Lobanak 0 Posted July 8, 2003 As I know that many have read about the project and thought some bad things but we need some help in coding, we search some serious coders who have time to code some tools which prevents cheating in OFP. We need: - Windows coder - Linux coder What to code: - 3 proxy apps (Windows Client, Windows Server, Linux Server) for tunneling OFP net code on client and server side with communication between client and server (more info about later) If you have time and are able to code such things or can produce code that is usable on windows and linux (or simply portable), please contact me over the message function. I don't want the community to die cause of some kids who thinks they can do the same with OFP like with CS or other games. Please help to let the community stay with no possibility to cheat. Greets [CiA]Lobanak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lobanak 0 Posted August 9, 2003 It looks like nobody wants tools against cheating, but all are against cheating. Pleeeeaaaaassssse, if you know a guy who can code windows or linux, please ask him if he wants to help with coding some tools. Greets [CiA]Lobanak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NZXSHADOWS 0 Posted August 9, 2003 I thought it was a good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lobanak 0 Posted August 10, 2003 I also thought and still think it's a very good idea. But why there are no coders out there who think this and so wanna help? I thought if this project will come public, there are some coders who wants to help, but only 2 answered on my fist request for c++ coders. And this is not good. If I could code, I would code. But I'm not a coder, so I need help. I have thought about the whole thing and how it should work and I think this is a good solution. But I need the coders who do this tools. Or if it's not possible like I thought it should work, that they do it another way. And I think if the tools work well, you can use the tools for other games like CS or others where you can cheat with modifying files. I hope I get some coders soon to do the tools, else I think many will stop playing OFP. Greets [CiA]Lobanak p.s.: moderators, please can you TOP this message so that it is always on first side? it's for the community and not only for some people. p.s.2: why not move to multiplayer? it's multiplayer related and not OFFTOPIC I think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecOp9 1 Posted August 10, 2003 Honestly, why the heke not just keep an ID on every single cheater you find. Post it somewhere where ALL SERVERS can view. And then POOF! Instand ban on all MP servers. no more cheap cheating for that loser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonko the sane 2 Posted August 10, 2003 @ Spec Op9: That's a nice thought,but it seems some of these loosers are also stealing ID's... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benu 1 Posted August 10, 2003 The greater question is: would YOU as an admin ban a player you don't know cause someone else you don't know claims (rightfully or not) that he is a cheater? Phrased different: Player xyz wronged, let's put him on the cheater list and get him banned on ALL servers... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scope-SWAF- 0 Posted August 11, 2003 The greater question is: would YOU as an admin ban a player you don't know cause someone else you don't know claims (rightfully or not) that he is a cheater?Phrased different: Player xyz wronged, let's put him on the cheater list and get him banned on ALL servers... I see your point... that would be rather stupid, if someone whos really NOT a cheater, who'd get banned from one server 'cos some morron claims him being a cheater... now it'd be even more ridiculous if he'd get banned from all the MP server and again 'cos of the one guy... you'd destroy the Multiplayer from he's OFP. thats not a good idea... I'm all agains cheating... but Innocent ppl should NOT get banned... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrunchyFrog 0 Posted August 11, 2003 Honestly,why the heke not just keep an ID on every single cheater you find. Post it somewhere where ALL SERVERS can view. And then POOF! Â Instand ban on all MP servers. no more cheap cheating for that loser. But, what if hes been wrongfully accused, and wasnt cheating, ive had some bad experience about this. I was playing Counter-Strike, I got banned from a server where they accused my of cheating (I wasnt), and suddenly i was banned from a whole shitload of servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lobanak 0 Posted August 11, 2003 Please keep on topic. No discussion about what to do or not to do. We search coders for some tools and do not search other solutions on what we can do. We have discussed about other things and decided not to post all IDs on a homepage or other things. If you want to discuss such things, please open another thread. Thanks Greets [CiA]Lobanak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tactician 0 Posted August 11, 2003 Looks like all the coders don't care about public MP.. or they're too busy cheating :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Certa 0 Posted August 11, 2003 I'm a coder but I'm sceptic I've been thinking of a similar anti-cheating system but I gave up the thought. No one wants to install an extra client to be able to play. It's bad enough with having to install addons before joining up on a new server. Most people who gets kicked off at the first connection attempt due to missing addons are not trying to find the addons, they just move on. Another potential problem is that the data stream must be analyzed and this could be tricky. OFP/R is not a client/server creation and I'm not sure the server even keeps track of player information like ammunition, in the same way it might not even keep