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I think the BMP crew moved their mouse pointer over the vehicle, the players name popped up, they thought, the sneaky git just captured our AA unit so they destroyed it. smile.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from SpaceAlex on 12:23 pm on Dec. 11, 2001


Most of the enemy tanks are destroyed from a distance.

<span id='postcolor'>

I sure hope so -- otherwise, somebody wasn't paying attention! wink.gif

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Yes it does.

You'll have to have decent drivers for the video card though, so if you have a video card that is obsolete or doesn't have official support for XP yet, you may have problems.

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I concur, it works on XP provided you have the appropriate drivers. I even think the game runs faster on XP than ME. I suppose it´s because XP and the other NT based OS´s have better memory management.

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[Err, sorry, I dunno how such an old thread wound up near the top of the list. Ahh, I must have reacted to it during a Search.]

I agree with the originator of this thread AND Suma.

I'm not sure if it has been added in since the last time I checked, but realistic turret turn speeds and realistic turret turn sounds (wind up, turning, wind down) would help.  They recently added them to World War II Online after I started a thread about it, and they work great!  They make it easier for infantry to know when they should be completely worried about that nearby tank's main-gun.

And in Rogue Spear, there was a certain amount of time between the radio check-ins.  If you were stealthing around and a tango you headshot with a JHP round missed a check-in, THEN the shi'ite hit the fan.

It's not like you popped up a big flag that says "Army of One" when you took the vehicle.

That's why they had vehicle recognition cards.

Vehicle Recognition Cards

Now they probably use sims to learn whether a vehicle is a threat or a friendly, based on its shape.  In the 80's, if you were in a friendly vehicle, it was probably assumed for some time that you were a friendly, especially if you could fake that your vehicle's radio wasn't working correctly (just cover the mouthpiece and key the mike for a bit).  If you were in a Threat vehicle, you probably got blown away ASAP, nomatter who you were.

The inverse question also works:  "How does an M1 Abrams crew know that the guy in the T-72 is a friendly?  Does he ring him on the tele and ask, 'I say, we are about to shoot you, but first we think it only proper to confirm that indeed, you are a bad guy."

Armored Vehicle Recognition Cards

Maybe in the next-gen game this could be ironed out better?

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They recently added them to World War II Online after I started a thread about it, and they work great!

You flatter yourself. And you should be spanked for creating a zombie thread.


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Please don't dig up 4 year old threads.

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