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Which mode of combat needs most imprvmnt?

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I started this thing, and I picked "E" - both "B" and "C". The Infatry does need some work, but not as much as the choppers and not nearly as much as the armor. The choppers are an intrical part of combat, especially in Vietnam, and as much realism as possible is needed. Flight model is as good as you can expect for an infantry-based sim, but weapons and missions could use some work. I never did like the way the armored combat was. Here the weapons were good enough for me. The way the tanks drive is close, but no cigar. They need to handle slopes better. Tanks aren't slowed much at all by rough terrain. The missions are more or less believable and realistic, though a little more connection to infantry movement is needed, especially if we're going to be in the time period in which OFP 2 is set. To make fixed-wing modelling good, would require a LOT of work. But I didn't vote that it needed improvement because I don't think it really could be too useful in an infantry-based sim. If you made the fixed-wing part better, you'd have to lose a little on the infantry end, which I wouldn't be willing to do if I was a developer.

Let me know what you think, and if you vote,particularly for a combo answer, please reply explaining your choice. (You'd definately need to explain a vote for "H","I", or "J" though I really hope you didn't choose "I") Thanks going to this poll and not my previous screw-up. (Give me a break, it was done at 2:40 A.M. - It took a second try, completed at just around 3:00 A.M. to get it right)

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THe helicopters and especially the airplanes need to be significantly improved, avionics wise, and flight model wise.

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Armored combat must be improved, especially penetration: Tanks should have weak rear armors and maybe some other weak spots (for example: You can't take an M60 out from the front almost ever with BMP's 75mm gun, but when you shoot the rear, M60 is destroyed), and AI should also know them. Driving is also a problem, but I think that combat would need better penetration more than improved engines.

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Infantry definetly! more possibilities like leaning, walking on crouch, using objects for cover, better combat tactics and believable a.i., make it possible to have jungle firefights, more realistic gameplay and weapon handling (no more hk sniper smg wink_o.gif ), better interaction with the environment and buildings. Tanks roll and choppers fly, some improvements welcome but infantry lacks the most in my opinion smile_o.gif .

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fixed wing needs most improvement, that is if you aren't considering development time and their significance in the game. the a10 campaign missions felt very clunky. i'm not sure if i hit a single thing.

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I voted choppers and fixed wing aircraft. Thats because i think that it should be possible to walk inside a transportplane, chopper and shoot out the door with your ak, m16 , m21 whatever.. and the planes need AA-warning systems and stuff. And I think that some of the addon planes that has that system are to good like the mig-29 and tornado..you can fire all the missiles you want but they will never hit the plane...it should have a slightly random hit/miss ratio instead. I would say that the infantery needs some fine tuning like being able to run and reload and being able to fight hand to hand combat. and to carry crates or drag heavily wounded team mates to a medivac chopper with 1 hand and firing away some shots with a weapon with the other hand.. and I think that that can be done beacause addon teams have made a truck that dragged a gun after it on a hook.

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You need to add naval on your poll because that is where OFP lacks...the OFP engine limits us so much for Naval combat...only one gun position is the biggest one...imagine having a battle shite with four gunners pounding the shoreline while you have a platoon of Marines hitting the beach to hit their objective...there are so many possibilities with Naval warefare that could turn into some great gaming missions online.

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Vehicles which have them IRL need rear view mirrors. So many accidental TKs with people reversing when they think its clear, or breaking soft vehicles by reversing into a tree.

(I don't play on 3rd person view servers a lot)

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Yes, Naval warfare, rotary, hybrid, and fixed wing aircraft areas definately need to be improved and made more realistic.

OFP 2 absolutely MUST simplify graphics dramatically and automatically for naval and aircraft operations in OFP 2.

The biggest problem with OFP when flying in an aircraft is the game is trying to show too much needless detail when you are in the cockpit of an aircraft. All that needless detail and keeping up with that excess information just makes the game play slower and less efficiently. You don't need to see or know the fine details of trees or some puke on the ground with a gun or RPG unless it's with an optical sensor onboard your aircraft. (FLIR, recon camera, etc.)

Buildings, roads, vehicles, aircraft, bridges, missile threats, and ships are the primary things that should be visible for the pilot. Other than that the landscape should be very low in cpu usage and not lag the game.

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I know, but good topics never really die, do they? They just get reworded and brought right back up from the dead. Even your powerful zombie killing abilities won't stop these undead topics from rising out of their graves. Mmmm, brrrrrrraaaaaiiinnns. tounge_o.gif

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