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The Iraq Thread 2

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Hi FsPilot

I reiterate if the US and UK administrations don't come up with the proof of WMD it does not matter if the administrations lied (straight criminal behaviour) or were stupid (criminal neglegence) both are resignation matters in a true democracy and if they dont resign then a true democracy must remove them by Vote of No Confidence for the UK and Impeachment for the US otherwise they are no diferent than Sadams Regime.

I feel the adminstrations have until the end of September to come up with proof of WMD or their legitimacy as administrations is lost. They have to pull their fingers out and find that WMD; their future in power and probably their personal fortunes depend on it.

Kind Regards Walker

Ok, well I feel differently.

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where's proof that Hussein was a bad guy?

***WARNING: Contains violent pictures***

This also has been posted in the original iraq thread.

Hi FSPilot

This is the same guy who members of the present US adminstration sold a chemical weapons manufacture system to. And was wooed by the father of the present US president as an aly in the middle east. hmm shot your self in the foot their FSPilot wink_o.gif

Kind Regards Walker

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Read the first Iraq thread, it's all covered there.

Would you mind pointing out which of these of your statements you are refering to?

(Thanks to bn880 for collecting the quotes)

These are all collected FSPilot quotes from the original Iraq thread:

Quote[/b] ]"I don't support a war without evidence that Saddam has, or has been exporting his WMDs."

Quote[/b] ]Since when was this war about liberating Iraq?
Quote[/b] ]"If we don't go to war they'll attack us."
Quote[/b] ]Of course Saddam wouldn't engage the US in a force on force war, we all know he'd lose."
Quote[/b] ]Well it's not like we started the war.  We were minding our business and wham, September 11th.
Quote[/b] ]Don't judge people you don't listen to.

Quote[/b] ]Behold the wonders of alcohol!
Quote[/b] ]Just because they weren't from the military doesn't mean it wasn't a military coup.
Quote[/b] ]I don't know what to do with myself...
Quote[/b] ]IMO if you love peace, you won't try to start any wars.
Quote[/b] ]Why are we so afraid?

Quote[/b] ]The U.S. has one of the mightiest militarys on the planet.  But that's useless against something like terrorism.
Quote[/b] ]This isn't about the war with Iran, or Saddam being a tyrant.
Quote[/b] ]I spent 8 years under Clinton
Quote[/b] ]Since when can't Iraq import medicines or equipment?

Quote[/b] ]Don't get me wrong, it'd probably be a bad idea to be storming into Baghdad expecting a warm reception from the civilians, but that doesn't mean that they're right, or that we should avoid invading at all.

Quote[/b] ]I don't follow my government blindly, in this situation I have to trust my elected officials because the information CANT be made available to me.
Quote[/b] ]Maybe I'm just an innocent uneducated American.
Quote[/b] ]the U.S. was setting up copies of its own economy and government, which have worked wonderfully for the American people, why wouldn't they work wonderfully for whatever nation we had set up the gov't. in?
Quote[/b] ]If I couldn't be a pilot, I'd be an officer, if I couldn't be an officer, I'd be an infantryman, if I couldn't be an infantryman I'd look into the missionary field.
Quote[/b] ] heard that a lot of it was just repeating itself and it left a lot of questions unanswered.  Kinda like my psychology reports.
Quote[/b] ]Yes and no.  At least IMO.

Quote[/b] ]That's a very reassuring article.  At least for stupid American Bush sheep like me.
Quote[/b] ]Calling dropping the atomic bomb terrorism is just stupid.  Terrorism is using a threat of violence to scare people into doing things.  Dropping the bombs on Japan made them realise that the war was hopeless and they were only killing people by dragging it on.

Quote[/b] ]<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>I want to go on record as saying that I will not support a war on Iraq unless we can find his weapons, or evidence that he's done anything except destroy his weapons.</span>
Quote[/b] ]Haven't heard anything about it, but I agree.
Quote[/b] ]"I've said before that I don't support a war without evidence that Saddam has, or has been exporting his WMDs."  p113 "I don't really care for evidence of his weapons.  He's probably exported them anyway."
Quote[/b] ]This is why I don't support a war on Iraq.  I think it would result in more problems than it would solve.  If we piss of France, China, and Russia, then we have to worry about French, Chinese, and Russian terrorists.
Quote[/b] ]SomeGuy "How could Saddam possibly prove that he does not have any hidden weapons?" -> FSPilot "its not that he cant, he wont."
Quote[/b] ]You say that like I support this war.
Quote[/b] ]His hair is usually ruffled, clothes are probably wrinkled too, not exactly what you think of when you think "genius" is it?
Quote[/b] ]I don't think he was using it as a reason for this war.  Just as assuredness that God's not going to smite us for it or anything.  That God's on our side, not theirs.

Didn't expect this, did you FS? biggrin_o.gif

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Would you mind pointing out which of these of your statements you are refering to?

I was referring to all the evidence listed about WMDs.

And bn880, get a job.  seriously.  that's creepy. crazy_o.gif

edit - and let this be a note to everyone and anyone who debates on these boards. never change your mind, at least not publically. If you do, they will throw it back in your face.

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ralph, walker, if you want to just throw out any and all evidence, fine. I wont provide you with anymore.

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You don`t want to provide us with more? You`ve never given us evidence. That leads us to:

0 + more = 0 tounge_o.gif

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Some of those quotes made it seem like it was Yogi Berra in this forum. Of course, I'm sure a lot of them would be better understood in context.

