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Soldiers specialization

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BIS in order to have realistic playing I would like to have the OPTION (those fast readers, please understand it as OPTION, not as default) to enable that specialized soldiers can use ONLY their kind of vehicles, that is that an infantry soldier character  cannot fly a plane as pilot or that a pilot cannot man a tank. Or an Infantryman cannot pilot planes and choppers or man tanks.

Real life high tech machines are so complex that even for being a tank gunner of todays actual tanks you need months of training, not to mention what it takes to fly planes or helos.

Also it is very unlikely that a US pilot have can fly a russian designed plane unless he went through specific training. Same goes for tankers and so. So this option should also prevent using enemy hardware.

So I request we enable a feature (for map, or server) to define that vehicles can only be used by actually specialized soldiers.

This will avoid the super Rambo, Ranger soldier with a large sniper rifle, a AT weapon and many ammo, sitting on an A-10 and actually deliver precission strikes.

Of course not all people like this option dissabled so my request is that we have a way to enable it or not, thus rendering maps much more realistic.

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that is a very realistic idea but it would probably take a lot of flexibility out of mission design and the general fun because while it is fun to execute a perfect section attack it is still fun to jump in a chopper and fly it around

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yes, so you jus choose it to be dissabled (either on server or in the map itself)

But those who want it implemented and do not want to create a huge script for each map for this to happen can just select it ON.

Simple isn't it? Everybody happy. smile_o.gif

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The default for the BIS campaign would be off as it requires some intuition and bit of gameplay to have a fun experience. Bit in some games like large coops it would be a very very very cool feature that would give a lot of immersion, please implement this.

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I couldnt agree more, what is the point of having pilots and crews if anyone can drive/fly whatever they want? It would also make mp much more realistic and enjoyable in my opinion, i totaly agree with this smile_o.gif .

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It might be a good idea, but it would really suck unless you had a lot of people(and if the other side had a pilot and your side didn't, you'd be at a huge disadvantage).

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I think this is a very valid point Furia is making and a great idea.I really hope something along these lines can be done for OFP2.

@EDC: If there aren't enough people to play a mission in which this feature would be activated, simple; change the mission and play one where it's either not activated, or one designed for a small number of players wink_o.gif

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I am sure it can be written into missions already (and think I have played some it was in) but is generally omitted due to playbility if the person who gets to be pilot is a noob or dies and someone else can take his place in the seat without reassigning and starting again.

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Actually it can be done through scripts, but if the map have several vehicles and characters, the scripting becomes larger and complex. You must do a script for every vehicle and group the soldiers into categories.

We need something we can just actiavte it or disable it, no matter how many vehicles there are or what kind of soldiers. Just select it on realism on server for instance or when editing a map. Dunno the best approach for this but I hope BIS take a look at this.

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Quote[/b] ]It might be a good idea, but it would really suck unless you had a lot of people(and if the other side had a pilot and your side didn't, you'd be at a huge disadvantage).

Only if the map had an aircraft. Let the pilot fly around in his media helicopter while the machinegunner shoots him to pieces. Or let the pilot fly around in his F18 while the spetz natz are advancing towards a base from unknown direction. I think its very nice to have this realism option and its up to the map makers to balance the maps.

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I for one think that sounds boring as shit.  Realism is one thing, being severely restricted in the scope of the game and placing a heavy reliance on teammates/AI is another.

SP missions can always be set up such that the character fits the role they are playing in a particular mission, but forcing it in multiplayer sounds like a BIG no-no to me.

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I think it would work much greater, if you could define in the editor, which specialities a unit gets...

So a pilot gets -driver abbilities -friend-fly-abbilities -enemy-fly abbilities...

or - heli-abbilities only etc etc.

A black opp may know how to use a "jeep" "truck" "tank" and maybe a simple plane.

I can't figure out a list for now, which specialities there should be, but if you made each speciality optional, you can make much variabilities...all by editors choice.

Maybe start the list with defining the type of vehicles a unit can get into...or even which place in the vehicle he can get into....

Should be off by default, cause it takes lot time to define each unit in a mission to its vehicle-selection!


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