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Don't worry you got Ghost Recon, Hidden & Dangerous 2... The game from 7th. The ww2 game from EA.

THEN STAR WARS BABY! YEAH, massively mutltiplayer fps's that run forever!

Im all over star wars now that it went fps shooter style.

Run vehicles all over planets, not just islands. Then the first expansion comes out and you get Tactical space fighter simulation added on.(tie fighter vs xwing style).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from COL KNIGHT on 5:44 am on Oct. 28, 2001

LOL #### OFP will die before it even has a real chance to launch smile.gif

<span id='postcolor'>

That entirely depends on how much BIS is willing and able to do about this game.

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well I think that that has already been established what they are willing to do. I mean that what all of these post are about. #### go back and reread them all...

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CS DOES NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO FLASH POINT. I DELETED COUNTER-STRIKE OFF MY MACHINE. CS is so lame. And Played beta 1 till present untill flash point came out. They have add more weapons in one month than CS has added since it came out. CS is so unrealistic too I hated the quake jumping people running around jumping like bunny rabits, head shots with aim bots and every other cheat that was made. I deleted CS off my box and now I have FLASHPOINT IT WILL NEVER GO BACK. I argee that FLASH POINT needs to have the ability to come in to an open slot of the game. It can even work with a coop too. let say you got 3 people in the game and the rest of your team is AI, well that means the rest of the AI on you team is open slots and they just become one of your team untill there is no room left. But the main thing is if you could join mid game there would be alot more action in the server... on a good T-1 server when people could jooin in it would become all out WAR and I KNOW that is what all us FLASHPOINT FANS WANT!!!! WARRRR!!!!!!!!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from JUSTOR on 2:57 pm on Nov. 9, 2001

CS DOES NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO FLASH POINT. I DELETED COUNTER-STRIKE OFF MY MACHINE. CS is so lame. And Played beta 1 till present untill flash point came out. They have add more weapons in one month than CS has added since it came out. CS is so unrealistic too I hated the quake jumping people running around jumping like bunny rabits, head shots with aim bots and every other cheat that was made. I deleted CS off my box and now I have FLASHPOINT IT WILL NEVER GO BACK. I argee that FLASH POINT needs to have the ability to come in to an open slot of the game. It can even work with a coop too. let say you got 3 people in the game and the rest of your team is AI, well that means the rest of the AI on you team is open slots and they just become one of your team untill there is no room left.  But the main thing is if you could join mid game there would be alot more action in the server... on a good T-1 server when people could jooin in it would become all out WAR and I KNOW that is what all us FLASHPOINT FANS WANT!!!! WARRRR!!!!!!!!!<span id='postcolor'>

Cs rules man. I was soooooo dissapointed when i tried to play this game online.

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It did. But some newbie revived it. Theres absolutely no point though.

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 I love Flashpoint, and I want to play it online. But I'm not going to sit around for an unknown # of minutes watching a "Game In Progress" screen.  

 If join in progress isn't possible, can we at least have the server broadcast the time remaining?  Then we could use that info to decide what server to join.

If BIS won't do that, it's almost something somebody could hack to read the value from the running server and make it available via a third-party program. Sort of like Punkbuster for Half-Life.

 Operation Flashpoint is as much a benchmark game as Doom was, but it's so frustrating that the multiplayer sucks.

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I won't bother reading all of this thread, becasue it's an non-issue in my books.  I only play Co-Op MP games, so personally I have no need for JIP.  I like to get a few gamers, get a good mission, then we talk about the mission and how we're going to proceede in the mission. Sure sometimes I get disconnected while loading the mission and that's a pain, but I don't want to see gamers just respawn in the middle of our co-op game and then ask what's going on and what's the plan is, I just want that done once at the beginning.

-=Die Alive=-

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I think this sums up OFP

A. It was made thinking that the SP part of it would be more important then the MP.

B. BIS was, ans is wrong, MP is at least 60% of the game now-a-days.

C. OFP has a very limited life, its just too buggy and unwieldy. If your going to make a WAR game, it should support enough people to make it a WAR. BIS's netcode is too weak for such. Poor doomed game, had such potential too.

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I agree with Toxic totally...I'm disapointed personally -but ever since I started playing the Ghost Recon demo where I can support 6 people without lag on my DSL....I'll consider my $40 spent for a ok game and put it up by other games (along side just dead games as Sin - ever see anyone play Sin? Then look at Halflife and tell me multiplayer isn't important....either make it for the quick buck (OFP), or with a vision...)

My last post on this whole forum, 1.30 didn't do much for me...tired of the game.

And the guy who said 'i play only coop with friends.." My friends won't buy the game because the mp sucks.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Recon on 6:11 pm on Nov. 13, 2001

Then look at Halflife and tell me multiplayer isn't important....either make it for the quick buck (OFP), or with a vision...<span id='postcolor'>

I got HL for it's great SP game, not for it's MP.  I never played Half Life MP, I've played the two addons (Op Force and Blue Shift), but never the deathmatch MP.  It never intrested me anyway, cause i hate these "run and gun and jump and strafe and cheaters" FPS anyway.  And by the way, you mention "a quick buck", have you played Blue Shift?  It has "Quick Buck" written all over it.

-=Die Alive=-

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"I'm disapointed personally -but ever since I started playing the Ghost Recon demo where I can support 6 people without lag on my DSL"

Actually, yesterday I played with 8 other people (some DM at houdan) with no serious lag whatsoever on a DSL host...

I was quite amazed myself. There was little lag, but hardly noticable (some trees fell two times, lag of 1 sec).

1.3 is definetly better than previous version, now the only matter comes to expanding that...

When one can have 25-30 people on a dedicated server with no (no big at least) lag Im happy. It is as someone said, why create a large scale war simulation with MP when all one can do in MP is to play small scale troop combat simulation...

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I say "JIP can be done".

Most arguements for "cannot" is that the deep scripting would prevent it.

Very well, then lets have some map with light scripting and JIP enabled. I'd say light scripting should be sufficient to support CTF, TDM missions.

Some state that JIP can coop dont mix - what kind of battle cant get reinforcements? Most likely deep scripted covert missions. But coop army vs army mission could support JIP.

With or without JIP, i sertainly did enjoy the campaign. And while I wait for JIP in flashpoint I enjoy the JIP in another game called infiltration.

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