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What is the role of the usmc

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Well like the topic said what is the role of the USMC or in that case the any countiry's marine defence force in gerneral. So far, all I know is that they specialize in beach landings but why can't the army specialize troops to do that. But don't get my wrong I still have respect for the marines.

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I would guess they are ready to deploy anytime and at any place.And there even a combination of all branchs of the military.

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Well as a US Marine I guess I can answer this for you. The role of the United States Marine Corps is mainly amphibious assault. Over the years the purpose has changed though. We are now mainly turned into an anti terrorist force/amphipious asault force/special missions capable force/police force...lol the list goes on.

Basicly we do what the Army, Airforce, and Navy can't do. The Army is mainly for bulk campaign assaults where the USMC is mainly used for close combat, quick assaults, ect. The navy is for navel assault and patrol, except for SEAL teams, and the ariforce is for airial attack and bombardment. The USMC is who goes in first and leaves last...take Iraq for example. The US Marine Corps was the first force to go in and we are still there when the army and bulk of the airforce has been pulled out. We are mainly the nasty big brother that no one wants to f**k with.

The United States Marine Corps has it's own air support and has the capiblity to move anywhere in the world with 24 hours. No other military branch in the USA or any other country can do this. The US Marine Corps are the ones who are called when dictators or tirants torture and kill helpless women and children, because of race, religion, ect. The US Marine Corps is called when a hurrican hits a 3rd world country and no one else can get there to help (Panama 2000). The US Marine Corps is called when a terrorist has kill thousands on our front step. We are the worlds 911. When a call goes out for help the United States Marine Corps is the first to be called.

Ok so I went a little to far but I'm sure you understand now. Yes I am Bias, but it's all true  wink_o.gif

Semper Fi

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Nowadays, yes the Marines fullfill a capability that the army cannot. Although in WWII methods of insertion for both forces were primarily the same. Minus airborne ops for the USMC. Only a few select Marine units use parachute insertions, mainly Force Recon. These days the Army is not big on maritime insertion operations. In fact, in the conventional Army I receive zero amphibious training except for river fording operations. Special Forces and Rangers however, do train to insert squad sized elements by Zodiac boat, and we even cross trained with SEAL team 5 to learn some maritime navigation since it is much different from land nav. Although I might harass Marines with zeal, I realize their value, plus the fact that the shoot better than most of my conventional branch counter-parts. Despite the fact that Corps has done everything to distinguish itself and an independent branch, incluing having it's own Commadant, it is still technically a sub-branch of the USN, being that all support roles for the USMC are fullfilled by Navy Corpsmen, and academy officers for the USMC go to Annapolis. Perhaps in the future the USMC will become completely independent as the Air Force did from the Army, but I doubt it since the Corps is only roughly 1/6 to 1/8 the size of the Army and it would require a massive expansion to make it full indepedent, minus transportation provided by the Navy. Given the current sentiments of our more liberal folks...the military won't be getting larger anytime soon.

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Quote[/b] ]Despite the fact that Corps has done everything to distinguish itself and an independent branch, incluing having it's own Commadant, it is still technically a sub-branch of the USN
Brings to mind my favorite joke about the fact that our seal says "Department of the Navy" on it. Yes, we are part of the department of the navy, the men's department that is.

another reason we exist: the american public likes to see us in our dress blues.

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Quote[/b] ]Yes, we are part of the department of the navy, the men's department that is.

Lol, that's good stuff.

I respect Marines more than any other branch, and even more than a few of our more dubious infantry divisions, despite the fact that they have to pick a fight everytime we share the same bar. Must be penis envy on their part. tounge_o.gif

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Judging from the way the media covers the USMC and special forces, the army does nothing but rear security, logistics and indirect fire support. Can't be true can it?

edit: I don't mean to offend. I just don't know smile_o.gif

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Uh....no....because the if the Army is providing logistics...who are they doing it for? The Army does not provide the Marines with supplies...it's a seperate entity. Also...if you watched the 24/7 news media orgy of the war in Iraq you would have noticed that the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry Division (Mechinized) and the 1st Armor Division was on the front line right along with the British units and the MEU. The airborne was also deployed into Northern Iraq where there were...no Marines.

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Given the current sentiments of our more liberal folks...the military won't be getting larger anytime soon.

you mean Rumsfeld? tounge_o.gif

anyways just for precaution, please do not go with USMC vs ARMY confrontations. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Despite the fact that Corps has done everything to distinguish itself and an independent branch, incluing having it's own Commadant, it is still technically a sub-branch of the USN
 Brings to mind my favorite joke about the fact that our seal says "Department of the Navy" on it.  Yes, we are part of the department of the navy, the men's department that is.