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Ok, well I feel differently.

Hi FSPilot

The only advantage Democracy has over other governments is that it has systems to remove a Hitler a Stalin or a Sadam when you give up those sytems you walk down the same path to a totalitarian regime that they did in those countries.

It is far cheaper to remove an adminstration they are ten a peny anyway and easily replaced.

However this can all be avoided if the US an UK administrations pull their fingers out and find the WMD

Kind Regards Walker

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And bn880, get a job. seriously. that's creepy. crazy_o.gif

I told you about that out of context quote in your signature,you missed the deadline, so I got prepared. biggrin_o.gif

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And bn880, get a job.  seriously.  that's creepy. crazy_o.gif

It's called proper research. You should try it some time  wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I was referring to all the evidence listed about WMDs

Ok, so I´ll narrow it down for you:

Quote[/b] ]I don't support a war without evidence that Saddam has, or has been exporting his WMDs.
Quote[/b] ]I don't follow my government blindly, in this situation I have to trust my elected officials because the information CANT be made available to me.

Quote[/b] ]I want to go on record as saying that I will not support a war on Iraq unless we can find his weapons, or evidence that he's done anything except destroy his weapons.
Quote[/b] ]I've said before that I don't support a war without evidence that Saddam has, or has been exporting his WMDs
Quote[/b] ]I don't really care for evidence of his weapons.  He's probably exported them anyway
Quote[/b] ]We've already seen all the evidence we need.

and for your edit:

Quote[/b] ]and let this be a note to everyone and anyone who debates on these boards. never change your mind, at least not publically. If you do, they will throw it back in your face.

It's perfectly OK to change your mind. So you do say now that you did support a war without evidence?

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They aren't interested in context. Half of those things don't have anything to do with Iraq.

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Quote[/b] ]It's called proper research. You should try it some time wink_o.gif

This borders on e-stalking. crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]I don't support a war without evidence that Saddam has, or has been exporting his WMDs.
Quote[/b] ]I want to go on record as saying that I will not support a war on Iraq unless we can find his weapons, or evidence that he's done anything except destroy his weapons.
Quote[/b] ]I've said before that I don't support a war without evidence that Saddam has, or has been exporting his WMDs
Quote[/b] ]We've already seen all the evidence we need.

I stand by all of these. I'm convinced by the evidence, other people aren't.

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You guys are responding faster than my refresh button. Maybe a chatroom would be better suited to your purposes. Well, scratch that. In this system you can at least get something in and have it read before a response comes in. Anyway, you guys are spiraling toward a flame war, and I figured I'd be the nice guy and give a heads up.

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This has been a flame war for a while. Just look at the crap the mods put under my name. rock.gif

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Hi booradley60

I am far to cool to flamewar

Ask any one.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]It's called proper research. You should try it some time wink_o.gif

This borders on e-stalking. crazy_o.gif

FSPilot, just be quiet, you've been a real clown on the forum, and you took one of my sentences seriously out of context and stuck it under your Saddam body count. You decided to have a "out of context quote" war with me, so I'll kindly tell you now, you were in no position to start it, it shows now and you are saying complete BS. I'm pretty fast at researching for quotes, so I have no issue with it.

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I stand by all of these.  I'm convinced by the evidence, other people aren't.

The problem is that when you look at them in chronological order you seem to change your mind very often.

Basically there were four modes of your argument:

1) I don't support a war without evidence

2) I have not seen any evidence, but I believe that my elected officials would not lie to me

3) Evidence is irrelevant.

4) We have all the evidence we need.

As you can see they are all contradictory in nature and mutually exclusive. You can't stand by all of them.

If you feel that the quotes are taken out of context, would you please explain what your position is. If number 4 is your current position (as it would seem from the current discussion), would you mind just briefly explaining which evidence you are refering to?

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Quote[/b] ]FSPilot, just be quiet, you've been a real clown on the forum, and you took one of my sentences seriously out of context and stuck it under your Saddam body count. You decided to have a "out of context quote" war with me, so I'll kindly tell you now, you were in no position to start it, it shows now and you are saying complete BS. I'm pretty fast at researching for quotes, so I have no issue with it.

I don't know how you can take a quote that sums up what you were saying out of context, but I didn't either way. rock.gif

denoir, speakign of having mutually exclusive opinions, weren't you the one who got on my case for being hard headed and never changing my mind? Now that I've done so you seem to want to make fun of me for it. Well? Which one is it?

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None of the above. I'm just trying to figure out what position you have now and what evidence you are refering to.

You directed me to the the old Iraq thread and I showed you that what was there was a bunch of contradictory statements.

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USA , UK, won

Iraq lost

Everybody happy

Saddam is in an even hotter place than Iraq now biggrin_o.gif

Russians in big trouble


All said and done biggrin_o.gif

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Thats more utter BS. And you know it, and collecting stupid quotes on a public (and international) forum is never e-stalking (if there even is e-stalking)

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i pointed someone else to the iraq thread so they could see all the pretty links regarding evidence about WMDs, not so you could dig up stuff.

and if you want to know what my current position on things is, read what i've been saying.

edit - and that was a joke bn880 rock.gif

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I think it's fair to say that someone just got rocked. I'm not naming names, but I think we all know who it was smile_o.gif

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Your mom?

Seriously, bn880, how long did it take you to do that?

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