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Im hit! oh my god i've been hit!

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Aside from my previous post of being able to carry wounded team-mates, I think a more elaborate game system for medics will be fun. People never want to be medics, if there more jobs for them to do then it will be more fun!

First we would need different types of wounds:

Headwound: Your ability to aim a weapon or drive a vehicle is severly impaired...hell maybe you cant even walk in a strait line.

Arterial wound: You leave a trail of blood and your aiming and movement becomes more erratic over time as you loose more blood (would make for an interesting and hair-raising race for a medic!).

Leg hit: Though in the original game...more depth to it. Like a limp animation.

Arm hit: Cant throw grenades, maybe cant use 2 handed rifle properly.

Shell-shock: This is my favorite! If you are close to an explosion your soldier's senses is temporarily wounded...say, blinded or blurred vision for about 10 seconds (like a flashbang in counter-strike) and you are deaf for 1-2 minutes..maybe even a ringing sound would be a nice touch! biggrin_o.gif

And with more wounds come more things to fix them with!

Medics should have limited supplies....such as-

Morphine: Kills pain, makes a wouned characters aim more steady and he can move faster.

Splints: Used for leg and arm wounds.

Basic Gauze and bandages: heals some of the soldiers damage and stops bleeding from arterial wounds.

Stitches: Can heal more damage but takes longer period of time for medic to finish.

If these required certain supplies it would add depth and tactics to the game! SO what if you have more bullets! We have more medical supplies in our fancy schmancy medical crates!!! wow_o.gif

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Blurred vision instead of blindness would be cool...

By the way, if you get shot in the head... I think you would be dead.

By the way, can anyone say SAMURAI SWORDS like in FMJ? Hehe...

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Head wounds dont have to come from bullets. CAn be shrapnel or concussion from an explosion.


Impavido: Wa....wa....I cant see!!!! Where am I.....OH MY GOD IM GOING TO DIE!!!!!

Soldier1: Serves you right idiot, you threw that grenade like a girl!

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Well, many times, the wounded can't even move (abdominal and thorax wounds), but can be saved. This should have reasons for campaign like Reasistence, where are only limited numbers of soldiers and RPG (experience) factor.

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Some of the injury ideas are definitely good the concussion one i like too but if ur deaf for a minute you cant hear the radio and that would throw everything into chaos with Mission editing. the arm and leg wound ideas are good too they sound pretty cool crawling with a leg wound sucks.

Oh bugger im bleeding...

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This might be slightly off topic, but here goes:

I would like to see a 'random damage' effect for soldiers. (wouldn't make much sense for most vehicle hits)

For example, if a soldier is hit in the leg, he may limp, or he may be wounded to the point where he cannot stand (like in OFP right now).

I'm sure you guys can think of ways this could be extended to other hits (arm, chest, etc).

Special forces soldiers would have a much higher chance of 'just limping' when hit.

In the end, soldiers wouldn't always die with 1 or 2 shots. Some may take a hit, and lose conciousness, while the guy next to him may be wounded quite a few times and keep going.

(Medics can be used to save the unconcious soldiers as well! Carry to medevac)

I would think that, with all the stories about special forces soldiers surviving in crazy situations, they'd get a good bonus in this area. Those guys are tough...

Ammo, body armor, angle of impact, lots of things could be accounted for as well.

This would also help distinguish between weapons, especially pistols; a .45 would knock the target down with one good chest shot, while a 9mm might not.

All of this would make the medic's job more complicated. Be more difficult at least.

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I think there should be an option to make the medic part of the game a bit more realistic. I mean guys get shot up with about 6 bullets, then the medic runs up, applies his "healing lotion" and voila, you are fine.

I think maybe medics should have to drag injured people behind cover, treat light wounds etc. They shouldn't be able to heal a person who has been shot in the leg three times back to perfect health.

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In the same token, then, being shot in the arms or legs, no matter how many times, should not kill you instantaneously - maybe after a while through loss of blood, but not instantaneously...

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In the same token, then, being shot in the arms or legs, no matter how many times, should not kill you instantaneously - maybe after a while through loss of blood, but not instantaneously...

Actually that can easily happen; the bullet's kinetic force causing a system shock in your body, aka heart failure.

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What if shock was a part of the game...say your soldier gets hit but not bad. but by random chance his adrenaline is too high or he starts to go into shock. Cant shoot strait, takes longer to reload, etc...at least until a medic can administer some sort of relaxant or downer....

Impavido:*DAZE*...geeee.....thats great stuff doc...woooooowwww *DROOL* tounge_o.gif

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In the same token, then, being shot in the arms or legs, no matter how many times, should not kill you instantaneously - maybe after a while through loss of blood, but not instantaneously...

Actually that can easily happen; the bullet's kinetic force causing a system shock in your body, aka heart failure.

Nope, there is NOT such a thing as a shock that kills you instantly when being hit by a high-speed bullet, that's just a modern legend that probably came up during vietnam war.

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In the same token, then, being shot in the arms or legs, no matter how many times, should not kill you instantaneously - maybe after a while through loss of blood, but not instantaneously...

