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The Iraq Thread 2

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Rice is Bush's National Security Adviser (not to be confused with the other NSA (National Security Agency). Her job is to link the intelligence community with the administration. She gives Bush his intelligence briefings and she heads the National Security Council, which is the Whitehouse department responsible for coordinating the information from the intelligence community to the whitehouse.

The national security advisor has a staff and one of them, according to Tenet made sure that the Niger claim was included in several key speeches against the wish of the CIA.

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Hi all

OK I managed to answer some of my own questions with this report

Who set and runs the OSP who they report to

Quote[/b] ]OSP is the brainchild of Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who set it up after the 2001 terrorist attacks. It was tasked with going over old ground on Iraq and showing that the CIA had overlooked the threat posed

Looks like it may have failed that one so I guess they will get the sack if the WMD is not found by the end of September

Quote[/b] ]The OSP reports directly to Paul Wolfowitz, a leading hawk in the administration. They bypassed the CIA and the Pentagon's own Defence Intelligence Agency when it came to whispering in the President's ear.

Still not clear where they get their budget.

The article has several quotes from the CIA and other intel departments on their opinion of the profesionalism of the OSP

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

Wow it must be getting bad for TBA in the US if even Pat Buchanan is writing articles against them in American Conservative Magazine of all things.

I did not know there was such a Republican anti TBA sentiment. If TBA want to be the next republican canidate for the adminstration they had better pull their fingers out and Find the WMD!

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]On the other hand, the beauracrats and the brass have been singularly unsuccessful. Iraq's infrastructure? Still broken. Baghdad's streets? Still dangerous. Stupid house raids that produce nothing more than pictures of flex-cuffed 10 year olds. Still being ordered up. Iraqi civil and religious leaders still aren't on our side. How are these failings the grunts' fault?

Unsuccessful. I swear, you people are so unrealistic. Rebuilding a nation in that bad of shape takes time. Every one is a fucking critic and expert now. Makes me wonder who the real enemy is.

Quote[/b] ]Wow it must be getting bad for TBA in the US if even Pat Buchanan is writing articles against them in

Pat Buchanan never liked Bush because he took the Republican candidacy from him. If Buchanan where president, he would probably nuke Iraq, N. Korea, and all of the whiny European socialists. So don't be too smug. Oh, and another thing, you guys sure seem to be "experts" in American government, especially about positions you yourself could never hold because you are foreign nationals. Sadly I find myself close to leaving the forums again because the hatred for America and it's government is getting out of hand and the forum is filled with left wing extremists.

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Unsuccessful. I swear, you people are so unrealistic. Rebuilding a nation in that bad of shape takes time. Every one is a fucking critic and expert now.

Not unrealistic at all. Compare it to Bosnia that was in much worse shape after suffering four years of a war where the main sport was heavy shelling of cities and total destruction of the infrastructure. They got on their feet much faster.

The distrubing about the Iraq situation is not that everything isn't perfect by now. That would be unrealistic to expect. The disturbing thing is that things are getting worse, not better. And the damage to Iraq came after the war.

A couple of days before Baghdad fell, they had electricity and water in the city. Now, three months after it fell, they still don't have it and very little is done about it. The biggest failure was the initial one. Instead of imposing marshal law directly, stopping the looting and destruction US troops stood idely by when the system selfdestructed.

Compare this to Kosovo where the UN troops moved in directly and secured all infrastructure and made sure that the system did not break down. And it didn't.

The situation was very similar to that one in Iraq. There was a regime change over night. Good planning and execution made sure that the civilians would not suffer and that all basic services in the society continued to function. When I say that the situation was similar to the one in Iraq, I'm skipping the fact that the UN had to deal with hundreds of thousands of refugees returning. So overall it was a much more complex task to coordinate than the one the US is facing in Iraq.

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I think it's hatred for the current administration.

And I think said administration has done very little lately that could be considered commendable.

Answer me this:

How did the genuine outpouring of support and concern for America in the days, weeks, and months after September 11th get to where world opinion is now?  We all know its not because of how average Americans are acting.  And is everyone wrong?

I think if you look at all the venom spewed forth, almost none of it is aimed at americans individually.  It is aimed squarely at the man at the top and his cronies.  The only way you should take those opinions to heart is if you believe that Bush and Co. have done absolutely nothing wrong.

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i dont think world opinion for americans has changed much, just for TBA.

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How did the genuine outpouring of support and concern for American in the days, weeks, and months after September 11th get to where world opinion is now?  We all know its not because of how average Americans are acting.  And is everyone wrong?

Tradegy unites a country. Especially one where tragedy's such as that of 9/11 to a country that has seen little war on it's own soil either than 1812 and Civil war. They havn't had their entire country turned into a cratered wasteland of mud and dirt so you can somewhat say USA is somewhat virgin war soil.

