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Full spectrum warrior

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Saw this while looking at game trailors for some other games, and I found this trailor.

Looks pretty damn good, no FPS mode (it is mostly commanding) but looks a heck of a lot better then other games. The trailor basiclly shows you how to play the game and some action in it. I look forward on getting it smile_o.gif

(direct link to .wmv)

.wvm version (windows media player)

there is a quick time version, it is here somewhere:

(should be on top)


Oh, and it looks to be released Q1 of 2004

and now some pics!








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I doubt it is nearly as versatile as OFP, with the helicopters, planes, boats, tanks, cars, open enviroments... that's probably how they can have such highly detailed stuff in that game.

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it is not as versatile as OFP, but when it comes to AI squad movements, I think it's quite worth it.

just saw the video and it does make me want to consider getting an XBOX along with OFP XBOX.

edit: If OFP2 can pull squad movement in urban areas like that or quite close, then OFP2 will kick FSW's ass. wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I just saw the video, it looks pretty nice!

This game has what's OFP lacking! smile_o.gif

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Yeah, the guns a look a little low poly, the people look good though.

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Nothing else has been able to captivate me for PC since the release of OFP.

I'm glad I'm into flight sims, because the shooter market has pretty much been barren so far as an OFP-killer is concerned. America's Army is the only thing that even is in the same county, and even that isn't... OFP-esque.

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it is not as versatile as OFP, but when it comes to AI squad movements, I think it's quite worth it.

just saw the video and it does make me want to consider getting an XBOX along with OFP XBOX.

edit: If OFP2 can pull squad movement in urban areas like that or quite close, then OFP2 will kick FSW's ass. wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif


If OFP2 was able to have these close command in urban situations, I would be donating money to BIS biggrin_o.gif

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But I think it will come out at a later stage.

I think this game is best played on a console though, you can act quicker (well for me) during the game.

I hope there is some sort of multiplayer capabilities (online, offline 2 player split screen). If anyone as any word on it give me a heads up here. smile_o.gif

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you have to see it less as a FPS (OFP) and more a squad command game you wont be doing any of the shooting here, i think its a game that i would play alongside OFP as it has qualities that OFP lacks such as a better Urabn Combat and squad control, i just hope they dont ruin the conversion and hopefully thats why it will take a while longer to be released on the PC.

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anyone got any details on MP functionality?

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Humzz the weapons are very differing in quality. Some look great others just down right ugly.

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Looks real nice...

I wish they would release it to PC and/or Playstation 2 too

it will be on PC.

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