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Major Fubar

Piranha 6x6 (tow) v.1.0

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SMpiranha1s.jpg   SMpiranha2s.jpg

SMpiranha3s.jpg   SMpiranha4s.jpg

It's actually a "tracked" vehicle class to get around the engine restrictions, but it doesn't look too bad.

My only complaint so far - the installer. It insists on installing the pbo's into the default OFP directory, but, like many people, that's not where my OFP installations is... mad_o.gif

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I downloaded it and it was great, can you tell me where the rest of the Swiss Addons by the MOd are?

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I just through testing it and overall it was better then I expected.  I expected to hate it because it uses a tank class rather then a car class, but I didn't notice the wheels not turning left or right too much.  The only time I really noticed the difference was when the driver would rotate the whole vehicle while staying in one spot like a tank.  But he didn't do that too often.   The missiles work well but I think reload much too fast.  This vehicle has only a two shot launcher.  After that it must be manually reloaded which may take a couple of minutes. In real life it's designed to expose only the missile launcher section, fire, and then scoot off to safety at a high rate of speed.

That is really the only problem I have with this addon.  

Otherwise they seem to have gotten the armor levels to a realistic setting (destroyed with one LAW shot) so it's not a super tank or anything. It also has good animations and more importantly, while it's made for the Swiss Mod team and is in a Swiss cammo patern, it has no flags on it so you can use it for just about any country you want I think while still maintaining some degree of believability.  You don't actually need the Swiss Mod crew addon if you just put the vehicle in as empty and add in your own crew members as driver, gunner, and commander (and passengers if you want) using the mission editor.

So overall not a bad addon.   However I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish that someone would make a good LAV-25 addon for U.S. Marines.  I believe Quakergamer or someone on his mod team is making one which looks fairly good.  However I REALLY hope that it will use a car class rather then a tank class so that the wheels turn properly and all that.  I don't really think it needs a commander section as this can be used for the first "cargo" position which the squad leader of an infantry squad gets into.  In many countries the infantry squad leader is also the squad leader of the APC crew.  He also usually dismounts with the infantry.  I believe U.S. Army and Marine doctrine is different, but still I'd rather waive that one area of realism in favor of a better performing LAV-25 that is more like the DKM Patria APC addon which so far I think is the best looking and best performing wheeled APC addon in OFP so far with the latest BTR-80 addon coming in a close second.  

Anyhoo... this is a great addon and hopefully we'll being seeing more LAV's (hopefully "car class") in the near future.

Keep up the good work Swiss Mod team!

Oh... and one more thing... GET RID OF THAT HOOOOOOOOORIBLE INSTALLER!!!!!!! RAR OR ZIP!!! Installers suck ESPECIALLY when they don't even give you the choice of where you want to put the addon. It took me awhile to figure out where the heck it put this addon. So please change this if you guys are reading this.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Chris Your "talking" to much, i had togive me a kick to read all that ;)

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Wow you have some good points all that I agree on.

30 min till I finish work...

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Yeah I agree the reload time after two shots has to be longer.

Just experienced what dis baby does to a group of m113's ;)


I think it should be two rapid shots and then a long reload time

And get rid of that installer ;)

Otherwise it's a great AddOn.

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Overall a good addon.I like the way there are no national markings on it too smile_o.gif

I found a couple of minor bugs with it :


What's that blue spike above the soldier?


And here notice how the passenger compartment looks completely empty even though there should be 3 passengers inside  rock.gif

These are minor bugs that I should imagine are fairly easy to fix...  smile_o.gif

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I think it should be two rapid shots and then a long reload time

Yes, like the ingame BIS M2A2...

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Yeah, I'd like it to be like that too. Other things about it: THe sides could use a little more detail texture wise. And I don't know if its amphibious IRL, but it isn't ingame.

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The triangle bug is on the model, it is one of the triangles in o2 that you forgot to make transparent smile_o.gif

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Yeah, I'd like it to be like that too.  Other things about it:  THe sides could use a little more detail texture wise.  And I don't know if its amphibious IRL, but it isn't ingame.

Yes, it IS amphibious IRL...

