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Soldier on leave strikes it rich

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Here is the full story:

Soldier gets rich, quick

They won't have to worry about trying to get out. The US Military is already working on his honorable discharge. The service will not want him anymore as he could quickly turn into an unmotivated soldier that wont be intimidated by his superiors anymore, not that he would actually turn out that way its just the militarys way of preventing it from ever happening. Strike it rich while you are in the US Military and you will get to go home unclesam.gif

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probably better out than in. i'm sure he will throw a party for his squad before he is discharged, but having 150million(or 90 mil in cash) makes you more conservative in terms of action. so the lucky man will take safer job.

his wife is also in military. wonder if she will get honorable discharge too.

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Quote[/b] ]his wife is also in military. wonder if she will get honorable discharge too.

She'd should if she wants it, the amount of money that the military lost on her training will be recouped when the government grabs $70 million of the prize through taxes mad_o.gif , some of which will get into the military's coffers.

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so the lucky man will take safer job.

Wrong. He doesn't need to take a job. And if he does. It will be a hobby job. Like mowing his private 18-hole golf course, or feeding his rare tropical fish in his olypic sized swimming pool, or tuning up his Ferrari's and other Exotic cars!! tounge_o.gif

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Who knows? Maybe he'll just buy a modest house in a nice neighborhood and save the rest of the money. Or, maybe he'll blow it all on a huge house and some cars.

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I read that something like 80% of all lottey winners end up going bankrupt. It has to do with the type of people who by lottery tickets in the first place.

He'll probably blow it all on crap and go bankrupt. unclesam.gif

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as toadlife said, those who actually manage to get "lucky" also tends to swarm themselves into bankruptcy.

now that they have millions, they try to live that "life of luxury" and spend like there is no tomorrow. not to mention that there will be sudden "long-distance relatives" showing up your front door and "charity" organizations making their case.

sometime ago, the biggest lottery winner(200 mil for him) was drugged and got his 500,000 robbed by the owner of the strip club he frequented.

if they are any wiser, they would hire a financial manager and a lawyer by now and set up trust accounts for them and their family. 90 mil is a big money, if you don't go over budget. annutity of 90 mil would be about 4 mil per year, and if tax is taken out(depending on type of financial package type) still 2.4 mil per year.

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If they are smart they can live off just the interest and keep the principal balance exactly at 90 mil. Maybe being a soldier he will have a more level head than most lottery winners, he did say he was just gonna enjoy some quiet fishing, that sounds like a good start to me smile_o.gif

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The questions is, what is he going to enjoy that fishing on? A yacht, or a canoe? There's a slight financial difference that you may have noticed there tounge_o.gif .

I can imagine a lot of lottery winners go bankrupt, because they'd probably believe the best investment would be more lottery tickets.

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I can imagine a lot of lottery winners go bankrupt, because they'd probably believe the best investment would be more lottery tickets.

...or that they believed a lottery ticket to be a good investment in the first place. A 1/20,000,000 chance (I think it's even higher now) of getting any type of ROI is not exactly a wise investment.


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Most of the people who buy lottery tickets are borderline poverty anyway so when they see that much money they just go nuts and they are not really equiped to deal with the wealth they just fell into.

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Quote[/b] ]If I won $150 Million, i'd just buy the best PC I could, and a few firearms...

That's the problem. A nice house here, some Ferraris there, a yacht, and some more lottery tickets, and most of the money that hasn't been taxed (Remember, they will not actually receive 150 million, they'll probably lose more than half of it to taxes ) will be gone.

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Too bad he didn't win it in Canada, as lottery winnings aren't taxed here.

