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-MOD- Don Cypherelli

Taking screenshots

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I notice all the box screenshots show no hud or game interface I was wondering how I can get the same for some good quality screeshots for my site etc?

Also I tried looking in faq options etc no option!

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Any picture editing software allows you to cut and resize images, try that wink_o.gif

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with the magic  of photoshop

well... you need a good comp and a good gfx card plus some photo skills for the shots.. but you can Edit 'em with Photoshop or Paint shop pro for example

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In PSP, you can also use the clone feature to take areas near where the hud is and use bits and pieces to cover it up. Its kinda hard to explain, just play around w/ it for a few minutes if you've got PSP. It takes some luck/expireince to get it right though, but it can be pretty effective.

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lol um guys i can make my own graphics all i wanted 2 know was if u can or can not remove the hud through an option in the game.

and is the only way to get a face pic is in mp having a guy pose for u?

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Two additional tips: turn off the crosshair so you get an unobstructed view, or take screenshots from the commander's view -- that will let you take pictures of yourself from any angle, and from varying distances even without any other players.

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It's in your difficulty settings...

I find the easiest technique for removing HUD is to take a screenshot at a larger resolution than the final pic will be, cut out the section without the HUD, then resize it to desired dimensions.

Using black bars at top and bottom of pic can help too (like a movie letterbox format)...

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Here is a picture taken using the commander's view:

Mister Frag's Ugly Mug

Another example

All you need to do is put yourself into a vehicle, or have at least one other unit under your command (even if that unit is at the other end of the island), and you can press the Delete/Period key on the numeric keypad to activate the view.

It's a bit like the third-person view, except you can change the perspective using the mouse. Also, the plus and minus keys on the numeric keypad will zoom in and out.

Edit: Added a second URL.

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thanks guys had huge plans for making a site intro and graphics etc!

also u guys jbow how u can tell a ai to turn on engine but he will stay on the ground or no?

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You can either turn everything off in difficulty settings and cut away whats left in the picture or you can script a movie sequence and take screenshots there.

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No need for a script wink_o.gif just make a Trigger with the CAM activation and voila evry thing from the OFP is gone and only the game is there so no HUD wink_o.gif

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No need for a script  wink_o.gif just make a Trigger with the CAM activation and voila evry thing from the OFP is gone and only the game is there so no HUD  wink_o.gif

And then link the trigger to a custom radio action. smile_o.gif

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There is a command that allows you to "become" the camera. Although I have forgotten that command. You simply added it to a unit's init-line and then selected "player" then you become a "camera" when you click the preview button.

Also, Paint does work for "removing" the HUD. All you need is a good ammount of time to go trough it pixel by pixel. With the brush and "color cloner" time consuming but it makes the picture look great.

Or you could just simply crop the picture a bit. Or the final alternative wich is also good, just place a soldier and write "removeallweapons this" then you will be HUD free smile_o.gif But then again you won't have any weapons.

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Mister frag, have you looked down a m203? The ones issued out in my unit definitely have rifling in them. Its something like 1:48 though, so the grenade isn't going to go through even a quarter rotation while it is still in the launcher.

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This is how to "become the camera" Just type this into the units init field: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "camera.sqs"

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