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Guest DKM-jaguar

I liked Chris G.s points, for the expception of one smile_o.gif

The wheeled vehicles in ofp cannot carry missiles. They are not accepted by the engine, and so he only easy way to do it was to put it on a tank base, have it act like a tank, and look like a 6x6 AFV. This is acceptable as a workaround, in my honest opinion. The only thing is that DKM is making a BM21 multiple rocket launcher system, this will have all the functions of the car and still retain it's missiles. how: we have a Rastavovich! biggrin_o.gif

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I liked Chris G.s points, for the expception of one smile_o.gif

The wheeled vehicles in ofp cannot carry missiles. They are not accepted by the engine, and so he only easy way to do it was to put it on a tank base, have it act like a tank, and look like a 6x6 AFV. This is acceptable as a workaround, in my honest opinion. The only thing is that DKM is making a BM21  multiple rocket launcher system, this will have all the functions of the car and still retain it's missiles. how: we have a Rastavovich!  biggrin_o.gif

Yes I am aware that the "car" class can't fire guided missiles. However I was mainly referring to a LAV-25 which DOES NOT fire guided missiles. It only has a 25mm bushmaster auto-cannon and a 7..62mm coaxial machine gun in its turret.

There is also a LAV-105 with a 105mm cannon that would be very cool. smile_o.gif

As for a BM-21, that also doesn't use guided missiles (since it just launches unguided rockets) so I'm glad that your team is keeping that as a car class and not using a tank class for it like Remo's BM-21. However I must say that Remo's BM-21, while full of bugs and acting like tank, the rockets do function VERY well and the incoming rockets are very realistic in how they hit randomly over a large area. If your team can top Remo's BM-21 then that would be absolutely awesome!!! I hope also that you guys will use CoC's artillery system for your BM-21 when their arty system is released.

Anyhoo... back to this LAV, yeah I also noticed that it's not amphibious as someone else noted. That's a shame. But overall it's a sweet little vehicle as long as you're not on the recieving end of those TOW missiles. Those things are murderous with its high reload rate. One more good reason to use combined arms tactics with infantry and air support to take out such vehicles.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Guest DKM-jaguar
I liked Chris G.s points, for the expception of one smile_o.gif

The wheeled vehicles in ofp cannot carry missiles. They are not accepted by the engine, and so he only easy way to do it was to put it on a tank base, have it act like a tank, and look like a 6x6 AFV. This is acceptable as a workaround, in my honest opinion. The only thing is that DKM is making a BM21  multiple rocket launcher system, this will have all the functions of the car and still retain it's missiles. how: we have a Rastavovich!  biggrin_o.gif

Yes I am aware that the "car" class can't fire guided missiles.  However I was mainly referring to a LAV-25 which DOES NOT fire guided missiles.  It only has a 25mm bushmaster auto-cannon and a 7..62mm coaxial machine gun in its turret.

There is also a LAV-105 with a 105mm cannon that would be very cool.  smile_o.gif

Sorry, i did not realize you knew of the limitations. BTW: the Car class connot fire any missiles, be they guided or otherwise.

We had a request for the pirhana (i think) on our forums, i hope that they are happy now they got one, just not from DKM smile_o.gif

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After two month a response :P

Q : Piranha TOW it is amphibius ?

A : NO the Piranha with MG is but not with TOW tower.

Q : Why is not a car class ?

A : car class did not have a commander place and car class has too many crap with missiles AT guided on it has you have noticed.

Q : Why the vehicle can move around himself ?

A : the Piranha is 6x6 weeled all weels can turn and if I m right the vehicle can do a move of 360 approximatively ..

Notice : all suggestions for firing time and reload time is writed on my left hand :P and next version has the correct things... with new drivers without buggus and to enjoy all : NEW INSTALLER hahahahaha next version is AAE compilant for all vehicles from SwissMOD and others addons from our part.

cu guys and Stay Alert.

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After two month a response :P

Q : Piranha TOW it is amphibius ?

A : NO the Piranha with MG is but not with TOW tower.

Q : Why is not a car class ?

A : car class did not have a commander place and car class has too many crap with missiles AT guided on it has you have noticed.

Notice : all suggestions for firing time and reload time is writed on my left hand :P and next version has the correct things... with new drivers without buggus and to enjoy all : NEW INSTALLER hahahahaha next version is AAE compilant for all vehicles from SwissMOD and others addons from our part.

cu guys and Stay Alert.