But everything else is, and highly. mad_o.gif

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maybe that story is just a cover up

maybe he killed osama and saddam and his really a part of delta force

and this is just an excuse so that ppl wont suspect n e thing about his money


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me ill give half to the poor then all to my relative and family and freinds

and buy a few houses for investment

and about 5mil on myself

fastest modified computer money can buy

make my own video game and pay bis to help me

and not mention my lambourgini mercialago, high tech gym, spa , pool

and high class escort girls wink_o.gif

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What the heck would I do with $150 mil? I don't really care about cars, money isn't going to get you a cool chick (a hot one, yes), and there are a lot of better causes out there that need the money. I'd give the vast majority of it to a wildlife/nature charity and maybe keep some for me so that I never have to work for anyone else. And so that I could afford to go back to school for a new degree. And I'd probably pay off my parents' mortgage.

So, I'd keep maybe $2 million, the rest would go directly to purchasing huge swaths of the Amazon to protect it from loggers. And I'd probably donate some money to the aquarium here in Chicago so that they could house some big sharks. I'll call it "The Hellfish Gallery of Hellishly Large Fish with Hellishly Large Teeth." smile_o.gif

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What would you do with a dozen cars? Just drive them? That's worth it to you? Of all the things in the world that you could do, you'd spend money to drive fast?

I have a Jetta in my driveway that can make 125mph on the highway. I'll let you borrow it as long as you fill it up with gas when you bring it back... rock.gif I mean, if you bought a dozen cars to smash up I could understand that - I know full well the power and joy of destroying things. smile_o.gif

The aircraft carrier I could understand as a purchase. But I'd probably give it to one of those British charities that was trying to make a museum out of it. I'd even give them some money to refurbish it too. smile_o.gif I'm sentimental for veterans.

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What would you do with a dozen cars? Just drive them? That's worth it to you? Of all the things in the world that you could do, you'd spend money to drive fast?

I have a Jetta in my driveway that can make 125mph on the highway. I'll let you borrow it as long as you fill it up with gas when you bring it back...  rock.gif I mean, if you bought a dozen cars to smash up I could understand that - I know full well the power and joy of destroying things. smile_o.gif

The aircraft carrier I could understand as a purchase. But I'd probably give it to one of those British charities that was trying to make a museum out of it. I'd even give them some money to refurbish it too. smile_o.gif I'm sentimental for veterans.

No, several dozen. Subtle, yet significant difference. And besides, I'm not allowed to be shallow? I like cars. I like going fast, I like going faster, and I enjoy going slow enough to look cool but still be going fairly fast. Maybe it's a teenage guy thing. And there's no way in hell you can tell me that having your own aircraft carrier wouldn't be the coolest thing ever. You could even buy a couple helicopters to fly off of it with the money you could save by cutting down to only 15 or 20 cars. And of course you know what I'd do with the rest of the money, right? Two chicks at the same time. tounge_o.gif

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I'd get a 30 foot tall solid gold statue of myself that urinates champagne, ala Dave Lister from Red dwarf. wink_o.gif

Actually, if I had that much money, I'd move to the poshest suburb here, then spend all my time drinking beer on the front lawn in my undies, playing loud metal music and I'd paint the front fence psychadelic colours. smile_o.gif

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I'd move to the poshest suburb here, then spend all my time drinking beer on the front lawn in my undies, playing loud metal music and I'd paint the front fence psychadelic colours.  smile_o.gif

Here here!.......... What is the poshest suburb in Melbourne, still Tourak?...............Take that you demon supporting hooo-rrah, huzzah, saying yuppies.

Bugger living there, just trowl through the streets late at night with a bottle of your favorite booze, singing as loud as you can, pissing as many of them off as you can, and abusing those who dare to challenge your right to sing on a Sunday morning..........Hey, that was last weekend!

Quote[/b] ]and high class escort girls

Dude, no escorts could ever be considered high class. EVER!

What would I do with the cash. Halve it, put half in high interest accounts and invest with a fat share portfolio. and blow the other half travelling the world, setting up the maddest bachelor pad since the playboy mansion, and bye a sportsplane, private jet and chopper and enjoy life to the max with all my good freinds........Scavengers need not apply.

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Too bad he didn't win it in Canada, as lottery winnings aren't taxed here.

But everything else is, and highly.  mad_o.gif

Then dont move to Denmark, our cars are taxed 180% the highest in the world  crazy_o.gif  mad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

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