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Licensing for lans?

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I'm told that it may be illegal to charge people money for them to play OFP:R on a LAN in an established internet cafe/Gaming LAN place of business.

Is this the case when the place of business has purchased legal copies of OFP:R GOTY for each system?

How about when the player brings his own legal copy of OFP:R and installs it on the LAN?

Barring these, can licenses be purchased that will allow a business to legally sell time on a LAN client to a customer so that he/she may play OFP:R on a LAN? If so, who would I talk to?

--Thanks in Advance,


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It should be alright if every system has a own legal copy of the game, and the place were me and my friends used to hang had a licence to charge money off the people who play these games in their place of business.

But in many other places you just pay for the computer time and not for the game time, so you can bring your own game and install it and only pay for use of the computer.

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I agree with GoOB. As I understand it you cannot charge for the use of the game, only the computers. Same way as you can't charge people to watch a DVD or video you've bought.

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I agree with GoOB. As I understand it you cannot charge for the use of the game, only the computers. Same way as you can't charge people to watch a DVD or video you've bought.


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This is what I gather: as long as every machine has a legal version of the game installed you can charge whatever you want to use the machine in the cafe ($2 or $2000 makes no difference). As long as each legal copy is installed on only one machine at a time, in cafe or elsewhere.

Codemasters are the ones to ask, and they are pretty good with getting back to people.

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In short: If you have 29 computers that will run OFP:R you need 29 copies of OFP:R and you can charge people to play this game since they (the "people") are infact just paying for the machine usage.

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