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Just out of curiosity

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Ever heard of something called CS? Opposing Force? Blue Shift? (yes I appreciate that CS is "standalone" but it is based (and wouldnt work without) the half life engine)


Yup. Condition Zero, Team Fortress II, the list goes on and on. So aren't we all lucky with this OFP community!

It's great that all those add-ons are free. Remember: they are merely small add-ons, not full mods. Any modeller/skinner that wants to earn some money with his work can do so on Turbosquid, so what's the point of this discussion anyway?


BTW: Does anyone know a European counterpart of Turbosquid? The Taxes are a bit too high to make it really interesting for Europeans.

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Ever heard of something called CS? Opposing Force? Blue Shift? (yes I appreciate that CS is "standalone" but it is based (and wouldnt work without) the half life engine)


Yup. Condition Zero, Team Fortress II, the list goes on and on. So aren't we all lucky with this OFP community!

It's great that all those add-ons are free. Remember: they are merely small add-ons, not full mods. Any modeller/skinner that wants to earn some money with his work can do so on Turbosquid, so what's the point of this discussion anyway?


BTW: Does anyone know a European counterpart of Turbosquid? The Taxes are a bit too high to make it really interesting for Europeans.

Condition Zero is the only fully commercial version of CS i have heard of so far. And the new TF will hardly classify as a mod smile_o.gif

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As a addon maker myself i do understand if someone want to have some money for their work, it is a hard work to make these addons. but i dont think it would benefit the community look at flightsim you cant get a desent addon if you dont pay for it,think this will kill the community for sure.

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As a addon maker myself i do understand if someone want to have some money for their work, it is a hard work to make these addons. but i dont think it would benefit the community look at flightsim you cant get a desent addon if you dont pay for it,think this will kill the community for sure.

I can only agree with that. biggrin_o.gif

I think as long as the addon makers are doing their great work for fun the community can just profit from new ideas and wounderful new toys. So everyone can live his fantasies.

So I for myself can have hours of fun just playing in the Mission Editor by setting some Lega men into a village that is attacked by German WW2 Soldiers. But then the Delta Force comes to the rescue with theit KLR´s.

If I had to pay for these I think OFP would already lie in the darkest corner of my HDD.

But on the other hand. If e.g. I44 MOD would release it´s final work on a CD and release a downloadable version including just the same I would buy the CD (if the prize is ok).

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In regard to Team Fortress, blueshift, etc...Valve purchased those mods and made them into expansions. A very wise move on the part of the developers...the half life engine is still in extremely WIDE use even today!

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Ever heard of something called CS? Opposing Force? Blue Shift? (yes I appreciate that CS is "standalone" but it is based (and wouldnt work without) the half life engine)

As I recall, gearbox has nothing to do with Valve, or Sierra (the original publisehers of the game) except for the fact they offiliated with them after the initial publication of the "addon" packs.

Day of Defeat is also out there, but most sensible people will download it for free - and this is where the OFP "pay for addons" thing comes in, there could be a "for sale" version in the shops for people who are unaware of the community, and the free download for those who are.

The whole idea of DM is good for people who dont know about the addons or no internet it is a good idea for expansion packs in stores many friends of mine dont have internet but play OFP/OFP:Resistance and I am sure they will buy a expansion pack but only problem is I think when a addon maker make a addon that require 1.90+ resistance on orginal cd has 1.75 and someone with no internet will buy the expansion pack but cant upgrade that is a big problem that must be shorted out first m8 wink_o.gif

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As an member of i44 i can only say that i dont want money to do this as i only in this for fun biggrin_o.gif , And i can only hope that you will have as much fun as i have....

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Money isn't the point. Hey if you make addons and use all your free time up doing that I appreciate that because I know how it is and htan some. But Assumeing IT WAS legal no I couldn't pay #1 Because their would be no return policy so if the addon didn't suit me I am stuck with it. I Have no problem giveing back to the community though the community doesn't give back.By community I mean players not addon makers.

