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The engine wars

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Hehe - Nice one Lee smile_o.gif

I haven't seen any in-game demonstrations of the Doom III engine, but the Half-Life 2 engine looks fantastic. I just hope both engines give us the level of interactivity with the environment that they promise...

I've heard less than desirable things about the UT2004 engine though. I'm pretty sure it'll get overshadowed by HL2/Doom3.

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We'll know very soon how well HL2 turns out but I think D3 will be optimized in extreme before release and not resemble the leaked alpha very much in speed and capacity.

Doom3 of course supports more than 4 players but the gamespot crew tested it with only 4 players. They wondered how well it would handle more players with the demanding graphics it has.


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@ Sep. 24 2003,04:23)]Think maybe we should wait until we can get our hands on at least one of the games made with these engines before rendering judement?

No pun intended?  rock.gif  tounge_o.gif

So which engine does the Call of Duty demo use? That looks pretty sweet...or is it a propietary engine?

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@ Sep. 24 2003,04:23)]Think maybe we should wait until we can get our hands on at least one of the games made with these engines before rendering judement?

No pun intended?  rock.gif  tounge_o.gif

So which engine does the Call of Duty demo use? That looks pretty sweet...or is it a propietary engine?

I think CoD uses a modified Quake 3 engine. smile_o.gif

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So which engine does the Call of Duty demo use? That looks pretty sweet...or is it a propietary engine?

It seems it uses a heavily modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine which in turn is based on the now pretty old Quake III engine.

*Edit* Beaten by Speedy Donkey tounge_o.gif

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Hey I almost forgot. There's a Quake 4 engine in the works too. Is that based on the Doom3 engine or just an evolution of Q3?

There's the legendary Duke Nukem Forever too biggrin_o.gif.


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There's the legendary Duke Nukem Forever too biggrin_o.gif

LOL - I remember looking forward to Duke Nukem Forever a year or after Duke Nukem 3D. It's probably going to be delayed again once they realise how good HL2 & Doom III are smile_o.gif

What sort of engine will DNF use? I'm pretty sure the reason for the largest delay was that they switched from an UT-based engine to a Quake engine, or vice versa...or have they now decided to design a new one from scratch?

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From Valve...

Quote[/b] ]"We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date

to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date."

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HL is based on a HEAVILY MODIFIED quake 1 engine. IE Valve spent a lot of time modifying and upgrading the engine, so they do have experience making their own. Because a lot of the success of HL was due to the mod community (5 years old game, still going strong, anyone?), valve has made sure it is as easy or even easier to mod for HL2. Overall, the engine looks a lot more powerful than doom3, although we haven't seen any of the physics in doom3 (apart from the alpha leak which was pretty but uninspired.) Levels seem to be a LOT smaller than HL2s also.

Steam - although I'm not a big fan of steam, you must realise that the problems that people have had with downloading it is that SO MANY PEOPLE want to do so at the same time. As everyone gets it, the huge demands on bandwidth will decrease and 99% of the problems will go away. And, of course, it can auto update to fix the rest of the problems.

And it also promises to rid the world of cheating f#<|<tards.

Valve has also categorically stated that HL2 WILL be in stores and not just available over steam.

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I understand DOOM3 will have smaller levels but I think the actual engine can support large levels.

One thing which is definatelly in DOOM3.s favour is the character model detail. The current(gamespot) pics shows detail I havent seen anywhere except in movies before. With that sort of detail I can imagine you need some restrictions on level size. I can't even understand how they suppose to fit this into XBOX.


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From Valve...
Quote[/b] ]"We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date

to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date."

It's not as official as it it sounds (yea im a silly fanboy still hoping to get HL2 on 30.9. tounge_o.gif ), Shacknews claim they got an email from valve, but they seem to be the only site that got such an email.

Wouldn't be the first time a website makes emails up... rock.gif

Or to say it in offtopic-forum-speech: "Where's the proof?" blues.gif

I still have some hope left because they pushed the steam release forward when it wasn't quite out of beta, and we need steam for HL2 so that could support the "it's all smoke and mirror-PR-theory" and we'll surprisingly get it on 30.9.

Am I out of touch with reality eventually?

Am I really discussing HL2 release and valve-theory in the sacred halls of OFP?

Anyways... biggrin_o.gif

Concerning DOOM3 model details, the polycount isn't actually as high as it seems to be, they are just damn good at working with pixel shaders! smile_o.gif

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Well actually HL was based on Quake 2 engine smile_o.gif

I still remember back in 1998 that info was in every magazine

As for the new engines I'd go for Doom 3 one, cause HL2 movies and screens were not that impressive... smile_o.gif

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At least in current light, I like the doom 3 engine more. Although I dont really trust the HL2 benchmarks out now, but it still seems HL2 wont be going to run very well with my Ti4200 with high detail, while Doom 3 does. I also like the fact that Doom 3 is based on OpenGL ;) ID also has alot of experience from making engines to be licensed for other developers, so I would guess the Doom 3 engine will also be the winner there, Valve is still a newcomer in that area as its their first engine.

About HL1 engine, as far as I know Valve has licenses for both Quake 1 and Quake 2 engines. When HL development started Quake 2 wasnt even ready yet and they started with the Quake 1 engine but I dunno what they ended up using, maybe its a hybrid of both.

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The Cry engine is also in the race. Used for the game Far Cry.

I am pretty sure its a modder and mapmakers dream engine, from what I have seen anyway.

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There was a huge screenshot and some info about Doom 3 in PCZone today and the pic looks great, but disgusting (horrible monster whit a chainsaw slaughtering people, looked very real). Also I'm not worried about it not being as good as the original one. Id canceled Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory because they thought it wasn't good enough. Says something about quality requirements.

There was a 12 page preview about HL2 in the same magazine and it's awesome. This new info made me think that HL2 is the winner.

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Well actually HL was based on Quake 2 engine smile_o.gif

I still remember back in 1998 that info was in every magazine

As for the new engines I'd go for Doom 3 one, cause HL2 movies and screens were not that impressive...  smile_o.gif

You sure you saw the hl2 movies ? ghostface.gif

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Well actually HL was based on Quake 2 engine smile_o.gif

NO it WAS NOT.  How many bloody times!

Look it up!  HL started development before quake 2 engine was released to dev teams.  They shared some code, but the actual base engine is quake 1, NOT quake 2.

Regardless of what idiot amateur journalists might think without checking their sources. This issue has come up hundreds of times on HL forums; ITS MODIFIED QUAKE, NOT QUAKE 2

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Well actually HL was based on Quake 2 engine smile_o.gif

NO it WAS NOT.  How many bloody times!

Look it up!  HL started development before quake 2 engine was released to dev teams.  They shared some code, but the actual base engine is quake 1, NOT quake 2.

Quite correct, I'm constantly reminding people of this.

(Most the magazines still get it wrong)

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Nomatter which of the two Quake-engines HL1 is based on it still prooves my theory smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I believe the Doom3-engine will be the most licenced out because:

[*]the engines from ID has always been the most prefered

[*]ID's reputation on making solid engines

[*]I think when push comes to show Doom3-engine kicks HL2's a$$

I hust read a preview on the first single-player mission of D3.

I'll never play D3 without having spare diapers next to me biggrin_o.gif

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