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Quote[/b] ]On the other hand, the beauracrats and the brass have been singularly unsuccessful. Iraq's infrastructure? Still broken. Baghdad's streets? Still dangerous. Stupid house raids that produce nothing more than pictures of flex-cuffed 10 year olds. Still being ordered up. Iraqi civil and religious leaders still aren't on our side. How are these failings the grunts' fault?

Unsuccessful. I swear, you people are so unrealistic. Rebuilding a nation in that bad of shape takes time. Every one is a fucking critic and expert now. Makes me wonder who the real enemy is.

Don't get me wrong, I don't expect that everything should be going 100% smoothly, but I don't think it's unfair to point out that there has been no significant improvement in the situation in Iraq since the major fighting ended, is it? All I want is to see something that tells me that we're on the right track, that's all. And so far, I haven't seen it.

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That's one of the funniest ones I've seen in AGES!

And so true.

'I only read this stuff'


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If you perhaps want to put a familiar 'face' on that story, Avon, we might remember Lazarus_Long. He is a National Guard soldier called up to serve, presumably, in Iraq.

And like this guy, he's from Florida.

I wonder where Lazarus is now...

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"i dont think world opinion for americans has changed much, just for TBA."

Depends on how you look at it. World opinion of a America as a nation has changed drastically. Americans are a part of America. Peoples opinion of Americans and America as a whole are definately not the same as before this all started.

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"i dont think world opinion for americans has changed much, just for TBA."

Depends on how you look at it. World opinion of a America as a nation has changed drastically. Americans are a part of America. Peoples opinion of Americans and America as a whole are definately not the same as before this all started.

I think what people around the world are wondering is why we haven't impeached Bush and Cheney yet, when we were so quick to attack Clinton over a blowjob.

Not that I'm a Clinton/Demorat fan, I think he should be in jail for what he did in Kosovo, among other things. Also, that's two strikes for Bliar--Yugoslavia AND Iraq. Come on, tell me there's not an alterior motive to what's been going on the past decade with all this "peacekeeping".


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As much as I like Blair, I can't trust anyone that Cheney seems so enthusiastic about lol

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Who is this British scientist?


...and why has he turned up missing? wow_o.gif


(Btw, I've never been able to understand how someone can turn up missing.)

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Hi USSoldier11B

Sadly I find myself close to leaving the forums again because the hatred for America and it's government is getting out of hand and the forum is filled with left wing extremists.

I have never ever EVER! said I hated America not once. I don't hate American troops, Americans in general or their politicians; I don't hate period.

I know it is my duty as human being to state where there are problems.

You seem to be confusing your political leader with yourself. Over identifying your self with transient political leader is a waste of time and mental effort; for that is the nature of democracy you get rid of leaders to make sure they dont become Sadams or Hitlers or Stalins.

Your state continues without TBA they are only here for a term of office and at least in the case of the US 3 terms max.

So I may be a leftwing extremist live with it

Actualy that is only according to people with your viewpoint to me your a pinko commie its all a matter of your perspective.

The world is composed of individuals few share your general viewpoint and none share your particular viewpoint, the same goes for me or any one else on this forum we are all different and will never all agree.

The nature of debate, for that is what should happen here, is that you expose yourself to other views of the world.

Heck if you want leave the forum, run away and hide, read newspapers that support your view of the world watch TV that does the same until the next 9/11 wakes you up. Living in a bubble dont work when nutters with pins can burst your bubble.

A better sollution is to grow a thick skin, relax and chill, learn about the world, admit your mistakes, argue your point of view so people understand it and may learn their mistakes.

Oh and another thing there will be another democrat as president he will still be seen as a facist by most of the world (most of the population in the world is not US lots of Chinese, Indians, Rusians Arab States and they all have different governments and Media TV Newspapers) and I will still think your a pinko commie.

With Very Kind Regards and much respect for your holding to your beliefs Ian

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Quote[/b] ]The government has said it believed Kelly may have been the source of a May report by BBC defense correspondent Andrew Gilligan that accused officials of hyping intelligence to justify war.

Maybe you find him here:


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Hi Balschoiw

That is Six more likely to find him accross the river in Five wink_o.gif Although if they questioning him it will be Special Branch or the inquisitors. I dont know what number of military intelegence they are and dont know where their office is probably out in the country somwhere.

Kind Regards Walker

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i am not really sure who is responsible for inner affairs, but 6 is for abroad jobs and 5 for inner ones, so you are right it´s more likely 5.


Maybe he´s trickin us all and has gone to holiday camp for

undefined prisoners with no rights :


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If he's dead then the cause is sure to be suicide, right?  All that stress, ya know?  Of course, Blair will probably use the old "I was addressing Congress" alibi.

Edit: They found a body.

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