Icouldn't pay for these reasons. #1 Hyped addon doesn't work corrcetly #2 No returns. #3 Why pay when you could just make it yourself? #4 It's a hobby not a life. #5 Just being some one people look to or at or for is payment enugh for me.

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...but only problem is I think when a addon maker make a addon that require 1.90+ resistance on orginal cd has 1.75 and someone with no internet will buy the expansion pack but cant upgrade that is a big problem that must be shorted out first m8 wink_o.gif

Thats easy enough... just ship the upgrade patches on the CD.

That way, not only can our addons get out there to more people, but so can BIS' wink_o.gif

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...but only problem is I think when a addon maker make a addon that require 1.90+ resistance on orginal cd has 1.75 and someone with no internet will buy the expansion pack but cant upgrade that is a big problem that must be shorted out first m8 wink_o.gif

Thats easy enough... just ship the upgrade patches on the CD.

That way, not only can our addons get out there to more people, but so can BIS' wink_o.gif

yep you are right just put the patches on CD damn how did I not came on that idea tounge_o.gif

Think had too much beer was a bit drunk when I writed that biggrin_o.gif

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Just an idea on the "pay for models" discussion that might benefit BIS:

Let's say BIS would set up an e-commerce-like thing on their website. Then, as soon as the community contributed enough money to keep one of their modellers working for 40hrs, he starts working, and within 1 week the result is released (un-binarized of course) to the public as a free download.



Target: $1600,00

Current: $426,50 (26.6%)

Contributors: 293

Votes, weighed by contribution:

16% Gigacopter

14% Megatank

0% Supercar

70% Fatjet

What add-on would you like to be released?

A - Gigacopter

B - Megatank

C - Supercar

D - Fatjet

How much do you want to contribute? [ ]


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As an member of i44 i can only say that i dont want money to do this as i only in this for fun biggrin_o.gif , And i can only hope that you will have as much fun as i have....

yeah totally agree, add-on making is a nice way of spending time, always fun to create something from scratch, watch it 'grow' and eventho it kicks back sometimes, the satisfaction of pbo-ing the final version is great tounge_o.gif

It doesn't matter if you create crap addons or great ones, for me, it's the fun that counts tounge_o.gif

anyway, addons imo should be created for fun not for cash, so I voted no tounge_o.gif

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Well, i guess i am exception in this thread. If something is WORTH the money then i am willing to pay for it wow_o.gif

I WOULD pay for a good mod. In theory. One problem is, i only play multiplayer, a mod you have to buy will most likely be a mod that will not be widely in use and therefor it will be useless for me. I would buy it if it is good AND one million people had already bought it wink_o.gif As will everybody else i guess. So everyone would be waiting for the other players to buy first.

Something i could live with were an addon where you had to buy the server version (restricted with server side scripts or something) and players could download the client variant for free. So i could be sure that could actually USE that addon on my server.

Another idea would be for the addon makers to accept donations. I guess many people would like to say thanks to many of the modmakers. And shortly after modmakers will have a "value" in the community ("hey dkm, we at bas already got 3x the donations you guys did"). And, yeah, i want to see a video stream of TJ fighting DeadMeat for the lion share of the money tounge_o.gif

I really DO like the idea of getting addons/mods shipped to you on cd. Not for me, but i know players that have modems and can't download the bigger mods. It is a service to them they would appreciate. We do it the same way now, the broadband users download the stuff and burn it on cd and send it to them via mail. There are services on the web that do the same (AL mentioned filefront).

All in all, i can see nothing wrong (from my opinion, not from the legal view and the eula wink_o.gif ) with addon makers demanding money for their work. But i think they shouldn't expect too much. If they want to do it, fine by me. If i think it is worth the money, i will buy it. But most of the times it will not be worth the money for me as i will probably not be able to use it in mp.

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