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Cwc islands with resistance objects

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Just one problem i found,

on the road on the south side of entre deux,there's a house laying right across the road crazy_o.gif

other than that they look pretty good,though i will keep an eye out and tell you if i find anything else out of place lol....

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Just one problem i found,

on the road on the south side of entre deux,there's a house laying right across the road crazy_o.gif

other than that they look pretty good,though i will keep an eye out and tell you if i find anything else out of place lol....

lol, yup it's there. It looks like i forgot to delete it when i was trying to replace it with that Res house. I guess i'll have to release a fix for Everon now. biggrin_o.gif

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A new version of High-Res Everon is now avaible at Tactical Blunder smile_o.gif

What's new:

- Too many trees on the airport (causing AI planes to crash). Some were resized and some were removed.

- Too big tree near Morton causing AI choppers to crash.

- A fence sticking out of a house in Morton

- House on the road in Entre Deux (thanks LT.Schaffer)

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damn...bd~´s uploader...is down  sad_o.gif

Yes, it is. sad_o.gif

Is anyone else willing to host it?

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I love your map

But still missing some night light on some town (In red hammer, 3 mission before the last mission, you must kill the chief resistance, buf first you must kill some west unit located in a small town, in OFP original they were light, but your island don't seem to have light at this location, can you check ? I'm sur there is a light in original island, I can't help you more, I forgot the name of the town)...

Thanks for doing this pack... Now old campaign are better...

You should talk with BIS to help you improve your files and put the island in the next patch...

You made a important works, for me BIS should have do the HIGH RES island when Resistance was release, so please talk with them...  wink_o.gif

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I love your map

But still missing some night light on some town (In red hammer, 3 mission before the last mission, you must kill the chief resistance, buf first you must kill some west unit located in a small town, in OFP original they were light, but your island don't seem to have light at this location, can you check ? I'm sur there is a light in original island, I can't help you more, I forgot the name of the town)...

Thanks for doing this pack... Now old campaign are better...

You should talk with BIS to help you improve your files and put the island in the next patch...

You made a important works, for me BIS should have do the HIGH RES island when Resistance was release, so please talk with them...  wink_o.gif

I've removed a few lights because i don't like the night color palette. It just doesn't look realistic. It's all way too white.

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Ok but you should not remove original light sad_o.gif

Still I have find a other bug, In RED HAMMER, the first mission, you must clear some rebel, then go to other base, and the final is to kill civilian in the town, the bug is there, when you arrive some civilian are out of the house, or in original game they are hiding in house...



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Still I have find a other bug, In RED HAMMER, the first mission, you must clear some rebel, then go to other base, and the final is to kill civilian in the town, the bug is there, when you arrive some civilian are out of the house, or in original game they are hiding in house...

Hmmm, the problem could be a resistance house in the place the CWC house was or a bug in v1.91 or 1.94.

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Where can we get the newer Everon file?

I love the new look.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

I have no host at the moment, but maybe i'll upload it to tactialblunder if i get permission from blackdog.

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This is great ,now we have to convince all servers to use this map rather than the old map's and all players to use them aswell.Not easy ,but don't you wonder ,why use old versions if new are better?

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At last someone did something with the trees. They are perfect !

Thank you bush-master smile_o.gif

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Quite aware of the updated file. Just wanted to share a humorous experience. rock.gif

Or in the words of Liam Lynch: "Whatever"... biggrin_o.gif

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Sorry to rehash a relatively old thread (but still within the rule limits tounge_o.gif ), but I have a quick question.

Does anyone know of any problems using these updated islands in MP? Specifically, I want to use them in an upcoming coop LAN session. If I update the islands (i.e. overwrite the original wrps) on ALL the machines (including the dedicated server), there shouldn't be any problems, should there?

Also, same question, but about Fatwombats retextures [ these ]

Thanks wink_o.gif

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Depends on how they were migrated.

If they were imported into WRPtool and then bulk-migrated, the ID's of all the objects on the WRP's would be different, crapping up any mission where you have ID-specific coding, eg: checking to see if lightpost #123456 is alive or not, MrDude dowatch house #123456, etc.

If it was done in WRPedit or Visitor, it 'shouldnt' affect the ID's. Then again, re-binarization could cause re-ordering as well.

Basiclly, check your missions first. If they work fine, no worries, other than anti-cheat bit-checking. You'd just need to confirm that everyone is using the same version.

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Where can i found your fixed Everon?! I anywhere can not find him!

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