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[HOW-TO] Add a custom image to Server Admin Tool

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This How-to will allow you to add a custom server message header image to Bacon8008 "Server Admin Tool". 


This instruction assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of Arma Reforger Tools software, Workbench, and the ability to manipulate/create your own custom images. Also you have a dedicated server with "Server Admin Tool" already installed. And you don't have a custom scenario of your own. If you have your own custom scenario.... then why are you here? You know how to do this already.


See the [HOW-TO] Create an .edds file for images in this forum.


  1. Download from the workshop "ServerAdminTool Image Mod".
  2. Create New Project with Enfusion Workbench, with the addon "ServerAdminTool Image Mod" included to your project. 
  3. In your new project, add a "Images" folder. Look at the directory structure of the "ServerAdminTool Image Mod", and follow.
  4. Go to the [HOW-TO] Create an .edds file for images and follow the instructions there. Return to step 5 below.
  5. Publish your mod to the workshop. I believe you can publish as unlisted, and still use the copied link to the file. I will verify this and update.
  6. Right click on YOUR .edds file created in step 4, and select "Copy Resource Name(s).
  7. Open the "ServerAdminTools_Config.json file on the server.
  8. Locate the "serverMessageHeaderImage" in the file and paste your copied resource name.


  9. Add both mods to your servers config json file. "ServerAdminTool Image Mod", and whatever project you created above.
  10. Save the file, close, and test your server.


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Hello, its my first time trying to do something like that, and its been really hard, i was trying  to put the 'serverAdminTool Image Mod' as a addon on the enfusion, but i don't know how to do, i dowloaded in the game but it didn't show up on the enfusion, i try to click on the addon option and use the mod code, but it didn't find, so i would like to know if there is a video tutorial of how to do that, all the ones that i find are on how to make maps and add cars

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Thanks for this. Was able to get it to work quite easily but for the image i used it needed 2200W to about 675 Height. Only took a few tries to get it properly spaced.

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