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[SOLVED] How do we prevent respawn for already killed players in a coop mission?

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Considering only the World Editor tool, how can I prevent the respawn when one or more players are KIA in a custom mission?


Desired: if the player spawns on the mission but during the match they are killed, they must be unable to respawn.


Nowadays, my mission game mode and respawn settings are:




Still in GameModeSF properties, I DO NEED to keep using the SCR_MenuSpawnLogic to have the briefing and menu deployment available.

If I unselect the "Enable Respawn", the player CANNOT even spawn in the mission.






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I did it!


I reached a solution: creating a trigger that deletes the spawnpoint entity. 


You will use the components Area, Layer, and Slot (You can find them via Resource Browser: ArmaReforger > Prefabs > ScenarioFramework > Components);


1) Delete your old Spawnpoint and create a new one in this way:

  1. Drag and drop an Area.et somewhere;
  2. Drag and drop a Layer.et inside the Area recently created;
  3. Drag and drop a Slot.et inside the Layer recently created;
  4. Clicking over your new Slot, go to the Object Properties, and select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotBase:
    1. In the Asset area, set in the Object To Spawn field a spawn point entity, for example, SpawnPoint_US.et;
    2. In the ID field, define a name, for example, us_players_spawn;


2) Create a move task (or add some steps down below in one of your current tasks):

  1. Drag and drop an Area.et somewhere;
  2. Drag and drop a LayerTask.et inside the Area recently created;
  3. Drag and drop a SlotToMove.et inside the LayerTask recently created;
  4. Clicking over your new SlotToMove, go to the Object Properties, select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotExtraction:
    1. In the Plugins area, set in the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPluginTrigger:
      1. Set the best trigger range for you via the Area Radius field;
      2. Set in Activation Presence field, use Player;
      3. In the Activated By This Faction field, set the ID of the faction the spawn point represents, as US or USSR or FIA;
      4. In the Minimum Players Needed Percentage field, set the number 1, which means the trigger will be activated when all players are inside the trigger area;
    2. In the OnTaskFinish area, on the Actions On Finished field, add SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionDeleteEntity:
      1. In the Getter field, add SCR_ScenarioFrameworkGetEntityByName;
      2. In the Entity Name field, set the spawn point ID exactly as defined before, in my example is us_players_spawn;


3) Now just take your tests. When the spawnpoint is deleted, a message will appear right-top corner confirming the faction has no spawnpoints available anymore. 😉


Debug tip: if you are facing a hard time, I suggest you try - before deleting directly the spawnpoint - to delete first any visible object just to confirm all previous steps were built right. 



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