Actually that can easily happen; the bullet's kinetic force causing a system shock in your body, aka heart failure.

Not in your arms or legs it can't.

Not 'small' (IE less than .50 cal or 12.7mm) calibre rifle rounds.

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In the same token, then, being shot in the arms or legs, no matter how many times, should not kill you instantaneously - maybe after a while through loss of blood, but not instantaneously...

Actually that can easily happen; the bullet's kinetic force causing a system shock in your body, aka heart failure.

Not in your arms or legs it can't.

Not 'small' (IE less than .50 cal or 12.7mm) calibre rifle rounds.

Methinks that if you were hit with a .50 round the shock of seeing you no longer have an attached arm or leg would probably kill you, nevermind the arterial blood loss!

Also the medic should carry amphetamines (speed) to keep you pepped for those long nights on stag.




etc etc, oh how we laughed!!

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LOL LOL LOL tounge_o.gif

Yea....if there is anything that could make an OFP sequel better its drugs....

What if your soldier went thru withdrawl and couldt shoot or even load his weapon?

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What'd a Vietnam campaign be without everyone being stoned off their arses?



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This is a slightly different tack on the thread topic, but i was thinking about how it would be more realistic and more interesting if every soldier who was knocked out of the fight wasn't knocked out because they are dead. There must be more ways to be neutralised on a battlefield than dying but still be uncurable for the duration of the mission. Incapacitated by wounds but still twitching/groaning for example.

It would be good i think to see this implemented into OFP2, plus it would give even more reason to get a head shot in black ops missions in case the groans attract other sentries...

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If soldiers could be hit in a non critical location and remain conscious and groaning for example, it would be possible re- enact the sniper scene in Full Metal Jacket where the sniper lures soldiers into attempting to rescue their injured comrades who end up hit themselves. Nasty but realistic. wink_o.gif

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i was thinking more along the lines of turning a corner in a village and coming across a street full of groaning fellow soldier and an enemy machien gun at the end...

crazy_o.gif RUN!

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Oh yeah that was one thing that i liked about Vietcong, that when people got hit they yelped and swore like "ow sh*t" and "f*ck im hit" n stuff, helped the atmosphere. Also when the medic stops you and says "your bleeding wait a minute"

Some scared chatter between the player and the medic when the medic heals you would be quite atmospheric

"your okay man your okay calm down" etc.

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How about when u get hit in the chest u fall back on the ground screaming and bleeding. Control is disabled. The medic comes running and either drag u away or treat u on spot.You would be able too see him treat u and when done u can be carried to a ambulance that takes u off the battlefield.... he, In my dreams huh? smile_o.gif

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The medic AI should also subit some medical attention. I mean, the medic role isn't a first line unit behaviour and for the moment, he uses to run and engage just like the others reason why it's often recommended to have a human playing the medic to preserve this STRONG potential in the team.

Too strong because of the (too) full regeneration he provides.

Maybe could it also be possible to think about some medi-pack the medic could have on his back, filling most of the inventory slots and slowing the unit but possible to drop somewhere before assault. The pack would allow better recovery for the subjects...

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Would be nice to be able to pick up medical equipment like other kit. Maybe untrained soldiers would only be able to heal to mobility, not full heal though?

(as in, so the player can walk/ run again, but is still injured)

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*Dreams: Soldier gets hit, gets the light headedness and fade to black vision that precedes fainting. Cut scene of medics stabising the soldier, giving him a drip and calling for medievac.--> Soldier evacuated from the field and to a M*A*S*H* unit where the soldier wakes up with injurys typical of those expected from the source (bullet/shrapnel/concussion/explosion) where the soldier either recovers to fight again, is discharged or has a flag sent to his next of kin.

Heck, while I'm dreamin, lets implement a surgeon aspect into the game. The left legs connected to the, kneebone, the kneebones connected to my wristwatch! An educational tool for all surgical practicioners aroud the world! *Wakes up drenched in sweat.

Hmmm, mayby not that detailed, but some of those other suggestions are pretty good. smile_o.gif

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Three levels of medical help would be enough:

- first aid (stops most of haemorrhagies but leaves the subject with reduced movement ability and inaccurate)

any soldier can attempt one

- battlefield medical care (restores movement but not accuracy etc...)

only medic can do one

- full medical recover -if possible- (restores whole capabilities)

only in hospital/surgical units (means you have to extract the subject from the battle field)

Only a suggestion.

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Three levels of medical help would be enough:

- first aid (stops most of haemorrhagies but leaves the subject with reduced movement ability and inaccurate)

 any soldier can attempt one

- battlefield medical care (restores movement but not accuracy etc...)

 only medic can do one

- full medical recover -if possible- (restores whole capabilities)

 only in hospital/surgical units (means you have to extract the subject from the battle field)

Only a suggestion.

That would be great!

I would like, though, the basic medical help to restore the ability to at least jog (not sprint) - perhaps with a limp or whatever- just for those long MP games where one guy has broken legs and is trying to keep up with the rest of the squad.

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