Any chance that there will be a Car-class based LAV-25 with the 25mm autocannon or a LAV-105?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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After two month a response :P

Q : Piranha TOW it is amphibius ?

A : NO the Piranha with MG is but not with TOW tower.

Q : Why is not a car class ?

A : car class did not have a commander place and car class has too many crap with missiles AT guided on it has you have noticed.

Notice : all suggestions for firing time and reload time is writed on my left hand :P and next version has the correct things... with new drivers without buggus and to enjoy all : NEW INSTALLER hahahahaha next version is AAE compilant for all vehicles from SwissMOD and others addons from our part.

cu guys and Stay Alert.

Any chance that there will be a Car-class based LAV-25 with the 25mm autocannon or a LAV-105?  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Thats a good point.

And something that would be very cool.

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There about six major varients of the LAV-25 in the use military use mostly by the US Marines.

LAV-25 with the M242 25mm bushmaster chain gun and a couple of machine guns, often used in mech infantry units and scout platoons.

An Antiarmor variant with a that turrent system that of the M2A2 Bradely with a side mounted TOW missile Launcher, same firing limitation as the Bradely, must stop to fire the tow missile, and the launcher must moved into a firing position before launch can be made, but most tow equipet units the launcher is locked in that position anyway even if in real life the launcher actually can be damaged by moving around with it locked into firing position just the the M901A2 Hammer ITV.

Then there is a Vehicle recovery vehicle version, a mortor carrage vession with a 4.2 in mortor inside like the M113 version, and Engeneer version, and ambulance, and command post.

The US Army operate a small number of them, but not on the scale of the Marine Corps, they are amphibous and faster than M2A2 class vehicles. A lot of the systems are interchangable from the M2/3 vehicles. Then the illfated heavy Lax-25-A3 to replace the M8 and M551 systems that got axed.

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An Antiarmor variant with a that turrent system that of the M2A2 Bradely with a side mounted TOW missile Launcher, same firing limitation as the Bradely, must stop to fire the tow missile, and the launcher must moved into a firing position before launch can be made

If the LAV has to stop to fire could it be replaced ingame while firing with an object that looks like the LAV is immobile but can fire missiles. To clarify;

>The LAV stops

>User selcts from action menu 'Raise weapons system'

>Immobile LAV object is camcreated in place, using the same system as in the helicopter addons where the addon is replaced by a crashed object

>Player sends the target to kingdom come and selects 'Retract weapons system'

>LAV object is replaced by mobile LAV and player drives on to find something else to kill!!

Achievable??  rock.gif

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Not sure I'm not a coder just sometimes repair the real thing when the grunts break em or flip em over. Kinda saw a thread on this elsewhere for a AntiArmor HUMVEE, but seeing the LAV can launch TOWs at all you get into the touchy situation of gameplay vs realism. Most maps are not even set up to decent tactical operations with light anti tank systems like tow mounts. Kinda scripting would be easy but this LAV the turrent is in firing position always apposed to the US version where the launcher must be locked up into a firing position. TOW is a old wire guied system, even on the Cobra it is needed to sit in a position to launch the TOW, and why the Hellfire was a better replacement, Surprized these didn't find their way onto ground combat vehicles to replace the tow also, or the TOW get the same tracking aquisition system the Hellfire has. TOW still would be a harder missile to trick seeing its the gunner whos visually tracking the missile target and IR strobes couldn't confuse it as easilly. IN OFP a TOW doesn't act like a TOW realisticly to begin with. Sure its a engine limitation?

TUBE launched missile systems all have roughly the same chratistics nomater who made them.

An inital blasting charge to kick the missile out of the launcher, once the missile has cleared the tube opening usually exteands folded wings for stablization then ignites the engine and rapidly travles towards its target, usually a really fast buring engine that runs out of fule on a ranged attack and has enough inertia to slam into its target and detonate the explosive warhead.

The missile usually travels at slow enough speed it can be seen by the nakid eye.

Thats kinda a thing best left to players personal preferance, they can take a propor hull down position and go through the motions, a bot or regualr player is not going to care that they can pinch off a TWO launch while on rough terrain at speed. tounge_o.gif

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