or 80s (or older) kit, and for a specific country or overall?

EG modern british rigs are quite reliable but the older style ones used nylon brindle straps that were flat, a couple of centimetres wide- the airflow could pull on these and release the main chute prematurely, meaning it would get caught up in the vortex behind the jumper and tangle up behind the jumper.. all over the reserve as well.. which was a bit of a problem..

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This is for a generic HALO script that will be shipping with the next version of ECP. It will be enabled by default on blackops, and BAS Deltas/Rangers only.

You can set a failure rate of the parachute in percentage. I'm gonna go with 1/100,000, (0.001%) since this is designed for modern units. The mission maker/player can change the failure rate, and/or completely disable the halo if they want anyway.

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In the current version of the script, the failure's only happen for AI units. The player's' chute will never fail.

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I'd like to point out that OFP has its own failure rate.  Like when scripts mysteriously refuse to be called.  I think it happens more to players with low CPU overhead, but I dont think you need to add an artificial failure rate - especially considering there is a greater than .00001 chance that your foot will slip and unplug your power strip - thus ending the virtual universe entirely (how's that for failure rate...

and sentence length too!).   tounge_o.gif

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Nope this script is perfect, so there is no chance of it not working. :P

^^^^^^^^^^^blatant sarcasm alert!^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The failurerate is staying, because I want mission makers to have the power to simulate time periods when parachutes were less reliable.

Example: WWII - I'm assuming parachutes were much less reliable then. The halo script can actually be set to act as a normal parachuting script - only with a failure rate - all you do is set the minimum chute deployment rate to a high altitude and the chute opens right away just like normal.

WHat if a mission maker want to write a mission where half of the squads chutes fail? Simply setting the halo variables could accomplish this as opposed to scripting the whole sequence.

Anyway People with low cpu overhead probably shouldn't be running ECP anyway, plus they can allways turn it off.

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Hmm. since this is about mil para jumps; Do paratroopers carry a emergency chute, or does the jumping altitude and carried gear prevent one from using it anyway?

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