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Hh-60 seahawk + hh-60j pavehawk

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Miles Teg & r1c0cH3T you both get PM from me after I finnished the Seahawk and Jayhawk wink_o.gif

The most things are finished only adding some detail here there you know little tweakings to model.

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I can now proudly announce that I am using ADF Mod's S-70 Model as base for my Seahawks with their permission hope everyone love that models the edited BIS demo models I used for my previous versions was not liked by most people including myself but now I have got the go word from Urket that I am free to use their model I allready started 2/3 weeks ago editing their models so release is still aiming for february


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Sorry no time for taking pictures wow_o.gif

But got some bad news and a good news ghostface.gif

Good News: I go over 3/4 days to a trip for 6/7 weeks to Italy to visit a friend tounge_o.gif

Bad News: I have worked hard and a beta of the Seahawks, Jayhawk and ...... <--- Suprise call it a bonus addon biggrin_o.gif

is ready for a beta release wink_o.gif Really bad news crazy_o.gif

So any takers who want to upload those addons so everyone can download it rock.gif

Would also be good if there a any bugs 6/7 weeks time for you guys to spot them and to tell me so I can fix them you still can e-mail me from the e-mail adres that is writed in the readme files that comes with the addons so I can fix them while I am in Italy I take my laptop to Italy OFP installed so no worries wink_o.gif

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I am sending them to you now kikill the pack as 1 pack is to big to send by mail so it is 3 mails first one is almost send wink_o.gif

2 remain wink_o.gif

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