Naval doctrine: 1) Assume aggressive offshore stance. 2) Send in the Marines. 3) Make some coffee.

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They land and build airfields for the air force.



I've got nothing but respect for the marine corps. They're the first in line and they worked hard to get there.

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Quote[/b] ]Despite the fact that Corps has done everything to distinguish itself and an independent branch, incluing having it's own Commadant, it is still technically a sub-branch of the USN
 Brings to mind my favorite joke about the fact that our seal says "Department of the Navy" on it.  Yes, we are part of the department of the navy, the men's department that is.

another reason we exist:  the american public likes to see us in our dress blues.

Or the other one:

The Marines call on the Navy when they need a ride to a fight.

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@ July 14 2003,09:46)]Naval doctrine: 1) Assume aggressive offshore stance. 2) Send in the Marines. 3) Make some coffee.

Uh Tex, You forgot a few things. It's more like:

Naval doctrine: 1) Assume aggressive offshore stance.

2) Send in the SEALs and the UDT to clear the beach of obstacles, scout positions, eliminate key resistance elements etc...

3) Send in the Marines.

4) Provide Naval Gunfire Support and Air Support.

5) Provide hospital corpsman and medical facilities.

6) Provide logistical support.

7) Pop some corn and make some coffee.

8) Watch guys who weren't smart enough to sign up for decent meals and clean white sheets do all the dirty work.

9) Pick them back up.

10) Take them home.

11) Piss them off every opportunity you get by pointing out that their paychecks say "Department of the Navy" on them!


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Hmmmm...looks like I stirred something up...hehehe

I personlly have incerted SEALS, Force Recon and on one  training operation I worked with army rangers. I've seen them all in action and to be honest The Navy SEALs are top of the line, no offence Force Recon, but they are the best. Navy SEALs go places even Delta Force won't go and Delta force is insane!

All of the military branches play a strong part in the protection of our country...hell the Navy makes the best coffee in the military (lots of practice), airforce enlists some of the best women for the Marines to marry smile_o.gif and the army provides hours of entertanment at the bars, watching them get mad when we steal their women biggrin_o.gif

All fun aside no one branch of the military could protect our country...we are a team and without each other we would not be the superpower we are today.

Quote[/b] ]anyways just for precaution, please do not go with USMC vs ARMY confrontations.

Don't worry it's more fun to pick on the Navy anyway...god everyone knows that...LOL biggrin_o.gif

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Hmmmm...looks like I stirred something up...hehehe

Just a little friendly interservice good natured ribbing.

Quote[/b] ]I personlly have incerted SEALS, Force Recon and on one training operation I worked with army rangers. I've seen them all in action and to be honest The Navy SEALs are top of the line, no offence Force Recon, but they are the best. Navy SEALs go places even Delta Force won't go and Delta force is insane!

I agree.

Quote[/b] ]All of the military branches play a strong part in the protection of our country...hell the Navy makes the best coffee in the military (lots of practice), airforce enlists some of the best women for the Marines to marry smile_o.gif and the army provides hours of entertanment at the bars, watching them get mad when we steal their women biggrin_o.gif

All fun aside no one branch of the military could protect our country...we are a team and without each other we would not be the superpower we are today.

How true. LOL, I was part of a small Navy/Marine Corps detachment at Keesler AFB in Biloxi Mississippi. We had about 200 squids and 50-70 jarheads. Man the zoomies sure hated us Sea Service folk, and man did we stick together. We used to walk around base with Navy and Marine ballcaps we had specially made up that said NAS/MCAS Keesler on them. We also used to loudly sing "Anchors Aweigh" and the Marine Corps Hymn when marching past their barracks. We also stole all of their prime Air Force women, and there were some lovely ones! There's just something about dress whites and Marine dress blues that make the women giddy.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]anyways just for precaution, please do not go with USMC vs ARMY confrontations.

Don't worry it's more fun to pick on the Navy anyway...god everyone knows that...LOL biggrin_o.gif

Like the song says: The Navy gets the gravy and the Marines get the beans!

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Quote[/b] ]The Navy SEALs are top of the line....Navy SEALs go places even Delta Force won't go and Delta force is insane!

The Army breeds a more stoic, cerebral, and silent (when sober) type of specwarrior. (this does not include wide eyed PFC's in floppy tan berets)

I've met a lot of SEALS, and about 90% of them suffer from some sort of excessive personality syndrome...personally I think it's all training doctrine.

Anyway, bring a SEAL to Colorado and throw him in the woods with a compass and he will get lost....I've seen it several times. tounge_o.gif

Delta and line SEALS are not on the same operational level, Delta is much more intensive. Now, SF and SEALS are more of an equivalent. The NAVSPECWARDEVGRU (SEAL Team 6) is a par equivalent of SFOD-D.

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