track of if a player reloaded or picked up more ammo or not. Some of this information is handled by the OFP-clients and might not even be visible in the data stream (sync networking model). An anti-cheat system must synchronize information like this. This is a lot of work just to detect the common ammo-cheat. Of course, I could be wrong or have misunderstood how you want this to work, there might be other ways. Certa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lobanak 0 Posted August 11, 2003 The tools we want to do don't track the whole net code of ofp. They only look for the files inside the ofp folder, if they are original or not (or the same as on the server). This way the most cheats can be disabled. You can get specific infos when you wanna help to code. But I don't give away the infos to the public before some work is done. It's like the checkfile system used on server side but a bit better (or much better?). You cannot check all possibilities for cheating, else you must watch the memory for tools who can be used for cheating. Greets [CiA]Lobanak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted August 11, 2003 certa believe me if this tool is progged like lobanak's vision/idea, the great leagues like efl & esl will introduce it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kegetys 2 Posted August 11, 2003 They only look for the files inside the ofp folder, if they are original or not (or the same as on the server). This way the most cheats can be disabled. As this would be ran locally, it would be very easy to just send false info to the server about the files the way the server expects... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Certa 0 Posted August 11, 2003 Ok, sounds like fair ideas. Perhaps I can offer to put parts of this into OFP Watch, a client many OFP players already use and I hope more will start using it with the new Auto-Addon feature. Unfortunately I don't want to sign up for another coding project right away. My wife is already questioning my OFP community efforts Certa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Certa 0 Posted August 11, 2003 As this would be ran locally, it would be very easy to just send false info to the server about the files the way the server expects... So true. The h@Xx0R d3wd would always find a way to cheat Pehaps as simple as having multiple copies of the flashpoint directory tree. Certa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted August 12, 2003 If you are smart enough to be able to do undetected cheats, this wouldn't work anyway ;P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benu 1 Posted August 12, 2003 Right now you don't have to be smart to do "undetectable" cheats, everyone can do it in just a few minutes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lobanak 0 Posted August 12, 2003 As this would be ran locally, it would be very easy to just send false info to the server about the files the way the server expects... hmm... as my ideas having a client who connects to a server (beside ofp) and the transmission will be crypted with SSL or similar technics, it would be hard to modify the packets. There are many thoughts in, which do the best that the guys cannot override the system. Ok, people who can really hack in assambler could be able to do modifications if it should be possible, but these people are not that many out there. And it's a try to do the tools and then let us see if they work or not. If we don't try, all say cheating is good and why should we do something against if there are no poeple out there who wanna prevent using cheats? The tools will grow like all programs grow with newer releases. Let us try to code the tools and if they do not work, we can close the project. Also if someone don't wanna use the tools, they don't need to use the tools. But if a server requires the tools, you must use them. Greets [CiA]Lobanak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted August 12, 2003 it does not matter if u encrypt transmittion, crack will be targeted then onto that application and in fact will be possible send whatever is needed and you receiving status "all fine" and arguing most of people can't made this, thats true, but IN moment someone crack thru, he publish and then u get thousands script kiddies downloading it from nearest cheat site ... you will need application directly encoded to game engine, daily updates, morphing code and network stream, strong encryption and dedicated team working 24/7/365 to counter cracks ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex0dUd 0 Posted August 12, 2003 ofp community isnt that big as for example cs, that many cheaters are around wich have the knowledge about hacking tools, modifying netcode... i think a better checkfile system (support for -mod, cz pl and eu/us version, are there more versions out there??? ) could be enough to stop all current cheats, expect ammotrainer and those famous, very funny and useless to cheat speed tools , btw if the biggest brains of ofp community get together they can beat all ofp cheaters out there or do u think cheaters are smarter then u? ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zinco 0 Posted August 16, 2003 I am going to catolog all the crc values for all the versions of 1.91 for all the files we would want to check. I am not getting much help around here though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lobanak 0 Posted August 18, 2003 CRC check is a bad checksum. You should collect md5sum of all files. I tried to collect them some time ago, but not much help from other people. You can modify a file and it has the same CRC like the old one if you are good. With md5sum it's impossible to modifiy a file. The project will only use md5sum if it will be done. No CRC. Greets [CiA]Lobanak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites